Official Game 2: 05/06 Houston Rockets @ Los Angeles Lakers 7:30PM PST TNT

Originally Posted by franchise3

Fisher didn't send any message.

If anything, it shows the Rockets have gotten into the Lakers heads.

Kobe yelling all game 'He can't guard me', to the fans, to Shane, to Doug Collins, Kobe throwing an elbow, DFish's uncharacteristic cheap shot, Luke and Sasha jawing, LO talking after a block, etc.

Again, if it takes Kobe shooting lights out dropping 40, the Rockets will take their chances with that.
If anyone watches Laker games on the regular, Kobe yells, "He can't guard me," all the time, not just to Shane Battier, Walton &LO do not back down are regularly jaw and talk to opponent. With the exception of DFish's elbow, there is nothing new to these Lakers in this series.
got shoes:
This dude is so dirty.


On the Kobe & Shane gif. Can't you see he was trying to get up. If Shane didn't rush to get up he wouldn't been hit. Ya'll be reaching

No dude.
He clearly tried to give Shane a little nudge to the head with his forearm.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ No dude.
He clearly tried to give Shane a little nudge to the head with his forearm.

He clearly loses his balance when Shane gets up. Watch his leg slip.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

got shoes:
This dude is so dirty.

On the Kobe & Shane gif. Can't you see he was trying to get up. If Shane didn't rush to get up he wouldn't been hit. Ya'll be reaching

No dude.
He clearly tried to give Shane a little nudge to the head with his forearm.

It really does look like Kobe is trying to regain his balance because his left foot is forward. In any event, you can't blame Battier forwanting to get up. I don't want any dude on top of me either.
Originally Posted by got shoes

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This dude is so dirty.

On the Kobe & Shane gif. Can't you see he was trying to get up. If Shane didn't rush to get up he wouldn't been hit. Ya'll be reaching
Because it also takes an elbow to the head to get up right?

The NBA is reviewing three plays fromWednesday night's games in order to determine if further penalty should be taken.

"The plays are under review," NBA spokesman Tim Frank said.

Derek Fisher bowled over Luis Scola as the Houston forward was setting a pick, which led to a Flagrant Foul 2. A suspension for Game 3 is underconsideration.

Kobe Bryant elbowed Ron Artest as the two were angling for position on a rebound. If a player elbows another player above the shoulders, it is an automaticsuspension by the NBA.

Replays appeared to show Bryant's elbow striking Artest on his upper chest, just above the "R" on Artest's Rockets jersey.

In the Magic-Celtics game, Rafer Alston slapped Eddie House on the back of the head following a three-point shot.

Sorry if late.
I gotta agree on that gif - the first time i saw it, i thought it was pretty sleezy by Kobe.. by now after about 20 views, it looks pretty harmless.. Kobeslips as Battier is rushing to get up, and Kobe just tries to hold himself up (unfortunately on Battier's head

Think you're reaching a bit Ska - but you'd never do that against Kobe, right?
shanes an idiot, you dont try to get up when a dude is on top of you, you let the guy on top get up first
and kobe is holding a ball in his hands too, so he obviously loses balance

i can't believe you guys are reaching like that
This proof is right *@+%@#% in front of you and people refuse to believe it. They were both dirty. I don't give a #%%@ were the elbow landed. Neck, chest,groin, it doesn't matter. He threw an elbow came down and gathered himself, then went up for the rebound.

There is absolutely no justification for the Shane play. If he didn't rush to get up? A knee and then an elbow might wanna make you get up.

A bunch of "mental gymnastics" goin on here.
I see what Fisher was doing there when he knocked down Scola.

No team wants to be called soft, but then when they try not to be soft they are called dirty.

I wish I had seen this intensity from the get go in Game 1.
Originally Posted by sole searchin

Originally Posted by CP1708

Shuges, dirty?

2 plays right? We're talkin about two plays, Kobe bow, and the Fish TKO.

Cuz, everyone on this board calls us soft, now we're dirty? Can't have both people. It's one or the other.

Scola wants it with LO, then he moves on to Luke Walton of all people, then he wants some of Sasha, and then he gets his a^^ handed to him by the smallest Laker of all?
Fish sent a message. Loud and clear.

It's the other way around if you were watching the game at all. LO was talking to Scola all game and Odom got in his face, then Scola turns and Walton is there to do absolutely nothing but start something as well as Vujusuck. Don't get it twisted, Scola ain't gonna back down if your coming at him, and that is what it was, there were coming at him not the other way around and it just so happened that Scola didn't back down like they thought he would.

How did he get his butt handed to him by D. Fish? Guy sets screen, Guy B lowers his shoulder and puts his elbow and weight into him. What'd you what Scola to do? Have telemorphic powers and and know that that was coming. It's all good. We got what we wanted at least a split in L.A. Ain't nothing, we play this way, with heart, with class.

Face it, we're in the Laker's heads and its effecting ya'll. Fakers changing up there play because they know what they been doing ain't getting it done therefore they using dirty tactics to try to get back into it and motivate themselves.

Listen to yourself.

Scola is some hero who doesn't back down, but the Lakers are clowns for standing up for themselves just the same?
Did any of them back down? Or did they do EXACTLY what you are praising Scolafor?

How about not flying 8 feet after the smallest Laker on the team bodies you. Would that be ok? Fish didn't hit him from behind, he could see Fish rightthere, he knew there would be at least some contact. He couldn't hold up to Fish? Come on. Scola ain't small, he got bodied. I don't know anyother way to say it. Either bodied or he flopped, you pick.

You're in our heads and it's affecting us? You really beleive that? It was just a basketball game right? Lakers were up 10 when this all happenedright? It got heated, words were said, that's it. Nothing more. Heat of battle. Cheap shots, dirty hits, whatever you feel is appropriate, but in ourheads?????

Changing up their play = make adjustments correct? Oh. We're stupid for that.

Come on B, you're better then that.
Derek Fisher didn't feel asthough he should have been ejected for his foul on Luis Scola.

"I understand the officials were trying to get the game under control at that point," Fisher said. "My intent was to run through the pickhard. He was further away from me than I thought so my arm was up high when I hit them."

Laker fans, please tell me you see through this bogus explanation.
Even though I said 'dirty' a second ago, it wasn't really that they wanted to play dirty. It's that they realized they were worthless against a solid NBA defense, so they started trying to bully the Rockets around.
As I said in another post - and I hate doing this because I think Phil Jackson is a VERY overrated head coach... BUT - I believe his gameplan, after seeing how physical the Rockets were going to play them, was to force the refs hand in this second game. To get things very chippy out there so that the rest of the series would be called super tight, allowing the Lakers to play more their style.

This was a chess move by Phil and the Lakers - who saw that the Rockets were trying to make this series a measure of pure strength and toughness.. so the Lakers responded with their own style and outsmarted the Rockets a bit. Now you're going to see a finesse series so that we don't get a brawl, which the NBA will try it's hardest to prevent.
That's an interesting theory, and it makes perfect sense. Never thought of it that way. The Rockets play solid but physical defense, so Philtells the guys to get the refs involved in the game, and since the Rockets are by no means perfect in their physical play, they would maybe have to back off alittle bit if the refs stay involved in the game. That frees the Lakers up to play more finesse, and cripples the Rockets from relying on their main identity:smart, hard defense. They'd be reduced to smart defense, which the Lakers would definitely feel more comfortable against given that the alternative issmart, hard defense.

We'll see tomorrow night if you're right. If the Rockets have any success against us tomorrow night ad you're right, I would expect the Lakers tostart getting the refs back into the game by pulling off dirty stunts again.
To the rest of the kobe haters out there - i'm done for now, you guys are ridiculous... the guy who asked where Ron was supposed to put his hands if not on the back of a players neck?

It's so funny to me that out of the two guys you could support - Kobe or Ron.. you guys choose the one who is just a manic hothead... you defend him running over at Kobe and getting right in his face after the play and getting thrown out of the game. Imagine if Kobe pulled that against somebody else... the backlash that would take place here.

Do people no longer judge a persons actions anymore? They just check the name on your jersey and say pass or fail? You guys are a joke that let your emotions get that tied up on a person who doesn't even know you.
On the question 'A player isn't judged by his actions anymore?', I have a question: What's more telling about a person, theirprevious actions or their most recent actions?

Because Ron has been flying under the radar for quite some time now, and if you really look at what he did, you'll see it really wasn't that bad. Hegot elbowed in the neck area, that we know. He immediately went to a REF, not Kobe, that we know (watch the replay). Then after talking to the ref on thesideline OPPOSITE Kobe, Artest seems still frustrated with being elbowed in the throat, and the ref is apparently going to do nothing about it, that we know.Then he runs over to the other side of the court to Kobe, and according to him (Ron), he says something to the effect of 'Dude, you need to chill with allthis 'elbow to the face and neck' stuff. We can't be doing that to each other.' Me personally, I believe Ron when he says that's what hesaid.

So he gets elbowed in the neck area, goes to a ref, talks for a few seconds, sees that nothing is going to be done to stop Kobe from doing that again, goesover to Kobe to tell him himself 'Don't do that again', and he gets tossed.

Honestly, I feel bad for him. He handled it the right way the first time, and I don't have a problem with how he confronted Kobe... IF he's beingtruthful in telling us what was said. Now, if he's lying, and it were revealed that he said something confrontational, then I don't have a problem atall with him getting the boot.
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

This proof is right *@+%@#% in front of you and people refuse to believe it. They were both dirty. I don't give a #%%@ were the elbow landed. Neck, chest, groin, it doesn't matter. He threw an elbow came down and gathered himself, then went up for the rebound.

There is absolutely no justification for the Shane play. If he didn't rush to get up? A knee and then an elbow might wanna make you get up.

A bunch of "mental gymnastics" goin on here.

its pretty sad that NBA fans like you have become as soft as the NBA itself.

people use elbows all the time in basketball, as long as its not malicious and to the head, then its not suspension worthy
its part of boxing out, even coaches use 2 elbows as the symbol for boxing out

kobe got pushed and artest was riding him under the basketbal so kobe used his arms (elbows part of the arms) to hold him back

you softies are funny
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

ron was riding kobe (pause) under the basket and kobe threw the elbow to get him off, anyone who plays ball knows that happens all the time. and the elbow connected in the chest area, not throat, and didn't hit as hard as it looked if you look at the reverse angle

kobe shouldn't get suspended

/agree but rules are rules. I don't think there's a definitive angle to say Kobe's elbow was above Ron Ron's shoulders. He should't besuspended. Will he get a Flagrant/technical? Probably... but i don't know what the media/fans are crying about. First it's "the Lakers are soft,they let teams bully them and then they whine". Now it's "The Lakers play dirty and if you're the Lakers and you're going to try to bodyother teams you're going to get your *%@ handed to you."

All this crap is, is media hype to create stories. It's because it's Kobe and Artest and they want a story. Go back to the mid-late 90's and lookat the Knicks v. anyone in the playoffs. It was physical, physical ball and those guys did work. I mean did Pip even get a technical for the "how's my*%%% taste?" dunk/walk over on Ewing? It's not the Laker's that are soft, it's the league.
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

This proof is right *@+%@#% in front of you and people refuse to believe it. They were both dirty. I don't give a #%%@ were the elbow landed. Neck, chest, groin, it doesn't matter. He threw an elbow came down and gathered himself, then went up for the rebound.

There is absolutely no justification for the Shane play. If he didn't rush to get up? A knee and then an elbow might wanna make you get up.

A bunch of "mental gymnastics" goin on here.
Except you aren't even seeing the plays how they correctly happened..

The elbow came after he got the rebound - and was a result of him being shoved down towards the ground by Artest who was riding his back/neck. Had the refscalled that originally, the elbow never has time to come out.

And the only thing to argue about the Battier .gif is that Kobe's knee may have been intentional or not. Everything after that appears clearly incidental.

On the question 'A player isn't judged by his actions anymore?', I have a question: What's more telling about a person, their previous actions or their most recent actions?

Because Ron has been flying under the radar for quite some time now, and if you really look at what he did, you'll see it really wasn't that bad. He got elbowed in the neck area, that we know. He immediately went to a REF, not Kobe, that we know (watch the replay). Then after talking to the ref on the sideline OPPOSITE Kobe, Artest seems still frustrated with being elbowed in the throat, and the ref is apparently going to do nothing about it, that we know. Then he runs over to the other side of the court to Kobe, and according to him (Ron), he says something to the effect of 'Dude, you need to chill with all this 'elbow to the face and neck' stuff. We can't be doing that to each other.' Me personally, I believe Ron when he says that's what he said.

So he gets elbowed in the neck area, goes to a ref, talks for a few seconds, sees that nothing is going to be done to stop Kobe from doing that again, goes over to Kobe to tell him himself 'Don't do that again', and he gets tossed.

Honestly, I feel bad for him. He handled it the right way the first time, and I don't have a problem with how he confronted Kobe... IF he's being truthful in telling us what was said. Now, if he's lying, and it were revealed that he said something confrontational, then I don't have a problem at all with him getting the boot.

I have to disagree a bit.

Ron turned what was a normal basketball play into a huge scene. You don't run up and confront the ref, then run over and confront the opposing player onany call you disagree with. That's absurd, and you should be T'd up. When your entire team gets between you and the other player and you continuemaking a scene, you get tossed. When your Ron Artest, one of the few guys to ever go into the stands and fight fans, you probably get those whistles slightlyquicker than other guys, and rightfully so. But anybody who caused that scene he did last night deserved to be tossed.

That is not how you handle a call you disagree with - you wanna talk to the ref respectfully during a break in play or a timeout, that's fine. You wannatalk to the opposing player within the course of the game, fine. You don't make the entire game about your one big gripe on a call, that's not how itworks at any level of sports.

On the replay - after seeing how weak the actual elbow was, it makes him look even more ridiculous. I have nothing against Artest for the most part - I thinkhe's entertaining and a great ball player, but you can't just ignore his past. When he gets that look in his eyes, you have to suspect he's goingto go nuts - because he's proven time and time again he's likely to snap on the court. Last night was a case of him overreacting, period. That justisn't how you handle yourself.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Even though I said 'dirty' a second ago, it wasn't really that they wanted to play dirty. It's that they realized they were worthless against a solid NBA defense, so they started trying to bully the Rockets around.
As I said in another post - and I hate doing this because I think Phil Jackson is a VERY overrated head coach... BUT - I believe his gameplan, after seeing how physical the Rockets were going to play them, was to force the refs hand in this second game. To get things very chippy out there so that the rest of the series would be called super tight, allowing the Lakers to play more their style.

This was a chess move by Phil and the Lakers - who saw that the Rockets were trying to make this series a measure of pure strength and toughness.. so the Lakers responded with their own style and outsmarted the Rockets a bit. Now you're going to see a finesse series so that we don't get a brawl, which the NBA will try it's hardest to prevent.
That's an interesting theory, and it makes perfect sense. Never thought of it that way. The Rockets play solid but physical defense, so Phil tells the guys to get the refs involved in the game, and since the Rockets are by no means perfect in their physical play, they would maybe have to back off a little bit if the refs stay involved in the game. That frees the Lakers up to play more finesse, and cripples the Rockets from relying on their main identity: smart, hard defense. They'd be reduced to smart defense, which the Lakers would definitely feel more comfortable against given that the alternative is smart, hard defense.

We'll see tomorrow night if you're right. If the Rockets have any success against us tomorrow night ad you're right, I would expect the Lakers to start getting the refs back into the game by pulling off dirty stunts again.
To the rest of the kobe haters out there - i'm done for now, you guys are ridiculous... the guy who asked where Ron was supposed to put his hands if not on the back of a players neck?

It's so funny to me that out of the two guys you could support - Kobe or Ron.. you guys choose the one who is just a manic hothead... you defend him running over at Kobe and getting right in his face after the play and getting thrown out of the game. Imagine if Kobe pulled that against somebody else... the backlash that would take place here.

Do people no longer judge a persons actions anymore? They just check the name on your jersey and say pass or fail? You guys are a joke that let your emotions get that tied up on a person who doesn't even know you.
On the question 'A player isn't judged by his actions anymore?', I have a question: What's more telling about a person, their previous actions or their most recent actions?

Because Ron has been flying under the radar for quite some time now, and if you really look at what he did, you'll see it really wasn't that bad. He got elbowed in the neck area, that we know. He immediately went to a REF, not Kobe, that we know (watch the replay). Then after talking to the ref on the sideline OPPOSITE Kobe, Artest seems still frustrated with being elbowed in the throat, and the ref is apparently going to do nothing about it, that we know. Then he runs over to the other side of the court to Kobe, and according to him (Ron), he says something to the effect of 'Dude, you need to chill with all this 'elbow to the face and neck' stuff. We can't be doing that to each other.' Me personally, I believe Ron when he says that's what he said.

So he gets elbowed in the neck area, goes to a ref, talks for a few seconds, sees that nothing is going to be done to stop Kobe from doing that again, goes over to Kobe to tell him himself 'Don't do that again', and he gets tossed.

Honestly, I feel bad for him. He handled it the right way the first time, and I don't have a problem with how he confronted Kobe... IF he's being truthful in telling us what was said. Now, if he's lying, and it were revealed that he said something confrontational, then I don't have a problem at all with him getting the boot.

wrong. you must not have seen the proper camera angle to make a judgement. you are wrong, he lied to the refs, he was NOT hit in the neck or throad

imagine if Kobe would have lied like that to the refs and made up some story about getting elbowed in the throat after going over the back on someone. kobehaters would be killin him on NT
Think you're reaching a bit Ska - but you'd never do that against Kobe, right?

That's the thing, I don't think I've ever denied my biases.
I know that my opinion of Kobe affects my interpretation of his actions, andthe same goes for Ron. I know that my opinion (fandom) of Ron is affecting my interpretation of what he did before getting tossed.

I just get irritated when I see other people deny their biases saying things like 'I know I'm a Kobe fan, but that has nothing to do with me thinkingthat he did nothing wrong, or my thinking that all of you are just haters getting your reach on.' I just laugh to myself and think 'Yes... yes, yourbias has EVERYTHING to do with your interpretation of the same play us 'haters' are seeing, and our bias has everything to do with what you'reseeing.'

D'ah well. What are you gonna do, right? As long as people keep their composure and don't resort to making personal comments, then it's all justshhh and giggles.
Artest got tossed becasue he made that elbow gesture in mid air, and I think Crawford took that as a sign of retaliation or something like that.

I don't think Artest should have been tossed at all, I think the refs were scared they were losing complete control of the game.

Hence, the tech shortly thereafter on Kobe for talking trash, something he had been doing for 2 hours before that.

Where is the R on the Rockets jersey? Is it near the throat, or the chest area? Anyone seen this "other angle" someone is referring too in thisthread? Gif?
To the rest of the kobe haters out there - i'm done for now, you guys are ridiculous... the guy who asked where Ron was supposed to put his hands if not on the back of a players neck?

It's so funny to me that out of the two guys you could support - Kobe or Ron.. you guys choose the one who is just a manic hothead... you defend him running over at Kobe and getting right in his face after the play and getting thrown out of the game. Imagine if Kobe pulled that against somebody else... the backlash that would take place here.

Do people no longer judge a persons actions anymore? They just check the name on your jersey and say pass or fail? You guys are a joke that let your emotions get that tied up on a person who doesn't even know you.
On the question 'A player isn't judged by his actions anymore?', I have a question: What's more telling about a person, their previous actions or their most recent actions?

Because Ron has been flying under the radar for quite some time now, and if you really look at what he did, you'll see it really wasn't that bad. He got elbowed in the neck area, that we know. He immediately went to a REF, not Kobe, that we know (watch the replay). Then after talking to the ref on the sideline OPPOSITE Kobe, Artest seems still frustrated with being elbowed in the throat, and the ref is apparently going to do nothing about it, that we know. Then he runs over to the other side of the court to Kobe, and according to him (Ron), he says something to the effect of 'Dude, you need to chill with all this 'elbow to the face and neck' stuff. We can't be doing that to each other.' Me personally, I believe Ron when he says that's what he said.

So he gets elbowed in the neck area, goes to a ref, talks for a few seconds, sees that nothing is going to be done to stop Kobe from doing that again, goes over to Kobe to tell him himself 'Don't do that again', and he gets tossed.

Honestly, I feel bad for him. He handled it the right way the first time, and I don't have a problem with how he confronted Kobe... IF he's being truthful in telling us what was said. Now, if he's lying, and it were revealed that he said something confrontational, then I don't have a problem at all with him getting the boot.

wrong. you must not have seen the proper camera angle to make a judgement. you are wrong, he lied to the refs, he was NOT hit in the neck or throad
Show me. Otherwise, all I have is your word; all have is you telling me I was wrong.

Show me.

I know from the angle I posted before, it DEFINITELY looks like Kobe elbowed Ron in the NECK AREA. If I'm wrong about that, that's fine, but show me.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

To the rest of the kobe haters out there - i'm done for now, you guys are ridiculous... the guy who asked where Ron was supposed to put his hands if not on the back of a players neck?

It's so funny to me that out of the two guys you could support - Kobe or Ron.. you guys choose the one who is just a manic hothead... you defend him running over at Kobe and getting right in his face after the play and getting thrown out of the game. Imagine if Kobe pulled that against somebody else... the backlash that would take place here.

Do people no longer judge a persons actions anymore? They just check the name on your jersey and say pass or fail? You guys are a joke that let your emotions get that tied up on a person who doesn't even know you.
On the question 'A player isn't judged by his actions anymore?', I have a question: What's more telling about a person, their previous actions or their most recent actions?

Because Ron has been flying under the radar for quite some time now, and if you really look at what he did, you'll see it really wasn't that bad. He got elbowed in the neck area, that we know. He immediately went to a REF, not Kobe, that we know (watch the replay). Then after talking to the ref on the sideline OPPOSITE Kobe, Artest seems still frustrated with being elbowed in the throat, and the ref is apparently going to do nothing about it, that we know. Then he runs over to the other side of the court to Kobe, and according to him (Ron), he says something to the effect of 'Dude, you need to chill with all this 'elbow to the face and neck' stuff. We can't be doing that to each other.' Me personally, I believe Ron when he says that's what he said.

So he gets elbowed in the neck area, goes to a ref, talks for a few seconds, sees that nothing is going to be done to stop Kobe from doing that again, goes over to Kobe to tell him himself 'Don't do that again', and he gets tossed.

Honestly, I feel bad for him. He handled it the right way the first time, and I don't have a problem with how he confronted Kobe... IF he's being truthful in telling us what was said. Now, if he's lying, and it were revealed that he said something confrontational, then I don't have a problem at all with him getting the boot.

wrong. you must not have seen the proper camera angle to make a judgement. you are wrong, he lied to the refs, he was NOT hit in the neck or throad
Show me. Otherwise, all I have is your word; all have is you telling me I was wrong.

Show me.

I know from the angle I posted before, it DEFINITELY looks like Kobe elbowed Ron in the NECK AREA. If I'm wrong about that, that's fine, but show me.

Well the league report that was just posted on looking into possible suspensions said he elbowed him just above the R on his jersey.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Originally Posted by CP1708

Shuges, dirty?

2 plays right? We're talkin about two plays, Kobe bow, and the Fish TKO.

Cuz, everyone on this board calls us soft, now we're dirty? Can't have both people. It's one or the other.

Scola wants it with LO, then he moves on to Luke Walton of all people, then he wants some of Sasha, and then he gets his a^^ handed to him by the smallest Laker of all?
Fish sent a message. Loud and clear.

It's the other way around if you were watching the game at all. LO was talking to Scola all game and Odom got in his face, then Scola turns and Walton is there to do absolutely nothing but start something as well as Vujusuck. Don't get it twisted, Scola ain't gonna back down if your coming at him, and that is what it was, there were coming at him not the other way around and it just so happened that Scola didn't back down like they thought he would.

How did he get his butt handed to him by D. Fish? Guy sets screen, Guy B lowers his shoulder and puts his elbow and weight into him. What'd you what Scola to do? Have telemorphic powers and and know that that was coming. It's all good. We got what we wanted at least a split in L.A. Ain't nothing, we play this way, with heart, with class.

Face it, we're in the Laker's heads and its effecting ya'll. Fakers changing up there play because they know what they been doing ain't getting it done therefore they using dirty tactics to try to get back into it and motivate themselves.

Listen to yourself.

Scola is some hero who doesn't back down, but the Lakers are clowns for standing up for themselves just the same?
Did any of them back down? Or did they do EXACTLY what you are praising Scola for?

How about not flying 8 feet after the smallest Laker on the team bodies you. Would that be ok? Fish didn't hit him from behind, he could see Fish right there, he knew there would be at least some contact. He couldn't hold up to Fish? Come on. Scola ain't small, he got bodied. I don't know any other way to say it. Either bodied or he flopped, you pick.

You're in our heads and it's affecting us? You really beleive that? It was just a basketball game right? Lakers were up 10 when this all happened right? It got heated, words were said, that's it. Nothing more. Heat of battle. Cheap shots, dirty hits, whatever you feel is appropriate, but in our heads?????

Changing up their play = make adjustments correct? Oh. We're stupid for that.

Come on B, you're better then that.

Just referring to Scola. Dude doesn't really talk except when he complains about getting a foul call. Come on now. Odom was scoring on Scola so Odom feltlike trash talking a little. Scola didn't like it. But then some how Luke Walkton gets in the picture. None of the Lakers needed to back down consideringnone of the Rockets instigated anything verbally. Come on B, don't try to hype Luke Walton. I thought his touching story about winning a championship forhis dad last year in the Finals was the last of him. Epic fail by the way.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

how can you say that ariza is a good 3 point shooter by just taking a 5 game sample?? he only shot 32% from the field in the regular reason...have you heard of the field of statistics. anybody can get hot...

So is Artest but you aren't saying anything about his inability from long range.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I see what Fisher was doing there when he knocked down Scola.

No team wants to be called soft, but then when they try not to be soft they are called dirty.

I wish I had seen this intensity from the get go in Game 1.

There is a major difference between dirty and playing with heart. Fisher went out of his way to throw his arm into Scola's chest. Its not like Fisher wasbattling over a screen set by Scola or trying to gain position while posting up. What Fisher did was intentional and done with malice. I dont see how you dontcall that play dirty.
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