Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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So we have dudes in here rooting for mastermind pedophiles? :lol:

We got guys in here who were rooting for Ramsay. A sociopathic, sadistic, torturer and rapist who fed his baby brother to dogs. If people can root for him, I guess they can root for anyone.
Dog is that Bronn in a tracksuit?


I don't think she wants to be indebted to LF. I think she's using him to get what she ultimately wants and then she'll probably get even with him for the foul **** he did (ie betray Ned, sell her off to Ramsay, etc). The bigger picture is the North. It's harder to regain the North with a massive wildling army. That's part of the reason the Umbers switched sides. They have to get everybody on board now because the Starks and the Vale took out a sizable amount of Northern soldiers. The Starks have a potential Northern Civil War brewing, on top of the White Walkers. They have to start bringing people into the fold and one of the best ways to do that is via marriages. They could give Tormund the Dreadfort and propose a marriage with a prominent Northern house, for example.

Jon needs to smarten up because his plan of attack failed. What saved him was Sansa's secret pact with the Vale. He needs to see the bigger picture here too and start bringing Sansa into the fold more.
hmm, lets see.

she trusted him even after betraying Ned, she was going to leave KL with him.

then she did leave with him.

she vouched for him when he killed lysa.

she could have left with Brienne but didn't.

a lot of things that happened to her is her own fault.

she could have even escaped king's landing with the hound, during the battle of the blackwater.

I agree on the stuff about the north though, but I can see some of the smaller houses repledging fealty.

Manderly's have the biggest army in the north now I believe, maybe they can start there.
Lady Mormont probably engaged to someone already.

walter frey probably got 5 underage girls lined up to be his new wives.
For the sake of argument, let's say it is Stannis, then Zik's and Rusty's theories aren't too far fetched either.
[QUOTE name="WorldBreaker" url="[URL][/URL]"]

People want to hate Sansa just to hate her. In that scene after the war councel she said not to attack Winterfell until they have a larger force. Sure she didn't tell Jon the Vale was coming but maybe she didn't know they were coming. Maybe she didn't receive word from LF that he was coming.

Either way she said not to attack period. She even says I'm going to kill myself if we lose. That basically puts more pressure on Jon to wait since he would be risking everyone's life including hers

Then what the **** is Jon waiting for if she doesn't know any help is coming?

What is there to wait for?

This argument makes no sense.
I don't know....wait for a response from LF. 
I was thinking about it this way. Maybe Jon would accept LF's help more if he was for sure on the way and since Sansa wasn't sure she decided not to tell Jon why he should wait....I don't know man. :lol:  I just think its goofy that they ultimately won the battle because of her letter and know she's more of a scumbag then she was before.
Jon doesn't even know about LF though :lol:

She didn't give him an incentive or any hope that somebody else was an option to help them.

So how could he be open to LF or anybody. This ain't even about trusting LF. Jon don't know dude either way.

As for how it went down, yeah. I can expect a scene of Jon asking why she didn't even tell him about the possibility of Vale knights.
if sansa was really bout that life, she would have had brienne behead littlefinger in that little private meeting

and tada she has her own army
So I thought you were joking before but you're like so high you think killing LF would get her own army?

She has no claim to the Vale. You think after killing LF her cousin is gonna be down to help her? She and Brienne both would be dead. Even if they covered it up, Sansa does not have manipulation skills to control that crazy *** cousin.
We got guys in here who were rooting for Ramsay. A sociopathic, sadistic, torturer and rapist who fed his baby brother to dogs. If people can root for him, I guess they can root for anyone.

I can't even lie. I enjoyed Ramsay and his evil ways. As for rooting for him ...nah Couldn't wait to see him die.
Sansa did what she had to do for survival. Is she now indebted to LF? Yes, but that's not as bad as living under the tyranny of Ramsay Bolton.

But LF gave her to Ramsay in the first place. If I were Sansa I would like at it more like LF was obligated to fix his **** up and not that she's owes him something for saving her.
It wasn't like she had no choice. She was dumb enough to go along with the plan to marry in to the family that betrayed and killed hers.

Ok, but what power does she have to tell LF that he's obligated to do anything? He has all the leverage, he holds all the cards.
Robin could just as easily listen to Sansa as Carcetti. Like someone mentioned previously, she could strike a deal with Royce to have Carcetti whacked.
Sansa's not that smart at all.

Age ain't a thing for Littlefinger.

So we have dudes in here rooting for mastermind pedophiles? :lol:
Of all the foul **** that goes on in this show it's crazy to me how ppl Just straight up lie about ****.

When did he become a pedophile?

I guess Tyrion is too. Christian cult style married her.
He got that woody allen creepy predator thing going on. Taking care of her when she's young and scheming waiting for her yambs to get ripe.
Woody Allen? Not seeing it.

Not about to get in the facts of Woody's alleged pedophilia and details either :lol:

LF can get his creep on but we got actual pedophiles, baby killers, incest relationships on this show.

Besmirch the Baelish name as best you can but let's be real.
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I can't even lie. I enjoyed Ramsay and his evil ways. As for rooting for him ...nah Couldn't wait to see him die.

Oh, he was a compelling character, no doubt. Made the show more interesting. But it was time for him to die. Rest In Pieces.
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