Official Game 2: 05/06 Houston Rockets @ Los Angeles Lakers 7:30PM PST TNT

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

Originally Posted by CP1708

Scola wants it with LO, then he moves on to Luke Walton of all people, then he wants some of Sasha, and then he gets his a^^ handed to him by the smallest Laker of all?
Fish sent a message. Loud and clear.

So this is why you guys think Scola deserved to get floored? Something that Odom started to begin with. What is Scola suppose to do just back down?

I didn't say anyone deserved anything. I commented on how it went down.
You're right. Reading comprehension is not all right there for me right now since I just woke up.

But some of you guys said that he deserved it and I just couldn't figure out why.
Fisher didn't send any message.

If anything, it shows the Rockets have gotten into the Lakers heads.

Kobe yelling all game 'He can't guard me', to the fans, to Shane, to Doug Collins, Kobe throwing an elbow, DFish's uncharacteristic cheap shot,Luke and Sasha jawing, LO talking after a block, etc.

Again, if it takes Kobe shooting lights out dropping 40, the Rockets will take their chances with that.
Never pay much attention to Laker fans, we're funny.

Any word on what the deal was with Wafer? Did Adelman ever speak on it?
Even though I don't think Kobe will or should be suspended, I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Wouldn't he be getting suspended for the same thing he was suspended for a few years ago? Unnatural basketball movement?
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Burns1923 wrote:
Kobe and Battier have no such backstory, so Kobe's "He can't guard me" is neither here nor there. It's an awkward response to a non-existent challenge. He hits 3 jumpers on Battier in one game (game 2) and Battier officially can't guard him? I mean, come on... the parallels here don't match up. But Kobe thinks they do. Kobe thinks he is Michael Jordan, only his way.
Battier and Artest were brought in to combat Kobe. The media is constantly bringing up how Battier slows down or at least gives Kobe fits. Same thing with Kirlenko.

I do not believe Battier and Artest were traded to the Rockets only to stop (or try to) Kobe. You do realize that before the Artest trade, therewas a healthy T-Mac and Battier starting together. I even doubt the Rockets traded Rudy Gay away because they needed someone to stop Kobe. If you follow howthe Rockets GM does his research, you'll understand he is more into the and statisitics than the media proclaiming someone has the potential to stopKobe. Besides, Artest adds that toughness the Rockets need and drafting Donte Greene isn't going to help the Rockets win now. I know Artest talks trash tooso Kobe talking trash back is fine with me. But it is hard to understand why you would talk constant trash to Battier... He is a stand up guy that just wantsto help his team win fair and square. Players like Ruben Patterson and Gerald Wallace (when he was on the Kings) deserve to get lit up by Kobe though...
I'll just go ahead and throw this out there for what it's worth (with the understanding that it's really not worth much): any Laker fans justifyingwhat Fisher did, any Laker fan o.k. with what Fisher did, any Laker fan holding the opinion that he should have simply been called for a regular foul andthat's it, you lose a little credibility with me.

Y'all regular Laker fans know that Fisher's my favorite Laker from our 3-peat, but that was crap, man.

I'm not co-signing franchise's comparison between Rondo and Fisher*, but I am saying that Rondo should have been suspended for a game, and I don'tthink Fisher should be, but I wouldn't gripe if he were. I'm a Dwight Howard fan and I had no problem with him being suspended. But in Fisher'sdefense, at least what he did was a basketball play, putting a body on the person coming up to set a screen on you. Yes, it was way too hard, and I don'tcondone what he did at all, but Rondo did was nothing close to serving a basketball purpose, and what Howard did was nothing close to serving a basketballpurpose.

*How do you know... KNOW... that what Fisher did was premeditated in the timeout they had just taken?
And I like how you completely minimize what Rondodid, talking about 'They just got tussled up; it's not Rondo just went up to him and threw him.' That was completely uncalled for by Rondo,completely dirty by Rondo, and he should have sat Game 6 out.
I don't think Fisher should be suspended either.
However some of yall are hypocritical it seems with the Rondo stuff but now the golden boy is put in that spot...
True, if you thought Rondo should have received a penalty then you should also agree that Kobe deserves the same penalty for his hit on Ron.

There really isn't much of a difference between what Rondo did and what Kobe did.

Both tried to make a play and ended up committing a hard foul.

I don't think neither of them deserved to be suspended, though.
The Rondo thing could've gone either way and was unnecessary, but I can see why he didn't get suspended. To me anyway, like I stated.

Had Fisher not looked back and saw Scola coming, giving him time to $$*% back and unload, I would say hey, that's just fighting through a pick. The wholelooking back and preparing for it is why I think it was cheap shot that warrants a suspension. In essence it was a basketball play, but looking at the replays,not really.

The Kobe thing, he COULD get suspended. Only because the rules state that you can't throw an elbow above the shoulders/neck. If they want to go by theletter of the law, he could.

I don't think he should though. It'd be a shame if he did.
franchise3 wrote:
Fisher didn't send any message.

If anything, it shows the Rockets have gotten into the Lakers heads.

Kobe yelling all game 'He can't guard me', to the fans, to Shane, to Doug Collins, Kobe throwing an elbow, DFish's uncharacteristic cheap shot, Luke and Sasha jawing, LO talking after a block, etc.

Again, if it takes Kobe shooting lights out dropping 40, the Rockets will take their chances with that.
Fisher may not have sent a message to the Rockets.

But he did fire up the team.

I don't believe the Rockets have gotten into Lakers heads at all.

The Lakers needed to take that game and they got hyped up. I know if I have a must win game I talk crap to try to throw other players off their game. Idon't think it really worked with Shane but Kobe was on another level and it did help.

Now on to Kobe.

You can call him dirty. He knows when and how to throw elbows with out getting fouls called on him. I have seen many game tapes of him and he throws themduring legit looking basketball plays. Many players have been frustrated with his plays. Suspended? No. But I know they will be watching in the 3rd game.

They put Lamar back in the starting line up and he gives us 7 point and 11 rebounds. He is not getting it done.

Bynum is still hurt. You can see it out there. The boy can't move.

I really feel that Artest is going to keep beasting on Ariza. I like that we fronted Yao but I am sure they are going to study film and see that. We can'tdouble on the post. Every time we did they scored. Our rotations were pretty bad at some points and the bench is killing us.

This is going to long...but its going to be great. These teams match up so well. Its going to come down to coaching and who makes the right adjustment game togame.
Originally Posted by NEXTEL CUP

I hope that Kobe never wins another championship, so he can realize he is nothing without Shaq. I want to see him in the postgame interview with tears streaming

Because if he does, he invalidates Shaq or your opinion?
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

There really isn't much of a difference between what Rondo did and what Kobe did.
There isn't much of a difference. If anything, Kobe's foul was worse.

Rondo was in midair trying to make a play on the ball.

Kobe was boxing out and his elbow hit Ron in the neck. How often do players get hit in the neck like that?

Rondo's play is more likely to happen.

That's why I wouldn't be surprised if Kobe did get suspended because that move looks like the same thing he was suspended for a few years ago.
DFish looked back at Sasha's sister and gave him a big shove. Thats my problem with that play. He should get suspended for that one.

BTW Kobe deserved to talk **% because he backed it up with his play

If it takes physical play for us to WIN then we should
Kobe one of them sneaky dudes on the low but he'll never take those actions straight up.....he know artest will body him quick...i hope artest don'ttake his medicine today and tomorrow
Originally Posted by CP1708

Shuges, dirty?

2 plays right? We're talkin about two plays, Kobe bow, and the Fish TKO.

Cuz, everyone on this board calls us soft, now we're dirty? Can't have both people. It's one or the other.

Scola wants it with LO, then he moves on to Luke Walton of all people, then he wants some of Sasha, and then he gets his a^^ handed to him by the smallest Laker of all?
Fish sent a message. Loud and clear.

It's the other way around if you were watching the game at all. LO was talking to Scola all game and Odom got in his face, then Scola turns and Walton isthere to do absolutely nothing but start something as well as Vujusuck. Don't get it twisted, Scola ain't gonna back down if your coming at him, andthat is what it was, there were coming at him not the other way around and it just so happened that Scola didn't back down like they thought he would.

How did he get his butt handed to him by D. Fish? Guy sets screen, Guy B lowers his shoulder and puts his elbow and weight into him. What'd you what Scolato do? Have telemorphic powers and and know that that was coming. It's all good. We got what we wanted at least a split in L.A. Ain't nothing, we playthis way, with heart, with class.

Face it, we're in the Laker's heads and its effecting ya'll. Fakers changing up there play because they know what they been doing ain't gettingit done therefore they using dirty tactics to try to get back into it and motivate themselves.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by mco85

Originally Posted by Burns1923

People loved Jordan and Kobe patterns his game and mannerisms after Jordan and people weren't ready to see Jordan go so they hate on Kobe. I don't see how someone could like Jordan and not like Kobe.
Not sure that makes sense. MJ/Bulls fans back then didn't even have Kobe on their radar.

First off, Jordan was a superior talent in every way to Kobe. Second, MJ had his "I'm that good" moments but he mostly let his game speak for him. He played the game with class and tempered it with a sense of humility. Kobe is openly arrogant, to the point of disrespect. And he makes the game all about him.

Kobe's "He can't guard me" is straight stalker-status of MJ's in 93 against Gerald Wilkins.

Yes, I did read that. Great article.

It's not just me who makes note of this stuff.

You have got to be kidding me. Did you watch Jordan play, dude talked more !##$ than anybody, much more than Kobe does. And you can say bulls fans did not have Kobe on their radar, but the majority of people who watched basketball payed attention to Kobe from day 1.
Did I watch Jordan play?

Die-hard Bulls fan at 8 years old in 88. Watched them lose to Detroit three straight years, finally break through and win the first 3-peat, cried and stayed home from school when he retired Oct. 6, 1993, freaked out when he came back, was overjoyed watching the second 3-peat... I basically mark the years of my childhood by what the Bulls did each year.

Of course Jordan talked trash but not anywhere near on the obnoxious level Kobe does. Payton talked more than both of them combined. The point is HOW Kobe's doing it and WHY. Jordan talked when he felt it necessary within the game. Kobe's trash talking is about drawing attention to himself. Jordan never had to draw attention to himself by talking trash.
How many teams you got?
I remember you rooting for the Suns just acouple years back.
I think when people are talking about 'the Rondo play' and some people are saying 'What Rondo did was no different than what Kobe did' whileother are saying 'What Rondo did was way worse', they are talking about two different plays (which, as I've mentioned before, provides moreevidence that Rondo is becoming a dirty player).

I think that people who are saying 'What Rondo did was no wore than what Kobe did' are people who are talking about Rondo chopping Brad Miller inmid-air.

I think people that say 'What Rondo did was way worse than what Kobe did' are people who are talking about Rondo chucking Hinrich into the scorer'stable.

Because I don't see how someone could logically and without bias hold the opinion that elbowing someone while boxing out is the same as grabbingsomeone's arm and tossing them aside.
ron was riding kobe (pause) under the basket and kobe threw the elbow to get him off, anyone who plays ball knows that happens all the time. and the elbowconnected in the chest area, not throat, and didn't hit as hard as it looked if you look at the reverse angle

kobe shouldn't get suspended
Even though I said 'dirty' a second ago, it wasn't really that they wanted to play dirty. It's that they realized they were worthless against a solid NBA defense, so they started trying to bully the Rockets around.

As I said in another post - and I hate doing this because I think Phil Jackson is a VERY overrated head coach... BUT - I believe his gameplan, after seeing howphysical the Rockets were going to play them, was to force the refs hand in this second game. To get things very chippy out there so that the rest of theseries would be called super tight, allowing the Lakers to play more their style.

This was a chess move by Phil and the Lakers - who saw that the Rockets were trying to make this series a measure of pure strength and toughness.. so theLakers responded with their own style and outsmarted the Rockets a bit. Now you're going to see a finesse series so that we don't get a brawl, whichthe NBA will try it's hardest to prevent.

To the rest of the kobe haters out there - i'm done for now, you guys are ridiculous... the guy who asked where Ron was supposed to put his hands if not onthe back of a players neck?

It's so funny to me that out of the two guys you could support - Kobe or Ron.. you guys choose the one who is just a manic hothead... you defend himrunning over at Kobe and getting right in his face after the play and getting thrown out of the game. Imagine if Kobe pulled that against somebody else... thebacklash that would take place here.

Do people no longer judge a persons actions anymore? They just check the name on your jersey and say pass or fail? You guys are a joke that let your emotionsget that tied up on a person who doesn't even know you.
Yeah Kobe won't get suspended but he knew what he was doing, he was just trying to get dude off his back.

I hope nobody compares this to the dwight elbow, when he threw it after the play was done and guys were running back.

Kobe does do that a little too often though, no bueno.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This dude is so dirty.

I'm a fan of PHYSICAL play in the NBA.

But the Lakers were playing borderline DIRTY.
Even though I said 'dirty' a second ago, it wasn't really that they wanted to play dirty. It's that they realized they were worthless against a solid NBA defense, so they started trying to bully the Rockets around.

And that's why I've never once co-signed with anyone over the last year and a half saying we're a championship team; we fold under SOLID NBA defense, and the Rockets are ROCK solid, aas were the Celtics in the Finals, as are the Cavs, and as are the Nuggets.

If I weren't a Lakers fan, I'd bet even money on the Rockets, Nuggets, or Cavs winning it all... because of their hyper-commitment to defense. I'm not completely sold on the Rockets yet, but I'm definitely willing to call the Nuggets a championship team, and I've been calling the Cavs a championship team since mid-December.
On the Kobe & Shane gif. Can't you see he was trying to get up. If Shane didn't rush to get up he wouldn't been hit. Ya'll bereaching
so fisher putting that bum on his %*! means the rockets are in the lakers head?

these rocket fan boys that have come out are just as bad as kobe/laker fan boys
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I'm a Kobe fan (y'all should know if you follow me on Twitter) ... but I hate when he plays that innocent role .

It's clear that Bryant hit Artest in the throat ... all Artest was doing was telling the refs & Kobe that he was bogus for doing that .

Ejected ? Really now ?

Kobe knows damn well what he did , that's why he put his arms up because he wanted to act like he didn't do anything .

I like the new Artest , he's more calm ... why did they have to eject him because he had words with Kobe ?

you obviously didn't see the reverse angle. BSPN keeps running the back angle. In the reverse angle, you can clearly see the elbow connected in theupper chest area, and it wasn't as hard as it looked. Do you really think if you connect an elbow hard in the throat then Artest could have just shakedit off light nothing happened? he would have been in serious pain.

and he got ejected becaus the refs thought he made a throat slash gesture, but he didn't, he was just gesturing that the elbow was thrown, but the refsthought he did a throat slash gesture at Kobe

and I dont see a problem with that Kobe/Shane play from Game 1. Kobe was trying to get up, it looks like he slipped a little because shane was tyring to getup at the same time. no biggie.
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