Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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hate sansa just to hate her?!?

this bish responsible for telling cersei on her own damn family for joffrey.. got her own direwolf (lady) killed.. hell she's responsible for little flippin finger still be around
She was young then but ya that was stupid and I did hate her. What I meant was people are looking for any reason to call her scum. I don't think anything she did last episode or this season has been scummy especially what she has been through.
taking a secret meeting with littlefinger.. turning down the offer for the knights of the vale (or even just killing him and outright taking them)

going from this:

to this:

and don't forget:

taking a secret meeting with littlefinger.. turning down the offer for the knights of the vale (or even just killing him and outright taking them)
That's not how this works. 

I never said Sansa wasn't stupid. She continues to make dumb moves, but she's not trying to have Jon killed or conspiring to kill him. 

Whatever I don't know why I'm defending her. I don't care that much.
Sansa is definitely not plotting on Jon directly.

She doesn't think Jon can keep her safe, but she knows he is the only person in the world she can trust.

Because as she puts it, Jon is Jon, and he never tries to be anything else.
People still in here capin' for Sansa. 
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People want to hate Sansa just to hate her. In that scene after the war councel she said not to attack Winterfell until they have a larger force. Sure she didn't tell Jon the Vale was coming but maybe she didn't know they were coming. Maybe she didn't receive word from LF that he was coming.
Either way she said not to attack period. She even says I'm going to kill myself if we lose. That basically puts more pressure on Jon to wait since he would be risking everyone's life including hers. 
Then what the **** is Jon waiting for if she doesn't know any help is coming?

What is there to wait for?

This argument makes no sense.

Arya would kill Sansa and Jonathan if she had to. She's a real one.
Arya wouldn't kill a stranger cuz she seemed nice and was a good actress.

She not about that life.
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He should've told Rickon to get down.
Dude ran in a straight line in an open field... Zig zag or do something.[emoji]128513[/emoji]

Thormund delivered the lols and the blood tonight.

Jon made Ramsay look like such a punk. Dude didnt land a single hit on the SnowGawd. Jon beat him perfect.

Wouldn't have helped man. Hunters hit deer and rabbits running wild at 50 yards. A 6'0" man is getting led and drilled by an expert archer.

Do you have a video of a hunter hitting a running rabbit at 50 yards?

I'm with the cats who say he could have zig-zagged.

Google is your friend.
People want to hate Sansa just to hate her. In that scene after the war councel she said not to attack Winterfell until they have a larger force. Sure she didn't tell Jon the Vale was coming but maybe she didn't know they were coming. Maybe she didn't receive word from LF that he was coming.
Either way she said not to attack period. She even says I'm going to kill myself if we lose. That basically puts more pressure on Jon to wait since he would be risking everyone's life including hers. 
Then what the **** is Jon waiting for if she doesn't know any help is coming?

What is there to wait for?

This argument makes no sense.

I think Worldbreaker is of the belief that Sansa knew Rickon would die no matter what, so there was no point attacking now. Wait until you have a larger host then siege. Once Jon had made up his mind to meet Ramsay in the open field, her not telling Jon

A. Keeps her from looking like a fool if little finger betrays them and B. Maintains the element of surprise by baiting Ramsay out of Winterfell, getting him to exhaust his resources and then blindsiding his flank.

It can't be both ways. Either Jon listens and then she tells him or he insists they try to save Rickon and attack and so she keeps her trump card intact since "her half-brother's army" is doomed and the scale will be all she has left.

Truth be told, even if she had told him about the Vale Jon was gonna attack anyway because it's in his blood to try to do the valiant thing and save his brother. Jon is Ned's son but Sansa is Cat's daughter.

Jon = noble, Sansa = foolish but finally privy to the game.
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I ain't buying none of that bull **** either.

If Rickon had zigged and zagged he'd be alive with only one arrow in him.

As for Sansa and her options, from Jon's pic there was literally nothing to wait for. They sent word and asked every alleged loyal house they could for help. They got who they got.

Were in the North. The Vale is in the East, Edmure was captured, Blackfish was never leaving his home Brienne sent word that she had failed.

Who else is there?
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Originally Posted by WorldBreaker  

People want to hate Sansa just to hate her. In that scene after the war councel she said not to attack Winterfell until they have a larger force. Sure she didn't tell Jon the Vale was coming but maybe she didn't know they were coming. Maybe she didn't receive word from LF that he was coming.
Either way she said not to attack period. She even says I'm going to kill myself if we lose. That basically puts more pressure on Jon to wait since he would be risking everyone's life including hers
Then what the **** is Jon waiting for if she doesn't know any help is coming?

What is there to wait for?

This argument makes no sense.
I don't know....wait for a response from LF. 

I was thinking about it this way. Maybe Jon would accept LF's help more if he was for sure on the way and since Sansa wasn't sure she decided not to tell Jon why he should wait....I don't know man.
 I just think its goofy that they ultimately won the battle because of her letter and know she's more of a scumbag then she was before.
if sansa was really bout that life, she would have had brienne behead littlefinger in that little private meeting

and tada she has her own army
I think Worldbreaker is of the belief that Sansa knew Rickon would die no matter what, so there was no point attacking now. Wait until you have a larger host then siege. Once Jon had made up his mind to meet Ramsay in the open field, her not telling Jon

A. Keeps her from looking like a fool if little finger betrays them and B. Maintains the element of surprise by baiting Ramsay out of Winterfell, getting him to exhaust his resources and then blindsiding his flank.

It can't be both ways. Either Jon listens and then she tells him or he insists they try to save Rickon and attack and so she keeps her trump card intact since "her half-brother's army" is doomed and the scale will be all she has left.

Truth be told, even if she had told him about the Vale Jon was gonna attack anyway because it's in his blood to try to do the valiant thing and save his brother. Jon is Ned's son but Sansa is Cat's daughter.

Jon = noble, Sansa = foolish but finally privy to the game.
Thank You
Well for rickon beig as good as dead according to salsa, he was a few seconds / few feet away from Jon saving him. Jon could've done better by watching when that bastard would release an arrow and tell Rickon to move off the aim line.
Jon is the only "stark" member who has any damn sense.

Salsa, Arya, all of em doing stupid a** s*** but Salsa wants to give my mans Jon advice on warfare? Foh.

I wouldn't be surprised if Salsa is pregnant with Ramsay's child and it kills her in childbirth. Seems like her luck.

I have pity for the woman but she acting stupid.
if sansa was really bout that life, she would have had brienne behead littlefinger in that little private meeting

and tada she has her own army
We're talking about Sansa not Danny.

Killing Littlefinger would not have got her the knights of the Vale.
this just happened before they left the vale (and that little meeting):

(link to the full scene)

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^^ So what's your point? He told Robin they were going to help Sansa.

Sansa kills him and they are suppose to follow her?

Edit: Also don't forget Robin loves LF, judging by the way he behaves around him, he likes him more than Sansa. The knights of the Vale do what Robin commands. I don't see Robin commanding his men to help Sansa after hearing she killed Uncle Petyr.
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^^ So what's your point? He told Robin they were going to help Sansa.

Sansa kills him and they are suppose to follow her?
watch the full scene..

sansa simply has to tell her cousin littlefinger put her in that situation (could even tell him who really killed his mother).. and then this dude is back in charge (and happy littlefinger is gone):

I don't see it  playing out like that. For a couple reason's. Robin is kinda messed up in the head. He loves LF for some reason. If he heard that Sansa killed him after he sent LF to help I don't see him reasoning with her. He would have her flying out the moon door so quick. If that other dude was in charge I don't think he would want the knights getting involved with the north. After all she did lie to them to protect LF and the I was trying to protect myself excuse wouldn't really work since if she told the truth then she would still be safe.

Whatever I guess it could happen.
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That scene when jon was about to face the entire ramsey army by himself, he stared at thousands of men and didn't blink.

Jon the gawd.

This was probably my favorite episode of the entire series. Gonna re watch it again to see if i missed anything
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Y'all really underestimating my lil N Robin Arryn and the power he has.

We're talking about the Lord and Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East.

By law, any of the 4 wardens can lawfully command and lead one quarter of all the armies in Westeros.

I know yall saw Lord Royce own men TURNED ON HIM the moment LF said only the judgement of the Lord of the Vale concerns him.

If Sansa ever tells his cousin Robin that LF killed his mother, LF is DONE.
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