Official: FIFA '10 Thread... Vol. eek

I just copped a PS3 and have Fifa10 coming Friday.

Only way I could do the league is if I played games pretty late on EST.
yo! does anyone feel that this game is tweaked a bit? for two games i will play great, then my next 2 games or so i will play completly horrible. does thishappen to anyone else? is there anything i can do to change this? or maybe my fifa skills are very inconsistent?
I'm mad it took me so long to find out about the pro camera angle. I was getting murked on the default camera and now i'm beasting. So much easier topass and move the ball around.

GT: Thirty Tres

WE need to do a league or something
I love FIFA no lie...but some dudes are dangerously cheesy online, word to chester the cheetah. I don't give props to dudes who score the same ugly luckybreakaway goals where their strikers are like fricken Usain Bolt and somehow you're defender miraculously misses the tackle and this guy pulls some houdiniby you.
i've been hooked but I feel like I suck. I'm 24-0-1 on semi-pro with real madrid but feel like I could be much better any tips or advice?

Especially with manager mode
PS3 NTers add me.

PSN: MrGuapo214

Send a PM when you add me, I'll play any of you anytime today.
Got the game for Christmas.

After playing 09 for close to a whole year this will take some time getting used to.

It is so much harder scoring now but I am up for the challenge.

I roll with Barca like I always have.

Gamertag : muzik23
whens this league going to get set up? Only people who are really committed to finishing it because last time, smh.
im pretty good with bayern munich. Ive been on COD recently but am always done to play anyone anytime.. holla at BraddPiff on PS3.
I just got the game a month ago and I'm wondering what team everyone runs with? Are there people who play for 360? I've played older FIFA games, butnothing like this time.

Do you guys have tips for me (besides telling me not to use turbo all the time)?

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