Official Final Fantasy Thread | XII is the GOAT

The game grew on me severely after finishing chapter 8. Now I feel obsessed and couldn't stop thinking about it at work.

Holding down attack button works early in the game but you will be washed later on because holding down the button makes you more susceptible to enemy attacks and you can't block/dodge/parry while performing an attack animation. So I tap the button for every time I want to attack a la kingdom hearts and I am still able to combo. I went from Ds every battle to constant A+'s.

Also pressing O to attack and [] to defend is the dumbest thing ever. Switch to the second control type where it's L1 to defend. Holding L1 while pressing Square to attack works better for me.
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The game is pretty boring so far. Just been doing all these little side quests and haven't gotten to the story yet. I think I'm about to though.
Seriously wanna pull the trigger on this. Haven't played a FF since FFX and the only one I completed is FFVII. Been hearing a lot of good things about it too

Do it! I was in the same boat. The only FF game I've played before was 7 & 9 :lol: so it's been awhile. But i'm definitely enjoying this game so far.
Game started boring for me as well. The lower level side quests are trash but as you get stronger and face strong enemies, I find that the higher-level quests are quite fun. Especially when you start getting up there stat-wise and don't have to trip about MP every 3 seconds. I hardly go into Stasis anymore and warp-blitz every enemy.

I'm in the area right before the final part of the game, no spoilers but it's kind of a situation where the game warns you that you're at the end and asks if you're sure you want to proceed. Similar to Kingdom Hearts, I guess. That leads me to believe that also like Kingdom Hearts, it's going to be something where when you beat the game, it'll probably just take you right back to the area right before the end so you can go back and finish the old quests.

The recommended level for the final area is 45, I just hit 49 I believe so I'll do some more sidequests, level up, then I'll go ahead and beat it when I hit 55.

I'll post a long, detailed review then. By the way, and once again no spoilers, Chapter 13 is the worst part of the game, actually the worst part of any game I've played recently :x
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I've read that theres a bunch of post game content and extra dungeons so it's definitely not over after the last battle. Also, there's a holiday update coming that includes new game+ that makes everything way harder.
Which was the FF game that had the secret master weapons that you had to fight, there was one in the bottom of the ocean I think....whichever that was, that was the GOAT FF game....
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Lmao that warp slash attack in the right area is godlike. I literally can take on a whole army even if my team mates are dead. You just spam it over and over again lmao
maybe in new game plus mode u get the wedding and ravus/ieodalus are bigger antagonists in place of ardyn?
15 hours of game play, and I'm still on chapter 3. The side quests never end and they get repetitive. I would quit the side quests but an anal part of me doesn't like to leave things unfinished.

The only thing I won't touch is the fishing. Fishing has been annoyed. Right bait. Right spot. And the fishes won't bite. Miss me with that ****

I'm used to linear game play and I was resistant to the open world at first but once I decided to just take my time with the game and relax, I'm enjoying the world that they built for us.
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It appears the ball was dropped on this...what a shame....they need to go back to basics on these RPGs
It appears the ball was dropped on this...what a shame....they need to go back to basics on these RPGs
Yeah this game looks way to futuristic..ill just play Bethesda games for my rpg fix

FFXII was that last great FF installment..too bad the HD Remaster looks like trash..they should do an actual remake
Which was the FF game that had the secret master weapons that you had to fight, there was one in the bottom of the ocean I think....whichever that was, that was the GOAT FF game....

Lol I think you might be thinking of final fantasy 8. Ultima Weapon? I think he was called.
It appears the ball was dropped on this...what a shame....they need to go back to basics on these RPGs
Dropped the ball? I personally think the game is dope. Rent it from Redbox and see for yourself.
IMO the GOAT RPG game is Chrono Trigger....till this day the nostalgic feels are real for that game and I'm soooooo mad Squaresoft never gave it a proper remake...I wouldn't even want a sequel.
My gripe is that all these side quests seem to do is just help level up your characters, and money. There doesn't seem to be any other reward other than that. For that, I could just be fighting monsters all day lol.
My gripe is that all these side quests seem to do is just help level up your characters, and money. There doesn't seem to be any other reward other than that. For that, I could just be fighting monsters all day lol.

What level are you? The higher level quests are more fun and fulfilling
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