Official Footlocker INC. EA sale 1/25-1/26 2010

Man how I miss my connects....I wish i wouldnt have moved out here to Lafayette, LA.....Its not that easy making connects with people who dont like sneakers and hate their jobs...I just wanted to grab a couple pairs of Lebrons for my B-Day tomorrow. Oh well.
Can anyone in the Bay Area hook it up with a pair of 95's? I can return the favor.
Footlocker knows that sale gets exploited I stopped paying retail for alot of kicks because Ill wait till there would be a 50% off.. Its a recession They need that loot too!
i'll pay $90 shipped if anyone can get me volts in a 12. and, if you could get freshwaters, $100. and $95 for penny atlantics.let me know
Originally Posted by d e beatup

Everyone was so quick to jump on ole dude about givin out the old company line about posting info. But he's right. We all know that the 50 gets exploited and FTL corp knows this as well. The problem is some people just take it too far or even worse, post sensitive info that they shouldn't.

For example, it's known that some NTers will offer to hook up others but when you have it in your sg.
Like a certain member it just really puts you out there. And what people don't realize is that you can put someone else's job in jeopardy. We all know that PT pay isn't great and there are a lot of shady mgrs, but what about the mgrs who are actually good guys? Emp disc abuse falls on the emp and mgr equally so when someone decides to post their pickup receipt showing the store and transaction #, it's serious business.

And I GUARANTEE you that higher ups have seen this thread before because my DM specifically mentioned NT and I$$ on a conference call while we discussed an upcoming 50.

All I'm saying is don't ruin a bad thing. There's a reason why it's been so long since the "Official FNL Employee Appreciation Thread!" - cause it doesn't exist. One of the main reasons I stopped trying to help peeps on the 50 is cause I suddenly get random N's coming into the store yelling about "the half off sale on everything". When you go too far, you tend to lose it all. Ask Eldrick.

And to end my rant, I've said on my primary s/n that begging on the day of the 50 is a waste of time. You need to either create a connect on this site or create one on the store. "Well how do I do that?" - go to the same store for every purchase and even have the same associate help you each time. State your intentions too - let them know that you are bringing your business to them know so that they'll look out for you on a future 50. Also, buy some insoles, socks or cleaner too if you really wanna seal the deal.

what messes things up is that theres alot of selfish people who want to get the 50% but don't care about no one but themselves.   not taking care of hookups, not using common sense, and having an overall sense of entitlement that they should be hooked up by any means necessary and can care less if they get someone in trouble as long as they get their discount.

if your trying to get a connect though its best to deal with managers. with one of my hookups we both worked in the same mall,  i just came to him and told him that i wanted to get the 50% and that i would prefer to deal with him so that he wouldn't think i was trying to do any stuff behind his back and that i could take care of him. he appreciated the fact that i was upfront with him rather then going behind his back to part time employees. i know this won't work with all managers but if you can get in good with a manager, then you got the best situation. 

creating connects is easy though, i live in LA, i've been in new york the entire month and got 3 connects out there now for whenever i go back, strictly by talking to the employees and letting them know my intentions and that im willing to work on their schedule so that it suits them best because their the ones hooking me up.
If you're not a DM, Regional Manager, or above...

Cry me a lake with these long "company man FL, Inc." posts in this thread...

The integrity of folks in this game has drastically changed for the worst last 5 years.

And any Flocker, Inc. location will gladly "make a day" on EAs in this current state of the "retail" economy.


What else is new?

Teaching people how to have enough character BEYOND the scope of this hobby to get the most out of this hobby? 

Damn I need some AM 95's, some volt uptempos or some shadow 1s. Hope the Cherry 12s arent excluded.

Originally Posted by Rapido27

Yes today is the last day for the EA and the Cherry XIIs are exlcuded.
Damn. Looks like Ima cop the Volt uptempos or some AM95s from my hookup.

I had to sit this one out even though it was tempting to scoop up the White/Navy LeBron VII.

I've been scooping up too many kicks lately

I will wait until NDC/Swoosh marks down the XII's
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by d e beatup

Everyone was so quick to jump on ole dude about givin out the old company line about posting info. But he's right. We all know that the 50 gets exploited and FTL corp knows this as well. The problem is some people just take it too far or even worse, post sensitive info that they shouldn't.

For example, it's known that some NTers will offer to hook up others but when you have it in your sg.
Like a certain member it just really puts you out there. And what people don't realize is that you can put someone else's job in jeopardy. We all know that PT pay isn't great and there are a lot of shady mgrs, but what about the mgrs who are actually good guys? Emp disc abuse falls on the emp and mgr equally so when someone decides to post their pickup receipt showing the store and transaction #, it's serious business.

And I GUARANTEE you that higher ups have seen this thread before because my DM specifically mentioned NT and I$$ on a conference call while we discussed an upcoming 50.

All I'm saying is don't ruin a bad thing. There's a reason why it's been so long since the "Official FNL Employee Appreciation Thread!" - cause it doesn't exist. One of the main reasons I stopped trying to help peeps on the 50 is cause I suddenly get random N's coming into the store yelling about "the half off sale on everything". When you go too far, you tend to lose it all. Ask Eldrick.

And to end my rant, I've said on my primary s/n that begging on the day of the 50 is a waste of time. You need to either create a connect on this site or create one on the store. "Well how do I do that?" - go to the same store for every purchase and even have the same associate help you each time. State your intentions too - let them know that you are bringing your business to them know so that they'll look out for you on a future 50. Also, buy some insoles, socks or cleaner too if you really wanna seal the deal.

what messes things up is that theres alot of selfish people who want to get the 50% but don't care about no one but themselves.   not taking care of hookups, not using common sense, and having an overall sense of entitlement that they should be hooked up by any means necessary and can care less if they get someone in trouble as long as they get their discount.

if your trying to get a connect though its best to deal with managers. with one of my hookups we both worked in the same mall,  i just came to him and told him that i wanted to get the 50% and that i would prefer to deal with him so that he wouldn't think i was trying to do any stuff behind his back and that i could take care of him. he appreciated the fact that i was upfront with him rather then going behind his back to part time employees. i know this won't work with all managers but if you can get in good with a manager, then you got the best situation. 

creating connects is easy though, i live in LA, i've been in new york the entire month and got 3 connects out there now for whenever i go back, strictly by talking to the employees and letting them know my intentions and that im willing to work on their schedule so that it suits them best because their the ones hooking me up.

How are you going to get mad about someone not wanting to share something aimed at an EMPLOYEE? I'm just saying.
fools like yall gon cause them to revoke this privilege pretty soon....they already trippin on the exclusions...
Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

To those outlet kids "waiting" out FPIIs for "$50 - $60" --(O RLY?)-- six months from now, do you.  My home is in my sig, and these are a staple here.

You can't even get the Neon Uptempos for that now, six months+ after its release. 
1. i aint a kid homie

2. DMV is apparently the staple for every big sneaker

3. #!$! outlets ive gotten 15+ pairs of flightposites for $25-50 from stores, in this economy those FP2 will sit....
4. Before all is said and down Uptempos will be between $50 - $80 bucks...
Just got back. got some...

Lebron (SVSM shorts)
Griffey Swingmans (Black and reds)
Delta force
and FW Griffeys

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