Official: Detroit Pistons vs Philadelphia 76ers - Game 1 Post

Lou Will

I like the physical play of Philly, but DET are missing a lot of layups and gimme's (FTs also)....they also are playing the game very slow when there's3min left. No urgancy?
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

The Pistons look like they dont give a damn about this game
And therein lies the Pistons' problem. As a Detroit fan, I can say that they will never win another ECF or championship if they continue to playwith this "meh" attitude. They have way too many moments when they play with little to zero urgency.

Not to mention missing layups and bunny shots. SMH.
philly has a real chance to take this's 84-82 right now right? (i'm not at my tv, just looked at the yahoo sports box score)
Originally Posted by acidicality

philly has a real chance to take this's 84-82 right now right? (i'm not at my tv, just looked at the yahoo sports box score)
Maybe you're getting ahead of yourself a little bit with that one.
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