OFFICIAL Fight Night Round 4 Thread: New Controller scheme for you cheaters!... for free

i thought demo was alright, my hooks were coming out 2 slow so i just threw jabs the whole time.
unless i could get a good counter to throw a haymaker or an uppercut. but illwait till the price drops before i pick it up.
Just copped...

so they took out the configuration where u punch wit the button?

punching wit the analogs just isnt natural for me
There's only one config, which is with the analog sticks.

I can't wait to recreate Foreman-Frazier, Although with a different end to the fight.
well that sucks about the config...imma try to get comfortable with it...but if not....gear up for Madden, Ncaa, and Fifa....
Used to play with config. 5? You must have a clitoris as well.

Won't be copping this till Thursday but I can't wait. I've been playing the demo repeatedly for weeks now.
hmm.. seems like the people posting in here have some mixed reviews on this game.... the graphics do look nice though.
as a past user of config 5 and having a clitoris... ive had a change or heart as well as a sex change and the analog controls are 2349238x better than thebuttons...

its more natural using the stick to throw different punches - throwing a hook or a uppercut in real life takes longer than throwing a jab, and that istranslated in the amount of time it takes for rotate ur stick around to do it... mashing buttons was way too cheap come to think of it being able to input auppercut as fast as it took to input a jab on the controller

and the counter game is more realistic here as well - doesnt have that fake 5 second stun there was in fight night 3 when u parried

hopefully the computer is harder tho cuz it got too easy on the hardest difficulty in fight night 3 - but then again theres online mode

wasnt gona cop but i can't live without having a solid boxing title in my hand (fight night 3 got too boring and repetitive)
The usual spot that sells games early on Jamaica(2 blocks off supthin) has it. I'm gonna wait and trade in some crappy games I have at gamestop for this.
i never played any other configs except for the controls straight to is nice btw..legacy mode is going to have me hooked
I played a few matches and I must say that the Boxer AI is crazy, and I was only playing on pro
...... Fighting Kelly P. w/ Marvin Hagler the CPU jabbedthe hell out of me with Kelly's reach advantage and wouldn't let me get inside, but once i did I'd push off and get a quick punch in here andthere. The nxt round the CPU made the adjustments and weaved when i tried pushing off and decked me

This game is
so far, Hearns and suprisingly Corrales have been my two fav boxers right now.
enjoyed it so far..only got one match in last night..controls take a little getting used to but im liking it
Hey, does anybody have problems loading the game? I wasn't able to download the demo because it would always freeze at the home screen. Now that Ipurchased the retail version, it does the same %#*$.
are all the fighters unlocked for use in exhibition from the get go?
hows the online?

im about to go buy this in a few minutes
im kinda upset tho EA said the game came out the 25th but my store has been having it since the 23rd from what i heard...but im just glad its finally out
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]There's only one config, which is with the analog sticks.[/color]

I can't wait to recreate Foreman-Frazier, Although with a different end to the fight.

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

i never played any other configs except for the controls straight to is nice btw..legacy mode is going to have me hooked

Yeah....people use buttons and want to be respected in this game?
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