Official Foamposite Pro Pearl Thread....PICS PAGE 1....MAY 23 2009

i love looking at my four pair. two size 8.5, two size 10. not my size but hey, somebody wants them i bet

theres a special someone who will hopefully trade me for my size
wellsee if the deal goes through,
I might rock these bad boy tomorrow one time to see the reaction on people since i never had a pair of og pearls even though the hoh foamposite cant come closein comparison the hoh foamz are the closet one to them
Chill wit the buying/selling....this is gonna get shut down real quick...props to those who copped...and for dude who gave me the heads up before the info wentup...
...I feel for yall who got the shaft...yea of course there's always a chance someone may let you down, but if u are uncertain, then sayso...don't pump yaself up as if you are That Dude and then when u come up short, there's egg in ya face and ya foot in ya mouth...cuz if that's thecase there wouldn't be any unsatisfied custy's...if I knew it was gonna be like that, I woulda been more focused and tried to help out a few of yallinstead of jus make sure my inner circle got theirs
We are contacting you to let you know that one of your buyers recently
visited the Resolution Center and attempted to open a dispute against a
payment. The buyer wished to dispute the payment sent on Mar XX, XXXX
(Transaction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX). This dispute has been deferred because it
was not opened within 45 days of payment. guys are freaking amazzing! First of all i always said that nothing is EVER Guaranteed! I did say that things looked good cause they did. I aint Knowthey was gonna release baby bird droppings on Chicago like that! As a matter of fact when we was there on Tuesday word was that HOH Chicago was waiting on asecond shipment before they were gonna start to sell the shoes. Only reason why i said to send your payment asap was because i aint gonna try and get you apair with my own money!

Now yall wanna put me on blast?! Im the humblest cat around and have always been legit to the fullest! If i said i had 2800 on me the day i was at HOH...then ihad 2800 on me in cash to cop yall pairs. If i said im waiting for the funds to be transferred back into my paypal account so i can refund yall....then thatswhat im doing.

Now yall wanna put me on blast?! yall sure yall wanna put me on blast?! after i have had yall money way passed the deadline for yall to even file a dispute foryall money back! .....but i aint like that............However as long as what you posted is on this thread in plane view......haha well ......youknow.......what payment?!

Its like 3 of 12 people that are babies crying like they dont know they'll get hit back.........

I guess i learned my lesson tho................from this point on my connections will be just connections! like i need yall bum money........Iwork for a Corporate Headquarters making stupid money .................little rugrats stay in your lane!
Damn, aired out like dirty laundry.
that's why it sucks doing biz on NT sometimes, the moment things go wrong, someones out to destroy another members character.
I'm pretty sure you'll get your refund, if you we eager enough to send payment 2 months ago waiting a couple days for a refund shouldn't be aproblem.

Unds my pair today, lets just say i was handing out neck braces.
Originally Posted by only MJs collected

We are contacting you to let you know that one of your buyers recently
visited the Resolution Center and attempted to open a dispute against a
payment. The buyer wished to dispute the payment sent on Mar XX, XXXX
(Transaction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX). This dispute has been deferred because it
was not opened within 45 days of payment. guys are freaking amazzing! First of all i always said that nothing is EVER Guaranteed! I did say that things looked good cause they did. I aint Know they was gonna release baby bird droppings on Chicago like that! As a matter of fact when we was there on Tuesday word was that HOH Chicago was waiting on a second shipment before they were gonna start to sell the shoes. Only reason why i said to send your payment asap was because i aint gonna try and get you a pair with my own money!

Now yall wanna put me on blast?! Im the humblest cat around and have always been legit to the fullest! If i said i had 2800 on me the day i was at HOH...then i had 2800 on me in cash to cop yall pairs. If i said im waiting for the funds to be transferred back into my paypal account so i can refund yall....then thats what im doing.

Now yall wanna put me on blast?! yall sure yall wanna put me on blast?! after i have had yall money way passed the deadline for yall to even file a dispute for yall money back! .....but i aint like that............However as long as what you posted is on this thread in plane view......haha well know.......what payment?!

Its like 3 of 12 people that are babies crying like they dont know they'll get hit back.........

I guess i learned my lesson tho................from this point on my connections will be just connections! like i need yall bum money........I work for a Corporate Headquarters making stupid money .................little rugrats stay in your lane!

Nicely said. The badgering should be left for pm's. Don't hang your laundry out for everyone to see. I've only been on here for a 11/2 years, but have been lurking since 05. I have noticed that only MJs hooks alot of people up. Give the man time.
wow opened a diispute...its not even that serious tho...its been what two days? But I do understand...he's had yall gwop for a min..that's why Idon't eff wit that many dudes on NT...had a #%@%# front on me on some sb laces...5 cash...
....I see both sides of the fence, but that's why ugotta kno who u dealing wit...
I have a feeling they are going to be all over nyc this summer...
to the point its gonna discourage me from wearing mine anytime soon...probably gonna waittill next summer
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by azjordans

160jordansdeep wrote:
blackiceblaze wrote: oh no i have believe bit i dont like it when a stranger low balls me BTW anyone want to trade a pair of pearls (size 9) for a pair of army (HOH RELEASE) foams in a size 9 NYC meet up's only
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

ouch...maybe i need to throw my pairs up, ninjas are lowballing crazy right now
i had about 15 PM's asking if i can do 300 shipped when my auctions were OVER 300 WITHOUT SHIPPING

damn yo a bunch of cheap bast............. on niketalk
I don't think it has anything to do with being cheap.
It is human nature to want a deal.
Tell me that you have never asked anyone for a deal once and you'd be lying.

while this is and you Pm'd each other a couple times today, but at no point were you atleast willing to bring anything to the table. You wanted a deal, I told you it wasnt enough. It isnt only about money, its about favor for a favor, perhaps holding me down on another release, maybe getting me some kicks i can obtain on my own. It just feels like its a one way street dealing with some out of towners that want these kicks, that all im saying....(not getting at you)
wow this release has defenitly brought out the worst in some people.

at the end of the day its just shoes. go smoke a blunt, get some vagina and enjoy your memorial day weekend if you didn't get them.
Originally Posted by only MJs collected

We are contacting you to let you know that one of your buyers recently
visited the Resolution Center and attempted to open a dispute against a
payment. The buyer wished to dispute the payment sent on Mar XX, XXXX
(Transaction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX). This dispute has been deferred because it
was not opened within 45 days of payment. guys are freaking amazzing! First of all i always said that nothing is EVER Guaranteed! I did say that things looked good cause they did. I aint Know they was gonna release baby bird droppings on Chicago like that! As a matter of fact when we was there on Tuesday word was that HOH Chicago was waiting on a second shipment before they were gonna start to sell the shoes. Only reason why i said to send your payment asap was because i aint gonna try and get you a pair with my own money!

Now yall wanna put me on blast?! Im the humblest cat around and have always been legit to the fullest! If i said i had 2800 on me the day i was at HOH...then i had 2800 on me in cash to cop yall pairs. If i said im waiting for the funds to be transferred back into my paypal account so i can refund yall....then thats what im doing.

Now yall wanna put me on blast?! yall sure yall wanna put me on blast?! after i have had yall money way passed the deadline for yall to even file a dispute for yall money back! .....but i aint like that............However as long as what you posted is on this thread in plane view......haha well know.......what payment?!

Its like 3 of 12 people that are babies crying like they dont know they'll get hit back.........

I guess i learned my lesson tho................from this point on my connections will be just connections! like i need yall bum money........I work for a Corporate Headquarters making stupid money .................little rugrats stay in your lane!

its sad that it has come to this.
you guys want to know y dudes dont try to look out for nobody cept a select few and this is it. onlymjs was by faaaaaaaar the cheapest option for dudes thatcould not get a pair and he did work to try to get orders fulfilled. he got a HUGE percentage of the inventory HoH CHI got and hooked up who he could, yet ugrimey dudes still try to put him on blast.
Dudes like Will Rivera & 160jordansdeep (no disrespect guys, i just remember how helpful u guys used to be) used to help niketalk out just like OnlyMJsdoes now but they clearly saw that alot of dudes on here are str8 trash. Now when big releases drop, they aint really looking out for dudes they dont knowunless you break out the vaseline because of the lameness that goes on around here.
dont be surprised if OnlyMJs goes to the darkside after this fiasco and nobody can even blame him.

Y'all wanna hate resellers but then destroy the ones that really try to look out.... STR8 STUPIDITY!
Damn, yall did MJs dirty
And in turn prolly effed the hookup for alot of people in the future
two NTers wanan cry like girls cause they do not have a HOH in their city,and depend on a "hook-up." if you wanted a "hook up" from otherNTers, maybe in NY,most of them would've said $300+ shipped,I know I would've unless I know you. I'm not going out my way for a random NTer whosends me $ and wants a "hook up." franky went out of his way a # of times and basically bought up CHI's entire shipment on some releases,yesENTIRE shipments brought from one HOH to all of NT,who else has done that? (no disrespect to other NTers who help out the community
). how can peopledepend on someone one minute and then try to blast him the next?

people are salty,that's it. get over it. next time,have plan A,B, and C not just A, while sitting behind your cpu screen and waiting for a "hookup" to happen.

yea this is my 2nd rant,and I'm not editing this one.

more HOHs to come,and people will STILL be left out, and those people will wait for a "hook up" and will never return the favor.and that is why NT isthe way it is now.
Ya'll crying cause a connect didn't come through, but what your missing is at least he tried.... A lot of the dudes on here wouldn't evenbother with it and yet you guys don't thank him for that...
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