**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

Originally Posted by hpscots0906

On top of that, when have they ever had to wait for Dexter to be there to start investigating the crime scene, regardless of how much blood there was there.

Then the fact that Dexter makes the church the kill room. It is still an open crime scene, hence why Deb asked him to go clean it up, etc. Deb knew where he was going to be, especially at a normal time of day (right after he picked up Harrison). Then on top of that, the fact that Dexter somehow sneaks an unconscious Travis and Harrison down an elevator that was being posted by a cop. Yes, the cop was dead, but you're telling me that there was no other police surveillance? They weren't watching the actual security cameras within the building or elevators within the building? Deb had all the manpower she needed at her disposal and she posts 1 cop, 1 COP on top of that building?
That's what pissed me off the most. not even so much as police surveillance but this building doesn't have cameras? You got a damn elevator that gives you access to the roof and first off you just let Travis waltz up in there with Harrison and all those damn props for his sacrificial lamb altar like he a damn ghost. They thought they were slick how they basically only showed the cop, Travis, Harrison, and Dex at the Transcorp building like the damn place was abandoned.

I chalk that stuff up to lazy writers. Cuz they could've posted two or 3 cops at the building (two on the roof, one in a car, cameras, etc.) but they went the easy route. I've seen enough 24 and Prison Break to know you don't have dumb things down to that level just to get your main plot points. It's either that or Miami is getting painted as dumb cop central.
  Ya'll gotta relax with countin cops and all that.  Certainly they have stuff they want to get too, no need to go thru every detail, every hurdle to get there ya know? 

Of course it's all far fetched, just as far fetched as a serial killer working in the police department, with over 130 kills on his resume (that we know about) and nobody has caught on yet.  Every single one of his kills the first two seasons got cleaned up nice and tidy by the Bay Harbor Butcher, ok, well that was 4 years ago, we have easily 60+ bodies missing, and nobody in that state/city is calling up missing persons? 
  That point is, that stuff ain't important.  After about 10 random missing persons of that nature, somebody would catch on somewhere.  DMV, bill collectors, parole guys, family member, whatever. 

Now, to that actual fun stuff.  Dudes hand is literally sitting on top of Dexter's fridge. 
  So now we know, Louis is going to be a problem in season 7, and it ain't even Dexter's biggest problem now.  That would be Deb, the sister that wants to touch him. 
  I don't care, it's not real, they were actually married in real life, the whole Deb loves Dex thing is increasingly uncomfortable to me. My wife and I both were just like
 get this part over with. 
  But, then I felt set up, they went thru a whole bunch of that dialogue to get to the final 30 seconds, and then we all got payoff, and clarity. 

We're here now guys.  This is it.  24 episodes, 2 seasons left, and now we see what happens.  Does Deb go along with it, does she bust Dex, does she tell anyone, does he commit to everything he has done, or just this fool DDK?  So many ways this can go about.  But in the end, ALL of it is going to crush Deb if he tells her.  Rudy, Lundy, Rita/Trinity the Jordan Chase killer she let go, everything that has hurt her, everybody that has been hurt, in some way leads back to Dexter and what he's been doing.  She "should" be devastated by that.  And yet, at the same time, he's saved her life multiple times, is the person she "loves" the most
 has always helped her, in his own way, and knows her the best after all these years.  Can she really turn on that, in the name of duty?  We shall see. 

And the best part about it all, these 2 are thee best actors in the show, and they now are firmly in control of the best scenes/dialogue/moments and they will be playing off of each other.  That is fantastic news.

Quinn is getting off next year, c ya bye.  Angel, the new guy, Masuka and Laguerta should all be fine til season 8 I assume.  We'll see about Louis, and Angel's sister.  Add it all up, I can not wait for season 7, sucks that we have to wait so long.  We won't even see a trailer til like July, right? 
I wonder if seeing him kill made her not want to bone him anymore or make her want to bone him even more.
It must've been really awkward when the writers brought up this storyline.  Deb doesn't realize her feelings for Dex until they get divorced in real life and have to shoot those intimate fantasy scenes.  
Pretty good season. Only a matter of time before Deb finds out Dexter is a killer, although, he could just say his son was kidnapped and wanted revenge. The interesting part for the next seasons will be what the intern does.
Alright explain this one to me... We're assuming these writers are talented, I'm not sure how we're still defending the writers but here we go. Season 5 Deb almost catches Dexter through detective work, planting the facts that Deb is a great detective. So now flash forward to season 6. Travis is on the loose, no one knows where he is in Miami PD including Deb. Deb has previously told Dexter to go to clean up the church. So after Travis has escaped, even if we assume Deb called Dex (we have to since it wasn't shown) to possibly warn Dexter that, I DON'T KNOW a MURDERER IS ON THE LOOSE AND MIGHT BE BACK WHERE HE SPENT MONTHS PLANNING THE ACTUAL MURDERS!!!??? And Deb who calls Batista and Quinn out for not backing each other up earlier in the season, GOES TO THE CHURCH ALONE!???

Lastly if Deb is a good detective which we are supposed to believe she is, she is going to see the connection between the Travis kill and the Bay Harbor Butcher setups. So ummm Dexter saying this was just because of what Travis did to Harrison is not going to work unless the writers believe the audience has an i.q. of 75.

These aren't small plot holes, these are shortcuts to push the story along and force a "big surprise" on viewers to get them to watch future seasons because of the wow factor. We're not even getting to the fact that within one episode Deb went from "omg I don't know what to think of my feelings to Dexter" to "Dex I love you and then seemingly is going to tell him her true feelings", I mean why else would she go to the church alone??? Unreal stuff just to push the story along, unreal.

Yes I'm Mad
I'm still lost on why Deb thought meeting Dex at the church was a good idea. Like the scene of her finding out is so off and obtuse to me especially under the circumstances. A practical person would think Travis finishing his tableau's and Dec having to clean up (by himself for some reason like when has he ever really been the Janitor for crime scenes?) happened a week apart at the least.

And CP, there's a certain limit to a viewer's suspension of disbelief.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I'm still lost on why Deb thought meeting Dex at the church was a good idea.

I was thinking the same thing. Like, you know you're gonna kill this guy there, why on Earth would you meet someone at the same place you're going to kill someone on the same night at the risk of getting caught?

Also, Deb and Dexter... Isn't that incest? I mean, I know they're not real brothers and sisters, but...
Loved this season, thought it was great but the whole Deb being in love with Dex really bothered me. Thought it was sick and unnecessary for the plot.
debra knew that dex was going to be there, my guess is she went to his apartment and the baby sister said oh dexter told me he was going to clean up a crime scene for you...that is exactly what dexter told the baby sitter........

i called the ending a few weeks back on page 46 without that ending the season would have been very bad. now we are setup for a great final 2 seasons

They weren't watching the actual security cameras within the building or elevators within the building? Deb had all the manpower she needed at her disposal and she posts 1 cop, 1 COP on top of that building?

there is no way any police force on the planet after one of their own dies does not review all building cameras, no tv show is perfect somethings you just can't explain, but that is a major flaw.....every real cop is laughing about this.....this dude walked out of there with the cops on their way with in one arm his son and another travis? 
 he would either have left his kid alone in a span of 5 min or carried them both out

dexters bro was a serial killer
she has always said that he has a 6th sense about murders
she will remember that dokes didnt like dexter...doaks who has always hated dexter turned out to be the bay harbor butcher. what does she know about the bay harbor butcher? that he killed bad dudes.... what she just sawshould now put thoughts of doubt in her head that doaks was the bay harbor butcher
Trinity killer is mia after killing dexters wife(maybe now debra will see why trinity would want to kill dexters wife because dexter killer of bad dudes was hot on his tail) then its believed that trinity poped up 10 hour drive away to kill his wife and daughter.....dexter just had to go there? why because he was hunting(not trinity of course but the son) debra being a good cop should not think he was haunting trinity to kill him.
last season chase was killed by one of the rape victims and her vigilante friend, debra had the edge on them and let them go and thought what they were doing was right.....maybe she will remember dexter hanging out with a blonde for a few months who is now gone?
maybe she will remember all those harry and dexter hunting trips?
didnt harry once tell her dexter was special?
loves blood has the best access to do this type of work
his boat is called slice of life

she is a moron if she doesnt see that he is the bay harbor butcher, next season they better not even think about using the oh he had my son thats why i decided to kill him the exact way brian was going to kill you......dont try that sh.......
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Loved this season, thought it was great but the whole Deb being in love with Dex really bothered me. Thought it was sick and unnecessary for the plot.

Ya, whether they're blood or not, they're brother and sister. This was a stupid idea and it was stupid from the second the doc suggested it. How this got the OK is beyond me 
 But I'm interested to see where the Deb knowing bout Dex goes, should be some great TV tho.. 
Now that I think about it, I think there's only one logical explanation as to why Dexter would meet Deb at the church: PIS.
just saw the final and wow this season was just ok but now next season should be epic like season 1,2,4
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Loved this season, thought it was great but the whole Deb being in love with Dex really bothered me. Thought it was sick and unnecessary for the plot.

Ya, whether they're blood or not, they're brother and sister. This was a stupid idea and it was stupid from the second the doc suggested it. How this got the OK is beyond me 
 But I'm interested to see where the Deb knowing bout Dex goes, should be some great TV tho.. 
yea. that whole situation was messed up.
but the season finale was crazy! i wanna see what happens next... 
Love the ending!

Hopefully, there will be better writing next season.

Was hoping Dexter would see the hand from the ice truck killer on the last episode.
This season was ok...the finale IMO was very average until da last couple minutes.

If Deb decides not to bust Dex, he'll prolly feel like he owes her a little lovin
you "tv critics" sure do know how to ruin a good show.

although a lot of the stuff y'all point out makes logical sense, that's not what i'm watching a TV SHOW for.

Originally Posted by willsndvl

you "tv critics" sure do know how to ruin a good show.

although a lot of the stuff y'all point out makes logical sense, that's not what i'm watching a TV SHOW for.

With Dexter there's some things that you just go with, because the whole premise of the show is pretty out there. But especially this season, the writers have just gotten lazy. It wouldn't be such a problem if we didn't know that the writers were capable of better, as we've seen in previous seasons. I mean you watch TV for entertainment, but there is a fine line when a show just throws out all normal logic, and becomes completely unbelievable.
Originally Posted by hpscots0906

Alright explain this one to me... We're assuming these writers are talented, I'm not sure how we're still defending the writers but here we go. Season 5 Deb almost catches Dexter through detective work, planting the facts that Deb is a great detective. So now flash forward to season 6. Travis is on the loose, no one knows where he is in Miami PD including Deb. Deb has previously told Dexter to go to clean up the church. So after Travis has escaped, even if we assume Deb called Dex (we have to since it wasn't shown) to possibly warn Dexter that, I DON'T KNOW a MURDERER IS ON THE LOOSE AND MIGHT BE BACK WHERE HE SPENT MONTHS PLANNING THE ACTUAL MURDERS!!!??? And Deb who calls Batista and Quinn out for not backing each other up earlier in the season, GOES TO THE CHURCH ALONE!???

Lastly if Deb is a good detective which we are supposed to believe she is, she is going to see the connection between the Travis kill and the Bay Harbor Butcher setups. So ummm Dexter saying this was just because of what Travis did to Harrison is not going to work unless the writers believe the audience has an i.q. of 75.

These aren't small plot holes, these are shortcuts to push the story along and force a "big surprise" on viewers to get them to watch future seasons because of the wow factor. We're not even getting to the fact that within one episode Deb went from "omg I don't know what to think of my feelings to Dexter" to "Dex I love you and then seemingly is going to tell him her true feelings", I mean why else would she go to the church alone??? Unreal stuff just to push the story along, unreal.

Yes I'm Mad

The thinking is simple, what criminal is going to go back to the crime scene AFTER the cops have already been all up and thru it?  So logically, Deb doesn't think or expect Travis to attempt going back to the church anymore than she would expect him to walk thru the halls of the police station.  Is that not a logical theory? 

The building cameras make complete sense, a total farce, but if they would have shown you 7 seconds of footage of Dexter going down and removing the dvd's like we've seen before, you all would be happy.  That 7 second clip can't be that important to you guys.  Just assume he loaded the body up, went in and stole the DVD or some @#$%  It's really not that big of a deal though, no real importance to the season as a whole. 

Shortcuts, yes, of course.  Movies/tv all have to do that, they have limited time to show stuff like that.  What's next guys, when does Dexter ever go to the bathroom?  How come we didn't see anybody eat in this episode, aren't they all hungry? 

Pretty sure we're all adults and can figure out how things go, or do you need the camera to follow Dexter 24/7 so you can understand? 

As for Deb knowing this or that, we are NINE months away from season 7, how the hell does anybody know what she will assume, think, judge, say, do, etc?  Can we get a preview at least before we all start jumpin up and down?  Damn guys. 
  Maybe she pulls her gun and shoots him in the first scene, or jumps on his lap and has her way with him, who the hell knows? 
I just don't understand how you can let the writers get away with this. So you honestly think it should be okay, with the killer on the loose, to not even warn Dexter that Travis hasn't been caught? You really don't think there is a possibility that Travis is back at the church? The fact that Deb is going to see Dex anyway should raise some eye brows... rather than continuing to find Travis. Remember how intent she was on doing this? This is ignoring the fact that, why would they ask Dexter to clean up a crime scene all by himself? (oh wait, so they can set up the Deb and Dex scene at the end

The reason these shortcuts are terrible is because they are making these shortcuts to hurry through the story just to introduce the fact that Deb caught Dexter. The writers knew that if they didn't do this, people wouldn't have been sucked in to watch next season because this season was terrible. It was a cop out, an obvious cop out. I understand that with Dexter you just have to accept some of the over the top events that happen, but it is still supposed to represent some realistic aspect of an actual police department. Or is that too much for me to ask?

Again how does it only take one episode for Deb to go from "I don't even know if I love Dexter/What should I do/" to "I love you Dexter/ I have to confess to you". After all the time they spent developing Deb's character, they do that? Come on, you can't ignore that, they just took a shortcut to have big "wow" ending to the season to suck in viewers for next season because they know the appeal of the show is dieing and viewers are beginning to see the flaws in the show. Deb is supposed to be an excellent detective who is all about her job and the way they have Deb find out about Dexter is just luck.

I know I'm being a little over the top, but Dexter has crossed the line to trying to be a little serious, to being an over dramatic soap opera.
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