OFFICIAL Fight Night Round 4 Thread: New Controller scheme for you cheaters!... for free

I swear to god these controls can be unresponsive as hell...

In legacy training, cant even get the heavy bag combos right although I know Im pressing in the right direction. The type of punch that comes out is a f'incrapshoot tho...
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

I swear to god these controls can be unresponsive as hell...

In legacy training, cant even get the heavy bag combos right although I know Im pressing in the right direction. The type of punch that comes out is a f'in crapshoot tho...

The type of punch that comes out is a f'in crapshoot tho...

So true.

Gameplay is alot better than I anticipated. Seemed more balanced than the previous FNs and the fighting styles are way more versatile.

Being a boxing junkie tho, there are things that bother me. Like why PacMan is wearing GRANT boxing gloves instead of Cleto Reyes gloves? The boxers stilldon't step into their punches and when they throw the jab-straight combo it looks sooo robotical. There should be more emphasis on straight punches ratherthan hooks and uppercuts. I could go on..but its a game and I'm fine w/ the overall product.
Game is hot, looks amazing on my 50'' sony

my 1st fight Winky Wright vs Roy Jones JR
as soon as the bell rang i countered a Roy Jones hook and came back with my own and knocked him down...
i ended up getting knocked out in the 6th round

game is great by my standards so far, gonna try legacy mode next
EA %!%%!$ THIS ONE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to disconnect from xbox live to start the damn game,now IM GETTING A !%#*%%# DISC READING ERROR WHEN I CREATE MY CHARACTER IN LEGACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !%!!
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

The type of punch that comes out is a f'in crapshoot tho...

So true.

Gameplay is alot better than I anticipated. Seemed more balanced than the previous FNs and the fighting styles are way more versatile.

Being a boxing junkie tho, there are things that bother me. Like why PacMan is wearing GRANT boxing gloves instead of Cleto Reyes gloves? The boxers still don't step into their punches and when they throw the jab-straight combo it looks sooo robotical. There should be more emphasis on straight punches rather than hooks and uppercuts. I could go on..but its a game and I'm fine w/ the overall product.
Being a huge fan of R3, when I first played R4 wasn't a real big fan. The first thing I noticed was the great improvement of graphics, and interface, butthe controls did seem a bit unresponsive and it did make things a little frustrating. The gameplays a lot smoother and more balanced, but i'm not sure howi feel about the point system in between rounds, camera swing when you miss a punch, fighters looking like they're wax, and getting back up from aknockdown. Huge step up from R3 but all these improvements makes it feel like a brand new game to me which sucks because you can't go in playing like youdid in R3. The pros definitely outweigh the cons in this one and its worth buying.

Just got done finished talking S*** to my friend who bought this before me just to get the edge on me. he sucked at R3, i lost multiple times and i'm kindablown.

At first I would say 8.5 but just downloaded Obama, Kanye, Apollo, Rocky, and Floyd lol.

Overall 9/10.
other fixes people have found include deleting all your music/custom soundtracks you have saved on your HD. i didn't have any music saved on my HD, so idon't know what my problem was. i kept messing with stuff and i went on my computer and turned off media sharing. it seems to work fine, but i enjoyedplaying certain games with my own music playing. so yeah. turning off media sharing worked for me, but it still doesn't excuse the EA BS going on withthis.

I am the same way, I had the problem with the demo but I assumed they had it worked out, but was ready to break something when I saw the actual game was doingthe same thing. I unplugged my wireless adapter and it worked but I shouldn't have to do that everytime.
Originally Posted by theword

Being a huge fan of R3, when I first played R4 wasn't a real big fan. The first thing I noticed was the great improvement of graphics, and interface, but the controls did seem a bit unresponsive and it did make things a little frustrating. The gameplays a lot smoother and more balanced, but i'm not sure how i feel about the point system in between rounds, camera swing when you miss a punch, fighters looking like they're wax, and getting back up from a knockdown. Huge step up from R3 but all these improvements makes it feel like a brand new game to me which sucks because you can't go in playing like you did in R3. The pros definitely outweigh the cons in this one and its worth buying.

Just got done finished talking S*** to my friend who bought this before me just to get the edge on me. he sucked at R3, i lost multiple times and i'm kinda blown.

At first I would say 8.5 but just downloaded Obama, Kanye, Apollo, Rocky, and Floyd lol.

Overall 9/10.

How did you do this?
Originally Posted by parada45

I am 4-0 in Legacy mode so far

How do you get Obama and them?

For 360 --

Get on XBL from the menu screen. Then choose the option 'Boxers Share' or something like that.

From there you should be able to find uploaded fighters. There's all sorts from ROCKY characters to Eminem. To fighters like DLH, Holyfield, David Haye,Trinidad, PBF. I haven't seen a good version of Floyd yet. But most have been on point.
copping later this afternoon. can't wait. trading in a few games at gamestop and getting this joint for the low
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

The type of punch that comes out is a f'in crapshoot tho...

So true.

Gameplay is alot better than I anticipated. Seemed more balanced than the previous FNs and the fighting styles are way more versatile.

Being a boxing junkie tho, there are things that bother me. Like why PacMan is wearing GRANT boxing gloves instead of Cleto Reyes gloves? The boxers still don't step into their punches and when they throw the jab-straight combo it looks sooo robotical. There should be more emphasis on straight punches rather than hooks and uppercuts. I could go on..but its a game and I'm fine w/ the overall product.
seriously had me type upset
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

The boxers still don't step into their punches and when they throw the jab-straight combo it looks sooo robotical. There should be more emphasis on straight punches rather than hooks and uppercuts. I could go on..but its a game and I'm fine w/ the overall product.

yeah basically my gripe too, lasting over from round 3

theres like no explosiveness really, jabs still look like pitter pats, but oh well, they have a foot speed rating and players still lumber or float

but after saying all that, ive been waiting for this game for mad long, as well as tyson, and im happy with it after a day or so of playing
Roy Jones is pissing me off.... The way the analog stick responses to his style is horrible. Every other time I throw a left jab he throws something different.I know for a fact it's a left jab cause I throw it the same direction everytime. %$%! is pissin me off cause I be settin cats up with the left jab ...

Other than that I think this game is FIRE.... I can play for hours straight.
^^^^ truth......
my thoughts....
i hate that you cant press one button to jump back/forward...the sticks is not process fast enough to move away...therefore you get lit up when getting out fora rest. So when youre fighting someone that is a quicker inside fighter your screwed


Legacy mode is greatly improved.... everyone should work through the kinks, i think its worth the hassle

Tyson vs Frazier Epic battle!!!
oh dude, I had no idea you could straight download others created fighters for free. siiick...hoping someone makes a tarver.
Anyone else put themselves into the game ? I was pretty surprised at how well the game picked up my face with a cell phone picture. My one day stubble showedup on the character
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

Anyone else put themselves into the game ? I was pretty surprised at how well the game picked up my face with a cell phone picture. My one day stubble showed up on the character

Ok, I'm sold. Goin to cop nao!
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