Official Foamposite Pro Pearl Thread....PICS PAGE 1....MAY 23 2009

She is bad
...I have a new found love for the refined arts....

*pinky in the air as I type*
so this is what i just got
From ebay:

Hi sir, I know it's says buy now for 400.... But if no one gives u a
better offer, I figure since u have two pair to sell could u sell me
one for 265.00 I wud buy it rite now... I wud buy it like rite now

I dont even know how to respond.... i wanna tell him to go f himself
^^ I know how you feel. LoL I use to explain to these fools in detail why it made no sense to do that...but that proved to be a waste of time...
...that's a slap in the face...the lowest I would even consider taking for them is 325+shipping+paypal fees and that's just to move them quicklyand not sit on them...265...
I wouldn't even respond to that
Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

so this is what i just got
From ebay:

Hi sir, I know it's says buy now for 400.... But if no one gives u a
better offer, I figure since u have two pair to sell could u sell me
one for 265.00 I wud buy it rite now... I wud buy it like rite now

I dont even know how to respond.... i wanna tell him to go f himself

what a douche .....wanted to make a new collection thread for 1500thpost....ehh maybe at 2000
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

so this is what i just got
From ebay:

Hi sir, I know it's says buy now for 400.... But if no one gives u a
better offer, I figure since u have two pair to sell could u sell me
one for 265.00 I wud buy it rite now... I wud buy it like rite now

I dont even know how to respond.... i wanna tell him to go f himself

what a douche .....wanted to make a new collection thread for 1500th post....ehh maybe at 2000
for some reason when i read that part I was

edit: upncoming yea ppl sleepin on cl. They got some vnds worn once army foams size 11 for $275 or trade for the pearls and I see some yeezys on there. I seesome Nters on there to
Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

3,its okay. no need for all that. you sent the $ over 3 months ago,after 30 or 45 days (I 4got which one),paypal closes the transaction where a refund cannot be made,atleast not right away. also,if you have funds from a CC or another account,it taes 3-5 business days for the $ to return to your is the 2nd day after RD,and its a long weekend,so don't expect money til early next week the earliest....damn idk why I typed all that,its not even my transaction

castle hill for $340? I'm right by there hmmm,maybe I can get em for cheaper in a meet up?? triplets?? naaaaah

No problem man and I apologize for calling you stupid
, alot of thingshave me heated these days and this is small on the list but I just don't like it when someone acts like they have me by the balls. Like I said all Ineeded was a simple message saying my refund was on the way and that he couldn't get the shoes, this is turning into a trainwreck.

I'm out of here for the weekend for a AAU tournament I'll just see what happens and deal with it on Tuesday. Everybody have a good holiday.
damn, i won't get too involved with this since i don't have all the facts. i will just say that situations like these are very infortunate and sadlythere are more and more situations like these going on on NT, which i feel like has direct impact on why NT is just a shell of what it used to be.

not saying ONLYMJs is or isn't scamming. i'm just saying that nowadays u can even do simple trades/transactions with "reputable" NTers causethe sad thing is, u just can't trust ANYBODY anymore on here. and that is not what NT is supposed to be about.

over in the general forum, there are more and more "legit" NTers that, fo whatever reason, switch sides and start scamming. the %*** is sad at best.until this is fixed, NT will NEVER be what it once was.

the end.
i cant lerk in the backround anymore. Dudes wit these shoes is really startin to feel themselves in here. I know if alot of u who copped these didnt cop themyou wouldnt be payin no $400 + for em. You'd be sayin aww i'm good i'll wait this n that. These aint even worth $200 let alone $400 + . I wanted apair just to deface and aint all that at all. But git that money its out there.

And OnlyMJ's...u good a** dude....i wouldnt even do that sh** no more unless its someone u respect on here. But to say u aint makin sh** off hookin itup....come on now. U charge a $25 hook it up fee. Wit a list of 15 people. $25 x 15 = pair almost 2. u a smart a** dude. Get that paper my friendu deserve it.

* swerv1n disapears from this debacle once again *
some rich kid offered me $435 for my size 11 at the HoH the day of. I couldn't do it though. That's my size! That's my personal pair! Some thingsmatter more than money.
@swerv1n... honestly I understand where ur coming from... but understand there about a good 850 pairs available... now 700 was in new york... out of the 700 Ibet 300-400 r being kept for wear... juss because new york is more then likely the foamposite capital of the world... people love foams here... so with letssay 400 people keep there pairs for them selfs for wear there's only 400-450 more pairs out there for sale... now we all no FOR A FACT THAT 100-200 HAVEALREADY BEEN RE-SOLD AT RESELLERS PRICES... so that leaves only another 200-250 pairs for theses NT'ers to cop.... DON'T MISS OUT PEOPLE... YOU WILL BEMAD AT THE END OF THE DAY... if ur not in cali, ny, or chi-town u'll b more then likely 1 of the handful that has them in ur state!! (*Turns Around AndWalks Away*)
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

i'm just saying that nowadays u can even do simple trades/transactions with "reputable" NTers cause the sad thing is, u just can't trust ANYBODY anymore on here. and that is not what NT is supposed to be about.

You can trust me!


Seriously though, I hear where you're coming from, but there are plenty of "good people" still here (including myself).
You just have to weed out the losers and keep your circle of friends tight.
Once you find the right people, anything is possible on NT.

Happy Friday, Kid.
Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

@swerv1n... honestly I understand where ur coming from... but understand there about a good 850 pairs available... now 700 was in new york... out of the 700 I bet 300-400 r being kept for wear... juss because
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]New york is more then likely the foamposite capital of the world[/color]
... people love foams here... so with lets say 400 people keep there pairs for them selfs for wear there's only 400-450 more pairs out there for sale... now we all no FOR A FACT THAT 100-200 HAVE ALREADY BEEN RE-SOLD AT RESELLERS PRICES... so that leaves only another 200-250 pairs for theses NT'ers to cop.... DON'T MISS OUT PEOPLE... YOU WILL BE MAD AT THE END OF THE DAY... if ur not in cali, ny, or chi-town u'll b more then likely 1 of the handful that has them in ur state!! (*Turns Around And Walks Away*)
man ive been sitting back reading ur posts... ur def feeling urself kinda hard in here... just come out of nowhere like ur the foam expert when urjust a reseller trying to promote ur shoes. definitely doubt NY is the foam capital of the WORLD... DMV is more likey to be said place. Take that BS out ofhere.
Im feelin these big ups to those who got em. I like foams because they last forever! Still the royal ones will always be the !%+ though
Originally Posted by bigj505

Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

@swerv1n... honestly I understand where ur coming from... but understand there about a good 850 pairs available... now 700 was in new york... out of the 700 I bet 300-400 r being kept for wear... juss because
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]New york is more then likely the foamposite capital of the world[/color]
... people love foams here... so with lets say 400 people keep there pairs for them selfs for wear there's only 400-450 more pairs out there for sale... now we all no FOR A FACT THAT 100-200 HAVE ALREADY BEEN RE-SOLD AT RESELLERS PRICES... so that leaves only another 200-250 pairs for theses NT'ers to cop.... DON'T MISS OUT PEOPLE... YOU WILL BE MAD AT THE END OF THE DAY... if ur not in cali, ny, or chi-town u'll b more then likely 1 of the handful that has them in ur state!! (*Turns Around And Walks Away*)
man ive been sitting back reading ur posts... ur def feeling urself kinda hard in here... just come out of nowhere like ur the foam expert when ur just a reseller trying to promote ur shoes. definitely doubt NY is the foam capital of the WORLD... DMV is more likey to be said place. Take that BS out of here.

here we go AGAIN....and as always:

it's just that EVERY foam thread has the same argument over and over and over and over.....and over again.....

it's been debated, argued, fought over for years....

just leave it at a east coast love for
Originally Posted by MortalMonkey

some rich kid offered me $435 for my size 11 at the HoH the day of. I couldn't do it though. That's my size! That's my personal pair! Some things matter more than money.
Which kid was he?
Originally Posted by igotthatfire247

You can trust me!

Happy Friday, Kid.


nah, i feel what u are saying. i know there are still good peeps on here. i just don't understand why some NTers who've built a good rep over the yearsfor themselves here turn to scamming. all for a few dollars. it ain't worth it. and i feel like it has been running so rampant lately with"legit" members that it is a major reason why NT is so lame compared to how it used to be.

and this isn't aimed at ONLYMJs. i'm sure he had good intentions and is legit, especially the way everyone is vouching for him. just a badsituation/misunderstanding/lack of communication.

anyway, like i think rico said...

smoke somethin, get u some, chill out and enjoy the long weekend everyone.


oh and everyone be safe also.

i love u guys, man.



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