Official Footlocker INC. EA sale 1/25-1/26 2010

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

i appreciate the kind words prince. I too have learned about 50s here before my store knew and informed them. it is all good, I am sure somewhere someone appreciates the info, they sure don't show it though.

what store you at prince?
nothing but respect but it just seems strange that Lebron's are included while Forces are excluded but we will see tomorrow. good look though appreciate it

My manager of Champs knew nothin bout this until i told him..he said that was weird that the EA is before a Friends & Family..
Thanks sneakaprince & DrewDioxin.  I was just in my store yesterday and had no idea a EA was coming up.  Appreciate it!
I need a hookup in the Bay Area, San Jose specifically!

I have dentist hookup btw, i work at a dentist office
to everyone giving their thanks, on behalf of prince I will thank you for showing some gratitude.

brandon, i do appreciate it, how you been, hit me up if ya need anything man. I might need some help getting ahold of something from you sometime if you got connects like that haha.

as far as dude wanting to order, we can order STOCK LOCATES, not out of eastbay, and the "freshwaters" are excluded, the other 3 are ok.

also on the bron, really the price and hype help sell the kobe. at the current time I am pretty torn between them. the colors really bum me out on both for the most part, but the kobes are great on the court and after I broke my red carpets in on court, their casual use has changed my mind as far as comfort on the 360 bag. it doesn't out perform my jokers, but they both serve their purpose I suppose.

upstate: i realize that, but if I hadn't someone else would and I just happened to be on my phone when we got the list. figured everyone would be watching football so I went ahead and hit the exclusions up here so people could figure out what they wanted that work here and others could get at their friends.

You really have to be in denial to think people don't exploit their discount(especially the 50). But I can honestly say I haven't abused it more than some managers I know.
anyone here in columbus area (ohio) a need a few pairs i can tip several ways, so holla at me!!!(no omoh)
Was gunna get my dad a pair of 12s for his bday on the 26th but since there excluded idk what to get him. Maybe I'll just grab them with the 30% off.
Originally Posted by upstate

Its against company policy to post corporate email information. I wouldn't post your store. These types of threads should be deleted.
LOL now that is a funny post..
Originally Posted by Raices03

Originally Posted by upstate

Its against company policy to post corporate email information. I wouldn't post your store. These types of threads should be deleted.
LOL now that is a funny post..

Yo i never even heard of this rule before but whatever. nothing is linked to my name regardless so it doesnt matter..... And these threads have been up for like every 50 in the last 6 months dudes gotta stop acting so soft and help others out sometimes...... Lol one NTer on here actually has that he will hook cats up on the 50 in his sig.....

Yo to all that said thanks obviously your welcome I just wanted to give back to those that have given me so much. I really do wish the list was better but it is what it is I guess I was hoping to get some AF1s and a pair of XIIs for my sister.
Can anyone hook up up with a pair of uptempos in the Bay Area more so in San Jose?
Originally Posted by upstate

Its against company policy to post corporate email information. I wouldn't post your store. These types of threads should be deleted.
you must be "new" to NT and to your career....

can anyone hook up a size 13 in lebron or kobe v? I have an invite to a best buy employee action to say thanks. Also thread starter thanks pm me i.ll send you a link. Btw i'm in chicago if any chicago people can help
Damn I remember back in the day when people use to purchase authentic jerseys that are normally $300+ for half off and bring it back in the next week for exchange or store credit lol
Are people still tryna pull that stuff nowadays? Or did FL finally wise up and change their policy
^ nowadays they just tell you to hold onto whatever you brought in and THAT'S your store credit. At least that's what i've been told to do at several locations.
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