OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Good discussion. With the lack of big money outside of the Prem, flipping the calendar of the MLS, getting rid of the salary cap and big PE/Hedge Fund money coming into the league could really cause this thing to explode
real madrid have spent more than all the other teams combined. not even mad tbh cause i’m happy with barca’s squad but man that’s tough for the other clubs

Wasnt Vitor Roque 70M? Or does that not fit your agenda?
For those who play Sunday league, what formations y'all use? Signed up a free agent this summer. Squad I'm on is made up of bums. They've been running a 4 3 3 and only scored 1 goal in 3 games. Tied first game and lost the following two :smh:

I'm about to say F it and play striker. Next game. They have this 38 year old guy playing up top as striker and he's not fast. Pissing me off

Been waiting on the Carvajal bailout. Seems even Saudi knows he’s too washed yet somehow he’s RM caliber.
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