Official FIFA Soccer 13 Thread: Out Now!

Got my feet wet with Pro club for the first time. Was extra terrible. Then got disconnected.
Just a tip for FUT players: Follow @EASPORTSFIFA on Twitter. They announce when servers go down. When they do, bid on open-bids and hope for the best.

Best I got was Gotze for 11k, goes for around 15k. Some dude got IF Kroos for 5k tonight.

Smh I tried to get Gotze for my career but he was 52 million. Got Thomas Muller for 25-30 m instead..How much is hazard going for on UT :nerd:

I swear FIFA games have the best soundtracks too :pimp:
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Don't know whose worse, EA servers or 2K servers :smh:

Man, if we had defenders on uMad FC instead of the CPU, we'd concede far less stupid goals than we do.

I played CB a few nights ago. Ill do it more often. I actually scored more goals at CB than i have at winger or st simply because my 5'10 dude summons drogba, falcao, and superhead for those corner kick goals.
How much is hazard going for on UT :nerd:

130k give or take pretty much the price of his IF from last year i see it dropping tho as soon as an IF is release
or later on in the game when more are pulled from packs

im sitting on about 115K with maybe another 10-15 in the trade pile no clue what i want to do
anybody have any team suggestions? hybrids to be more precise
IDK the one thing i love the most about UT is building teams and trying to get 100 chem
fyi... for you dudes that use the EAS catalogue for player boosts/UT coin rewards.

the current challenge is MCFC vs Dortmund... all you have to do is covert Balotelli's penalty and hold on for a draw. game starts in the 90th minute. easy $.
^I am boosting my way to get a decent pro
almost done with all online pro catalogues, cop a pair of cleats then boost offline dude. and of course get the MLS all star team
Wow I had no idea what I was supposed to do with those coins until I saw those above posts :lol:

200 extra coins for the next 15 UT games :pimp: :pimp:
scored 5 goals in a drop in match last night. :pimp:

actually played like a team and had some good ball movement. ive found that late night/early morning is best for drop in's. dudes playing at that time dont seem to be the typical idiots/noobs.

first touch took time to get used to, but once you figure it out... you see how some of the ball mechanics and skill moves have really been improved this year. my last goal was single foot step over (flick ball left to right with one foot). i could rarely get this move to work in 12.
they key to drop in games is to not let the lobby fill up...get like 5 or 6 on each team and thug it out. defense is completely different from club ball, tho.
If ribery gunna be doin ronaldo/messi #s smh... from what i understand nif ribery is alrdy one of the very best players n the game.

My boy that hs him said hes "muchhh" better than neymar even. I alrsy dump all my coins in topacks but heres hopin i can snag a totw ribery
not sure, id guess around 60-70 in 120+ games.

the stats are pretty wonky in this game tho, so it's hard to get an accurate number. i got the +1 shooting accomplishment for 35 goals like 4 times. yesterday, i was 54/100 for 'goals as part of a club' .... today im at 48. right now it says 27 goals on the pro club main screen.

it's weird because some of the stats are tracked for your entire career, while others are just tallied during your club matches. then, others are based on position. hard to keep track.

hopefully the title update this weekend will rectify a lot of the bugs and glitches in pro clubs.

official FIFA vids >
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^I've done the one at 1:00 but I still think thats nothing compared to other nasties I've seen
Much better vid. Still hateeee that double horizintal back left stick move... that move plus ronaldo gave me nightmaees in fifa 12. Unstoppable
joe, some accomplishments are based on what position you play. the defence, for example, has to be done as a cb....the main screen shows your stats at your pros position, then the accomplishments say overall...

but you right about them saving sometimes and not others, i think it has to do with the servers going in and out.

my fav from that clip was the one at :34 :nerd:

my pro is an 86 ovr


88 sprint speed
85 accel
i dont think you can learn them all, im just trynna get 3 or 4 i can do consistently every time.
i dont think you can learn them all, im just trynna get 3 or 4 i can do consistently every time.

These do me proper.... (ps3)

1. Simple ball roll. (Hold right stick one direction)

2. Feint n go ( tap right stick n feint direction while holding l2 then hold direction u wanna run)

3. Cut back /fake shot(begin powering shoot button... slide finger to x mid shot n hold right stick n direction u wana cut)

4. Spin move (quickly rotate right stick 360 degrees))

5. Cr7 cutback ( double tap backwards n horizontally which way u wanna cut)

6. Raimbow flip ( down. Down up n rythm)

All done while holding l2... the only other move i ever do is the ball roll stop
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