***Official Eminem Thread New Album Announced TBA***

Usually when I listen to songs multiple times, it grows on me, but this did the exact opposite. I can't listen to that song again.
It was over after The Eminem Show and everybody knows it. 

This. Recovery was alright for what it was, an attempt to right the wrongs of how awful Relapse and Encore were. The Re-Up and Bad Meets Evil were far better than both of those. If you took the best songs from Encore and Relapse (you know, the ones where the beats are actually good and Eminem isn't screaming or using a terrible accent), you'd probably get a 7 track EP. I was shocked that I was able to put 15 very nice songs together from BP3 and Kingdom Come. I don't think I could get that lucky with Em's 2 worst albums
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The Eminem show is the greatest rap album of all time. Unfortunately for em, he just isn't as appealing when he's sober.
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The Eminem Show is 2nd to MMLP, both can go either way tho. those two albums ar his best in his catalog, SSLP is 3rd
A lot of people give 'Recovery' heat because of its content but I think that's far from the problem. I Love that he decided to open up, its just that lyrically, the majority of it was terrible. Just because you make a song with a positive message doesn't mean its a good song.

Its easy to give the artist ****, especially when I can just sit here and judge everything he put his hard work into. I respect him and his music whether I like it or not, because if that's the best he thinks he can do, there's really not much else he can do. But If MMLP2 isn't great, I might just have accept that this new Em is not for me, which as a hardcore fan, truly sucks.
dear Marshal ,
My name is
real slim shady
without me
let them get that catchy song so they will buy your CD . then show 'em how sick you really are on the rest of it .
nevermind no one buys cds and Slim shady is gone :stoneface:

this new yelling thing+cover song beat aint gonna do it
While this may be true, Dre def isn't what he used to be on the boards, and Em has completely lost it. I wish I saw the appeal but I don't. Dre is laughable these days and has been for a minute.
A lot of people give 'Recovery' heat because of its content but I think that's far from the problem. I Love that he decided to open up, its just that lyrically, the majority of it was terrible. Just because you make a song with a positive message doesn't mean its a good song.

Its easy to give the artist ****, especially when I can just sit here and judge everything he put his hard work into. I respect him and his music whether I like it or not, because if that's the best he thinks he can do, there's really not much else he can do. But If MMLP2 isn't great, I might just have accept that this new Em is not for me, which as a hardcore fan, truly sucks.

I'm so confused on why people say this still. TES had Eminem pretty much open about his life and was very personal. But it was crafted well and lyrically it was probably his best work. Recovery lacked the same rhyme schemes and lyrical impact. It was filled with weak punchline after punchline. Something Eminem isn't known for but for some reason has relied on post Relapse.

A track like 25 To Life pails in comparison to tracks like I Use To Love Her, I Gave You Power, Me & My Girlfriend. It was such a generic creative attempt we seen Em kill creative tracks like that in the past (Stan, Guilty Conscience, MOSH)

AND LOL @ dude who said Encore was flames....SMH
Personally, I don't think anyone can name the best rap album of all time. There's too many classics but I think SSLP and MMLP would be in my top 10 if I had to make a list.
It is impossible to name THE best rap album of all time because of opinions and each rappers style, flow, and lyricism so I doubt there could ever be one especially with so many different opinions but MMLP definitely deserves tone called one of the greatest rap albums of all time
As someone said I don't think there is a definitive GOAT album but MMLP is definitely in the conversation.
I know a lot of people that have TES as their favorite Em album.
Really? That's surprising.

MMLP is definitely his best IMO. And while both SSLP and TES are incredible albums I think that they are inferior to MMLP.

I'd rank them like this:





Recover = Relapse

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