Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Haven't been posting a lot lately because of a new job where my computer faces towards the damn passageway everyone walks through.

That's how it was at my old job
It was the worst, I'd have to sit up REAL tall in my chair and make the NT window really small in the lower righthand corner of the screen and my work in the background
    i'm in the same boat with you 2

Who you tellin? It's feels like I'm covered from most angles, but the people that sit behind me can see what I'm doing. I had this chick behind me say "I don't care if you're on that sneaker website". I was like "Why the hell you in my business like that". I didn't have home internet at the time, so I just didn't post for about a month.
Buy this: and stick it onto your screen at work. Nobody will know what happened.
I don't see how people are writing the celtics off. Anything can happen in a game 7. However if the Lakers bring their A game it is a wrap.
713 BOSTON CELTICS188u08188u08 / 188u14 / 187o08187+270
714 LOS ANGELES LAKERS-6.5 -09-6.5 -16 / -7 -04 / -7 -03-7 -330

i knew the lakers were favored, but that's a lot of pts and it is still moving up...

has any team ever won a gm7 on the road in the finals? this reminds me of the pistons in 88 (yes, i am old, lol) when they went to la up 3-2, only to lose.

have a feeling la is going to jump to an early and late lead (7-9pts), while boston will try to mount a comeback, only to fall short.
Originally Posted by DMan14

713 BOSTON CELTICS188u08188u08 / 188u14 / 187o08187+270
714 LOS ANGELES LAKERS-6.5 -09-6.5 -16 / -7 -04 / -7 -03-7 -330

i knew the lakers were favored, but that's a lot of pts and it is still moving up...

has any team ever won a gm7 on the road in the finals? this reminds me of the pistons in 88 (yes, i am old, lol) when they went to la up 3-2, only to lose.

have a feeling la is going to jump to an early and late lead (7-9pts), while boston will try to mount a comeback, only to fall short.

the 1978 bullets, 1974 celtics, and the 1969 celtics all won game 7 of the finals on the road.  hopefully it stays that way. 
How sweet will it be if Kobe and the Lakers lose Game 7 at home. I hope if happens so we can finally put the debate of Kobe vs Jordan to rest for good
Originally Posted by finnns2003

"I think this one, when we win it, it's gonna taste much sweeter than the one last year," Bynum said. "Just knowing that I played with the injury, [came] through and helped us get here. It's big. We have to win. We're at home. Everything. We have the momentum right now. We have to go out there and beat this team."

Asked if he was offering a "guarantee," Bynum smiled playfully, but nonetheless went out on a limb. "We're guaranteed to win."
Okay, hope Doc posts this one up in the locker room before the game.

Didn't Big Baby guarantee a victory as well? Not to mention what Paul Pierce said after the last game.

Lol @ some of you getting mad at whoever was celebrating Perkins injury.

Yea it's messed up, but you guys act like there isn't any Boston fans who wish the game for Kobe etc.... There's no jynxing when clearly both set of fans do not like eachother.
This will be the biggest and most exciting game I have ever watched since I became a Laker-fan in the mid 90's. Man I can't wait....Imagine if this came down to the last seconds.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

hope someone wins on a buzzer-beater

I honestly think it'd be so tight to see Kobe nail a game winner on his home court for his 5th ring 

or Jesus just sayin' F ya'll and hittin' a 3 to win it.

All in all I hope it's a great game.  I have nothing but respect for both teams.  No hatred for them like many of my kind do.  Respect.  2 great organizations.  

Here's to hoping it's a good one! 

LA and Boston fans better have the beer, wine, liquor, and blunts on deck.

Should be a great night for ya'll 
In the words of Rick Kamala on NBATV "Derek Fisher has not hit a 3-Pointer in the Finals.......YET
Originally Posted by k0befomvp

This will be the biggest and most exciting game I have ever watched since I became a Laker-fan in the mid 90's. Man I can't wait....Imagine if this came down to the last seconds.
I fully expect the Lakers to take this one.

-No Perkins so they're brute, inside stopper is gone. Sure, other guys will try to step up but you can't convince me it will be the same.
-Lakers just don't lose G7s in LA. They just don't.
-The Lakers have Kobe Bryant. The Celtics don't. It's really that simple.

I hope it's a great game. I'll say, Lakers by 4.
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