OFFICIAL Fight Night Round 4 Thread: New Controller scheme for you cheaters!... for free

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

i never played any other configs except for the controls straight to is nice btw..legacy mode is going to have me hooked

Yeah....people use buttons and want to be respected in this game?

But you couldn't win this just using buttons in FNR3.

You'd have to use the analog to throw bigger punches. So that argument is getting old now.
scooped las night but didnt crack the seal till earlier today ..

after 1st run Tyson/Lennox i wasnt pleased because i truly miss the buttons ( hopefully they patch it in

the analog does take time getting used to if you did not use it in FNR3 ..

the game is solid and they did a great job minus the Mayweather incident ..

DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS GAME .. yes the analog will have to get used to but the game is most def crack
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by AG 47

imINchucks5 wrote:

i never played any other configs except for the controls straight
to is nice btw..legacy mode is going to have me hooked

Yeah....people use buttons and want to be respected in this game?

But you couldn't win this just using buttons in FNR3.

You'd have to use the analog to throw bigger punches. So that argument is getting old now.

How the hell couldn't you win? You throw punches hella fast with the buttons than the analog stick. You should know this.
So is this offically out in most stores or is everyone in here just getting hooked up??? I really want to cop this game ASAP but ain't tryin to leave thehouse unless I'm for sure it's out... It's hot as hell right now that's why.


For those that have this game already... Do the boxers have their character traits in the game??? Like Pac Man raising both fists in the air in the middle ofthe fight... etc. I just think it adds a more realistic touch when the developers add the extras in like that.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by AG 47

imINchucks5 wrote:

i never played any other configs except for the controls straight
to is nice btw..legacy mode is going to have me hooked

Yeah....people use buttons and want to be respected in this game?

But you couldn't win this just using buttons in FNR3.

You'd have to use the analog to throw bigger punches. So that argument is getting old now.

How the hell couldn't you win? You throw punches hella fast with the buttons than the analog stick. You should know this.

As if only punching wins rounds.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by AG 47

imINchucks5 wrote:

i never played any other configs except for the controls straight
to is nice btw..legacy mode is going to have me hooked

Yeah....people use buttons and want to be respected in this game?

But you couldn't win this just using buttons in FNR3.

You'd have to use the analog to throw bigger punches. So that argument is getting old now.

How the hell couldn't you win? You throw punches hella fast with the buttons than the analog stick. You should know this.

As if only punching wins rounds.

sound like my friend.
God damn, i was Tyson and i was facing Lennox, dude knocked me out in the 9th round of a WAR. @!#* is a lot harder than FNR3
^^Same here.

I was ahead on the scorecards with Iron Mike 7 rounds to 2 and Ali just put me on the ground in the 10th.

Great game!
Originally Posted by 430AM

So is this offically out in most stores or is everyone in here just getting hooked up??? I really want to cop this game ASAP but ain't tryin to leave the house unless I'm for sure it's out... It's hot as hell right now that's why.

it has officially been out since yest at all gamestops and best buys least around here
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

God damn, i was Tyson and i was facing Lennox, dude knocked me out in the 9th round of a WAR. @!#* is a lot harder than FNR3

LOL yo thats wild..the same EXACT thing happened to me when i fought lennox with tyson in my 1st match ever on this game.
Just copped...

Someone please explain the stamina tho cause I was just Tyson against Foreman and it seemed like dude was throwing twice as many punches yet his stamina stayedfilled and mine was always empty. I was blocking for damn near a min. just to try and get my stamina up.

Is there something I'm missin???
@ EA for not fixing the freezing issuethat plagued the demo at the loading screen.

god this sucks.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

@ EA for not fixing the freezing issue that plagued the demo at the loading screen.

god this sucks.

its EA ..u really didnt expect them to fix that did you? lets be serious here..thats like saying their servers were going to run properly for this game
some things u just have to expect from 1 of the worst game companies
^ i know. i'm just pissed off that i paid damn near 70 dollars to be a beta tester for this game.
I actually have faith in EA. They have been throwing out some good games out there. To think they would polish the game after the demo was released was all ingood hope. Companies seem to never change anything once they release a demo. It's just too late even if it is months before release. Whenever someone says"it's just the demo, the game will be more polished"..I just think it's a waste of breath.. Still looking forward to this anyhow.
^it's not a matter of adding more polish to the game. the demo would crash at the first loading screen when you boot it up. it was a widespread issue andEA was aware of it.

that same crashing issue wasn't fixed and is in the retail version of the full game. it crashes the system at the first screen you see when you boot it up.even if it was too late to add anything to the disc from the time the demo dropped, they still had PLENTY of time to prep a patch to fix the issue for thepeople this affects.
Pac Man is the biz in this game... My dude is super fast with the punch combos.

Two right jabs to a right hook to the head = good night. period.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

^it's not a matter of adding more polish to the game. the demo would crash at the first loading screen when you boot it up. it was a widespread issue and EA was aware of it.

that same crashing issue wasn't fixed and is in the retail version of the full game. it crashes the system at the first screen you see when you boot it up. even if it was too late to add anything to the disc from the time the demo dropped, they still had PLENTY of time to prep a patch to fix the issue for the people this affects.

Well damn, then I'm surprised EA hasn't fixed an issue that big by now
Originally Posted by jae oh en

^it's not a matter of adding more polish to the game. the demo would crash at the first loading screen when you boot it up. it was a widespread issue and EA was aware of it.

that same crashing issue wasn't fixed and is in the retail version of the full game. it crashes the system at the first screen you see when you boot it up. even if it was too late to add anything to the disc from the time the demo dropped, they still had PLENTY of time to prep a patch to fix the issue for the people this affects.
Are you still having trouble loading the game? Unplug your internet (assuming you have XBL) and load the game without it. It worked for me, as Ijust plugged my internet back in once the game had passed the opening screen.
Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Hey, does anybody have problems loading the game? I wasn't able to download the demo because it would always freeze at the home screen. Now that I purchased the retail version, it does the same %#*$.

RIP to your xbox.
Are you still having trouble loading the game? Unplug your internet (assuming you have XBL) and load the game without it. It worked for me, as I just plugged my internet back in once the game had passed the opening screen.

yeah. i was cool with unplugging my internet with the demo to get it to work. but i shouldn't have to do that every time with a legit retailcopy of the game.

other fixes people have found include deleting all your music/custom soundtracks you have saved on your HD. i didn't have any music saved on my HD, so idon't know what my problem was. i kept messing with stuff and i went on my computer and turned off media sharing. it seems to work fine, but i enjoyedplaying certain games with my own music playing. so yeah. turning off media sharing worked for me, but it still doesn't excuse the EA BS going on withthis.
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