**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

Hp, I do get what you're saying, one thing though, it was not just one episode for Deb, they spent the WHOLE season with her searching. Leaving Quinn, talking to the therapist, working thru it, and in the end she reaches her destination. That's how one makes a discovery. You want her to figure it out, then sit on it for a few episodes?
And no, I don't think their first thought would be Travis may go back to the church where more cops might be going thru there. That isn't far fetched at all. Did they take some liberties? Yes, absolutely. But to me, they don't overshadow the bigger picture.
Originally Posted by willsndvl

you "tv critics" sure do know how to ruin a good show.

although a lot of the stuff y'all point out makes logical sense, that's not what i'm watching a TV SHOW for.


Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by hpscots0906

Alright explain this one to me... We're assuming these writers are talented, I'm not sure how we're still defending the writers but here we go. Season 5 Deb almost catches Dexter through detective work, planting the facts that Deb is a great detective. So now flash forward to season 6. Travis is on the loose, no one knows where he is in Miami PD including Deb. Deb has previously told Dexter to go to clean up the church. So after Travis has escaped, even if we assume Deb called Dex (we have to since it wasn't shown) to possibly warn Dexter that, I DON'T KNOW a MURDERER IS ON THE LOOSE AND MIGHT BE BACK WHERE HE SPENT MONTHS PLANNING THE ACTUAL MURDERS!!!??? And Deb who calls Batista and Quinn out for not backing each other up earlier in the season, GOES TO THE CHURCH ALONE!???

Lastly if Deb is a good detective which we are supposed to believe she is, she is going to see the connection between the Travis kill and the Bay Harbor Butcher setups. So ummm Dexter saying this was just because of what Travis did to Harrison is not going to work unless the writers believe the audience has an i.q. of 75.

These aren't small plot holes, these are shortcuts to push the story along and force a "big surprise" on viewers to get them to watch future seasons because of the wow factor. We're not even getting to the fact that within one episode Deb went from "omg I don't know what to think of my feelings to Dexter" to "Dex I love you and then seemingly is going to tell him her true feelings", I mean why else would she go to the church alone??? Unreal stuff just to push the story along, unreal.

Yes I'm Mad

The thinking is simple, what criminal is going to go back to the crime scene AFTER the cops have already been all up and thru it?  So logically, Deb doesn't think or expect Travis to attempt going back to the church anymore than she would expect him to walk thru the halls of the police station.  Is that not a logical theory? 

The building cameras make complete sense, a total farce, but if they would have shown you 7 seconds of footage of Dexter going down and removing the dvd's like we've seen before, you all would be happy.  That 7 second clip can't be that important to you guys.  Just assume he loaded the body up, went in and stole the DVD or some @#$%  It's really not that big of a deal though, no real importance to the season as a whole. 

Shortcuts, yes, of course.  Movies/tv all have to do that, they have limited time to show stuff like that.  What's next guys, when does Dexter ever go to the bathroom?  How come we didn't see anybody eat in this episode, aren't they all hungry? 

Pretty sure we're all adults and can figure out how things go, or do you need the camera to follow Dexter 24/7 so you can understand? 

As for Deb knowing this or that, we are NINE months away from season 7, how the hell does anybody know what she will assume, think, judge, say, do, etc?  Can we get a preview at least before we all start jumpin up and down?  Damn guys. 
  Maybe she pulls her gun and shoots him in the first scene, or jumps on his lap and has her way with him, who the hell knows? 

All of this!

Geez some of you dudes just LOOOVE to over analyze. So annoying
I just got put onto this show this year, after approximately a billion people (give or take) telling me since it came out that I like REALLY need to watch it.

The entire billion was right.

Never knew there were threads about the show, but it makes sense. Wish I would have thought to check NT before, but I'm on S7 right now, with Laguerta hot on Dexter's trail, and Deb hot on Dexter. 
I just got put onto this show this year, after approximately a billion people (give or take) telling me since it came out that I like REALLY need to watch it.

The entire billion was right.

Never knew there were threads about the show, but it makes sense. Wish I would have thought to check NT before, but I'm on S7 right now, with Laguerta hot on Dexter's trail, and Deb hot on Dexter. 
Too bad you can't jump in the Delorean and go back to where season 4 ended for you. Season 5-8 is pure garbage.
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I just got put onto this show this year, after approximately a billion people (give or take) telling me since it came out that I like REALLY need to watch it.

The entire billion was right.

Never knew there were threads about the show, but it makes sense. Wish I would have thought to check NT before, but I'm on S7 right now, with Laguerta hot on Dexter's trail, and Deb hot on Dexter. :lol:

The doomsday killer season wasn't even that bad though
For real!!

And then the mafia dude Isaac after that, I liked it.

Can't stand Quinn, but I haven't liked him since he first joined Miami Metro.

Question: those of you that jumped on the Slice of Life from the first episode, was it always supposed to be 8 seasons? When did people know S8 would be it?
Last 2 seasons pretty much sucked. Final season was especially bad.

I laughed seeing this thread on the first page.
Final season of this show was one of the worst final seasons of any show I've ever watched. I remember being hyped because this and "Breaking Bad" were entering their final seasons, so I was expecting GOAT epic TV for months. It's almost like the writers also wanted to just chill and watch Breaking Bad instead of improving on this show. One of the few shows I even regret getting into and becoming invested in
Y'all buggin'. Finished S7 last night and the first couple episodes of S8. I don't like what the show has done to Deb's character, but it makes total sense. Completely. Ever since she walked in on Dex at the church, the downward spiral she has taken mentally is exactly what I thought would happen if she ever found out about him. I've been playing this out in my mind every time it got real close to looking like she might be onto him. Her whole world, crushed.

Interesting twist they're doing with this neurophysicist. I like it. It's like Dex is talking to Harry... but alive.

And again, a common theme with Dex is someone who he doesn't have to hide from. He keeps finding it, then losing it. Now he's got it, again.
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How are we buggin? After season 4 that show took a straight nose dive. The writing was straight trash and a handful of Nt'ers aren't the only ones that feel that way. After you finish it up, go read reviews from respected critics. Trust me, nobody who enjoyed watching this show for the first 4 seasons wanted to see the next four seasons suck the way they did.
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