Official: Detroit Pistons vs Philadelphia 76ers - Game 1 Post

I mean, I guess I just don't like those ideas of he coulda been or shoulda been. We could say Donte Greene is a future star because he's 6'11 and has all the physical tools, but that's not the case

The difference is, we have seen the damage Sheed' could/can do when down on the low block....he had the pedigree coming out of UNC...

The NBA ruined him...he got the freedom to do what the hell he wanted, and thus he drifted further and further away from the basket. When he wants, he makes itSO damn easy to score when he has the rock with his back to the basket. He's not a one-dimensional gunner like Donte Green. Green will NEVER be the type ofpost-player Sheed is, even on his best day.
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

I thought Carney was gonna be a player once he made it. Whats gonig on with him?

hes another garbage memphis player. expect CDR to be the same when he comes out
boys playin with some Heart.
I like it
Good foul by Max.

Where's the energy from the Detroit players right now?

I thought I saw Kevin Ollie on the Sixers bench... [Barkley] Man I thought u was dead [Barkley]

@ Rip's game tonight. If you're jumper ain't falling takeit to the basket, do something man besides throwing up bricks
my worst fears.... young athletic hungry boys from Philly showin noback down..... gettin scary for the Pistons, a lot of weaker teams woulda thrown in the towel already, well see what happens down the stretch.
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