***Official Dumb Question Thread***

Originally Posted by Luong1209

If OCT means 8...

- Octopus
- Octagon
- Octuplets

Why is OCTober the tenth month?
it was the 8th month until the romans added new months .. im not sure but its soemthing like july was named after julius caesar and august wasnamed after augustus
Originally Posted by cs02132

Originally Posted by Luong1209

If OCT means 8...

- Octopus
- Octagon
- Octuplets

Why is OCTober the tenth month?
it was the 8th month until the romans added new months .. im not sure but its soemthing like july was named after julius caesar and august was named after augustus
not a dumb question at all .. learn something new everyday.thanks
Originally Posted by GregOdensBedpan

Originally Posted by cs02132

Originally Posted by Luong1209

If OCT means 8...

- Octopus
- Octagon
- Octuplets

Why is OCTober the tenth month?
it was the 8th month until the romans added new months .. im not sure but its soemthing like july was named after julius caesar and august was named after augustus
not a dumb question at all .. learn something new everyday. thanks
Thanks for answering the question! I guess my questionsare rather interesting.

ANOTHER QUESTION: Is corn-syrup really that bad for you? I've heard different things from others.
for stick shift/manual transmission drivers

When they say you're not giving enough gas, do they mean you're not stepping on the gas hard enough? Or you're just not giving enough rpms?
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

And will I regret it if I get a Dodge Charger?
Never that. Especially if you throw some duece four's on there, you're good, trust.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Does anyone else think they are getting texts/calls when they aren't...while leaving their phone on vibrate?

When my phone is on vibrate I do this all the time. Feels like it's vibrating so I check my phone and nothing happened lol
what if life is just a big dream and as soon as you die your reborn into something else?? LOL crazy i no...
When I watch Rachel Ray cook on TV, why does the camera never go below her waist....

&^% be havin' me mad...
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

If you have a cold hot pocket, is it just a pocket?
If you only have one eye...are you blinking or winking?
dont know why but im
Originally Posted by los cientos

what if life is just a big dream and as soon as you die your reborn into something else?? LOL crazy i no...
Co-Sign. I always think about this.

Does anyone else get scared trying to comprehend forever? Like this is LIFEhow can it go on forever? FOREVER? Like when does it stop? Can it really? %%*%@ not TV like..I dunno.

%**%! I just had to take a walk around my room thinking bout that %@++ no lie.
ummm...do computers in China have Chinese symbols on them? that would be cool if they did
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