Official Final Fantasy Thread | XII is the GOAT

They held a big *** media event for the game in LA and showed a trailer with it. On the FFXV YouTube page there's another trailer that shows it and nothing but it.

If it's a spoiler SE sure didn't give a damn, they posted it back in June.
Chapter 13 was very meh. It wasn't as bad for me since I did it in two separate sittings, but I would have no desire to play through it again in its current state.
They might've patched it already then? I was told that once you start 13 you have to do it in one sitting :nerd:
Chapter 13 was very meh. It wasn't as bad for me since I did it in two separate sittings, but I would have no desire to play through it again in its current state.

I did it in 2 settings as well, but not by choice

Played it for a while, realized that this whack **** was going on way longer than expected, resolved to finish it before bed, realized this whack **** was unnecessarily long as HELL and I had work in the morning, had to put the PS4 in rest mode and come back to it after work the next day.

And I disagree about it helping you in regular combat, I literally see Chapter 13 as something they thought up in 2007 and never got rid of.

Everything about it sucks to me. It's so cheap and poorly realized.
Then what's so annoying about 13? Yall about to make me rush the game now cuz I'm kinda curious.

You'e separated from your party and stripped of all of your weapons, magic and abilities. The only thing you have is the Ring of Lucis with 2 abilities; hold circle for Death and it targets your enemy and it slowly drains their health while draining your MP; it takes about 5 full seconds to eliminate the smaller enemies you'll encounter. Square becomes Holy, which just lets you dodge close attacks and do a little damage. The main enemy you'll come across are Axemen. This section of the game implements survival horror elements in that you can "hide" from the Axeman by slipping into a little space down the hallways they walk through, let them pass and keep moving forward. If you end up having to fight them, they rush you quickly and it takes maybe 10 full seconds for your ring to kill them, so you'll have to use the ring, run away, use it again, run around some more and then use it again. You might need to use an Ether to re-fill your MP just for 1 of these guys. This is why the game encourages you to hide from the Axemen; so that you don't have to actually fight them. Axemen are also scattered along the floors and will attempt to grab you when you pass by as a jump scare and you spam circle to get away.

The chapter is about an hour and a half long I think, and you don't get an actual weapon to use until you're maybe 75% through the area. Also, the area is aesthetically dull in that it's just the same hallways over and over for the most part. There are also some puzzles that utilize key cards that were poorly used and very easy to get through.

Towards the end of the chapter, you encounter a mini-boss, which you are not equipped to actually fight 1 on 1, so you're forced to just run through the area. At the end of the chapter, you'll have a weapon and your party and you can handle the mini-boss and his goons fairly easily.

The article below mentions how the chapter shouldn't be changed as it provides a stark contrast to the rest of the game and makes Noctis feel helpless in the sense that he's been stripped of everything.
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The game takes away your weapons and party and dumps you in a never ending level of finding key cards and unlocking doors. You have to avoid the magitek zombie robots with bootleg, lazy *** stealth gameplay. KEYCARDS AND LOCKED DOORS EVERY 5 MINUTES

And visually the level looks awful, I'm talking 2005 graphics. And the game throws you cheap *** jump scares constantly. There's no real metrics for the circumstances in which you are spotted by an enemy, you know like in GOOD stealth games :lol:

Beat me to it
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The game takes away your weapons and party and dumps you in a never ending level of finding key cards and unlocking doors. You have to avoid the magitek zombie robots with bootleg, lazy *** stealth gameplay. KEYCARDS AND LOCKED DOORS EVERY 5 MINUTES

And visually the level looks awful, I'm talking 2005 graphics. And the game throws you cheap *** jump scares constantly. There's no real metrics for the circumstances in which you are spotted by an enemy, you know like in GOOD stealth games :lol:

Beat me to it


Seems like we felt the same way about the chapter too :smh:
Soo.. In this battle it prompts me to press L2 to summon Ramuh. I keep doing it but nothing is happening. Glitch?!

*edit I beat the boss without the summon, it annoyed the hell outta me that I get the summon prompt, I press the button and he wouldn't come though -_-
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Soo.. In this battle it prompts me to press L2 to summon Ramuh. I keep doing it but nothing is happening. Glitch?!

*edit I beat the boss without the summon, it annoyed the hell outta me that I get the summon prompt, I press the button and he wouldn't come though -_-

You have to hold it down instead of just pressing it. Had the same issue.
Soo.. In this battle it prompts me to press L2 to summon Ramuh. I keep doing it but nothing is happening. Glitch?!

*edit I beat the boss without the summon, it annoyed the hell outta me that I get the summon prompt, I press the button and he wouldn't come though -_-

You have to hold it down instead of just pressing it. Had the same issue.

I blew through all of my pots and most of my elixirs trying to get the stupid thing to summon. Didn't know I was supposed to hold L2 and not sure how I finally got him to summon without that knowledge.
I was really running around the boss tapping L2 thinking the game was broken. Lmao. Thanks bros.

I was about to throw a temper tantrum but then I was like F it and just used my regular attacks
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The game takes away your weapons and party and dumps you in a never ending level of finding key cards and unlocking doors. You have to avoid the magitek zombie robots with bootleg, lazy *** stealth gameplay. KEYCARDS AND LOCKED DOORS EVERY 5 MINUTES

And visually the level looks awful, I'm talking 2005 graphics. And the game throws you cheap *** jump scares constantly. There's no real metrics for the circumstances in which you are spotted by an enemy, you know like in GOOD stealth games
Beat me to it
Agreed 100%. This is the one level that I honestly hated.
I clicked on the spoilers. I can see now why the last level would be annoying. F it. Ima take my time and hope they patch it by the time I get there :lol:
50 hrs in and I just got on chapter 6. I swear to God I was hearing the chocobo theme music in my dreams [emoji]128557[/emoji]

If I wasn't so bad at navigating maps and some of these side quests would've been far less hours played I'm sure..

Now I'm using YouTube to help me find all those little hard to find **** Without YouTube, I'd truly be taking forever.

Should've just used the internet from the jump. When I wasn't using YouTube I took like two hours to do the yellow frogs quest. The strategy guide was no help lol.

I haven't even gotten into anything fun yet like high level optional dungeons. :frown:
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Lol I don't remember but I think level 20 is good enough to beat him. I didn't use the fire barrels. I had the flame of brennen swords however you call it and gladius and noctis had that equipped. I chopped away at deadeye and that seemed to do the trick.
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Beat the story last night.

The only redeeming quality of chapter 13 was that it made chapter 14 feel THAT much better. I didnt outright hate 13 and actually liked the concept they went with but it got tedious quickly.

I dont understand how they made all the chapters super short but make the most annoying one the longest though.
i think its interesting them playing with different genres tho

like final fantasy: survival horror

or final fantasy: fps

final fantasy: mirrors edge

final fantasy:t a telltale game
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