Official Final Fantasy Thread | XII is the GOAT

Forgot there was a thread of this.
Posted all my impressions in the PS thread.

In short, I love the game but it does have some issues but that doesn't stop me giving it a high mark.

Haven't played it in a day since completing but I'm looking to get some money up, do the level up trick with 3x Experience in the hotel and then just go for all the hunts and side quests to get the plat.
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If you're doing quests with a recommended level above 25 and not having fun, then idk bruh. All I wanted gameplay-wise was to crawl dungeons with my party, kill ****, and then level up and allocate stats/equipment as necessary. I dig the battle system

I beat it two days ago and I have to agree with dude above, one too many gripes to give this game a high rating. Mainly the thin, almost nonexistent plot. Based on all the trailers I expected an epic story and compelling narrative. The ending annoys me as well but I also like it to a degree.

Vyvv photo mission for mad gil and EXP, don't camp for several days, kill mad demons, go to the hotel in Altissa for 3x EXP level up like a mug. Rinse, repeat
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I gotta get back into this series stopped at 9 when i was like 17 lmao. 

Played FF10 didn't finish it, was a bit overwhelmed. I dunno if I will like FF15
Quests where I get to clear an area of monsters are enjoyable. The ones where I have to find stones and frogs...little things that I have a hard time finding are the most annoying.
All I can say is they get better. I don't want to spoil anything but the quests do begin to evolve. 

Not every quest, and some quest lines do indeed suck, but there are a few great ones.

I would also suggest looking around the areas where quests bring you. I have found several nice surprises/secrets when exploring areas off the beaten path.
Things I'd never think as a kid but as an adult playing this game :

'Imagine if it only cost 10 dollars to fill up your whole car? '
If you like linear, the game gets extremely linear around chapter 8 through the end, though are you still permitted to return to the open world to clear sidequests and level up.

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This game is the opposite of 10 and 13. But I do like the game. Just a different feeling. Lol, the dungeons maps on 15 so far reminds me of most maps on 10 and 13
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[thread="640936"]Official Final Fantasy Thread You Know What Time It Is/160_40#post_27126537Quote:
Originally Posted by KingdomFlatbush  

If you like linear, the game gets extremely linear around chapter 8 through the end, though are you still permitted to return to the open world to clear sidequests and level up.

I did 3/4 of Chapter 13 last night. Rage + frustration + bugs = me rage quitting before breaking my ps4.
I'm very methodical in leveling up in my rpgs. I take my time with my games, farm for exp and go out of my way to get the best weapons for everyone on my crew. Usually at the end of every final fantasy I play my crew is so beefed up that the final boss is a joke.

I'm not entering that final dungeon in ff15 until I have the best weapons and my characters are all level 100. If I find myself having a hard time, then that means they od'ed with the end of the game lol.

I think the only time I had a hard time at the end of the game was ff13 but that's cuz I was at the end of college and I needed to play it fast lol
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I'm very methodical in leveling up in my rpgs. I take my time with my games, farm for exp and go out of my way to get the best weapons for everyone on my crew. Usually at the end of every final fantasy I play my crew is so beefed up that the final boss is a joke.

I'm not entering that final dungeon in ff15 until I have the best weapons and my characters are all level 100 (or more) If I find myself having a hard time, then that means they od'ed with the end of the game lol.
Same with my style, even in RTS games I like dominating opponents. In history most warlords and generals wanted the battles to be controlled and efficient.
I seem to be averaging about ten levels a chapter. I'm going to be at level 100 by chapter ten lol

Is there an optional boss in this game that's harder than the first boss of the main story?
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Can someone explain without spoilers what makes chapter 13 so frustrating?

Basically during Chapter 13, Final Fantasy XV tries to be something that it isn't. It's not fun in the slightest and feels like a level out of a 2004 PS2 game.
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They announced that they'll be doing a patch for Chapter 13 and changing it. I'm on chapter 10 right now, gonna try to experience how bad it is before the patch goes up :lol:

Also more playable characters and other things will be coming through patches.
Lol. There's been a few articles begging not to patch the last chapter because it'll change the ff15 experience. I'm hoping to get to the end before the patch but it's not looking good.

I'm off from work for 10 days so this is the most free time I'll have for the foreseeable future. I'm playing all the time right now but because I'm trying to do all the quests and hunts I'm averaging like a half a chapter a day.

When I go back to work my pace might slow down to a half a chapter a week lol

If dude decides to post the patch within the next two months I'm screwed
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I didnt mind chapter 13. If anything they dragged it on too long, but it forces you to rely on skills you should be utilizing in regular combat if you want to be successful in post-game. 
I love how you can phase when you hold down square. Has me feeling like Vegeta or Goku or some **** when someone tries to land blows
So for those who beat the game did you get the flying regalia. I read there are certain areas/dungeons you can only get to by flying.
I don't know if that's a spoiler or not, but you need to do a quest and you get it right after (involves infiltrating all three imperial bases; two of which you should have already completed via story missions). Very cool the first time you use it.
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Oh right, I forgot about that. I was on a bit of a info blackout for this game before it released. 
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