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How are the wights and white walkers going to cross the wall? A podcast said that maybe when the night's king touched bran that it disabled all magic barriers for them. I dunno, that would've been answered if benjen tried to go with bran and meera to the wall.
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King in the North speech in its entirety, or the 'Hold the door' flashback.

Despite the camera panned on the windowsill for a moment, anyone else besides me still didn't think they were about to off Tommen like that? :lol:

HBO: When did you learn this was your last season on Game of Thrones?

Dean-Charles Chapman: The day before the table read, I got a phone call from [series creators] David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss]. It must be hard for them to break down how someone is going to die on the show, but they were really nice. They didn’t give away too much. At first I was gutted, but more than anything, I was just happy to be a part of such an amazing show.

HBO: Tommen’s death is eerily quiet. How did you approach filming the scene?

Dean-Charles Chapman: We tried a few different versions. The one that made the edit was more shell shock instead of Tommen bawling his eyes out and feeling sadness, anger or revenge. His number one priority – his wife – was in that Sept. He knows that it is game over for him. I think taking off the crown is Tommen giving up.

HBO: Were you surprised about the twist at Cersei’s trial?

Dean-Charles Chapman: I was really shocked. I think Tommen knew his mom was trying to figure a way out, but I don’t think he imagined that it was going to go down like that. I don’t think he imagined for two seconds that Margaery was going to die. No way.

HBO: Leading into the trial, did Tommen’s loyalty lie with Margaery or Cersei?

Dean-Charles Chapman: Tommen literally gets manipulated by everyone, but I think his main loyalty was with both Cersei and Margaery. He loves his mom to pieces, but on the other hand, Margaery’s his wife – she’s gorgeous and he loves her. He can’t choose between them.

HBO: Was Tommen truly indoctrinated by the High Sparrow?

Dean-Charles Chapman: At the start of the relationship, Tommen knows that the High Sparrow isn’t someone he should trust. But as I said, Tommen gets manipulated by everyone, so unfortunately he gets wrapped around the High Sparrow’s finger. I don’t think he necessarily likes the High Sparrow, but he assumes that if he goes along with what the High Sparrow says, everything will resolve happily. There’ll be no more death or blood and everyone can just get along. If you can’t beat them, then you might as well join them.

HBO: How do you think Tommen stacks up to Joffrey as a king?

Dean-Charles Chapman: Even though they’re brothers, they’re complete opposites. Joffrey was a psychopathic maniac. Ruling and power got to his head. He threw his weight around. Tommen is the opposite. I don’t necessarily believe that he wants to be king – he doesn’t have a clue about politics or know what he’s doing. He’s just a puppet for anyone.

HBO: Do you think Cersei has the makings of a good queen?

Dean-Charles Chapman: I think she’ll be a strong queen, maybe a bit too strong. It will be interesting to see how she plays out now that she’s lost all her children.

HBO: Do you have a favorite scene from your time on Game of Thrones?

Dean-Charles Chapman: I’d probably choose the Ser Pounce scene in “Oathkeeper.” That was my first day, so that meant a lot to me. It’s an iconic scene for Tommen with Ser Pounce and Margaery. It was a long, hard day, because the cat was a bit of a diva.

HBO: Is there anything you wish you had the chance to do as Tommen?

Dean-Charles Chapman: Yeah. I really wanted Tommen to stab someone. Maybe if Tommen had done battle in the Sept, he’d have killed the High Sparrow. I’ve never killed someone in a show or film, so that’s on my list. It would have been pretty cool to do on Game of Thrones.

HBO: What became of Ser Pounce?

Dean-Charles Chapman: He probably got a girlfriend and got married… And probably got caught up in the Sept blast, unfortunately.

HBO: Who’s your favorite Lannister?

Dean-Charles Chapman: Jaime Lannister. In the first few seasons, I thought he was a bit of a “bleep-word.” [Laughs] But in Season 3, you start to see a soft, more-human side. I think he would make a good ruler.

HBO: What would be your ideal next project?

Dean-Charles Chapman: I like a good old thriller.

HBO: Who would you put on the throne as your heir?

Dean-Charles Chapman: Jaime Lannister.
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So, why couldn't Uncle Benjen go to the Wall? He's basically half-White Walker, so the magic at the Wall would effect him? Something like that?

He said the Magic in the wall stops the dead from passing. Which would mean that the wall would have to come down before the army of the dead can pass. It felt like they were hinting that the whole wall is going to crumble..

What if Jon Snow goes north of the wall? Since he died and got brought back, would he be able to come back to the south side or would he be stuck?
He said the Magic in the wall stops the dead from passing. Which would mean that the wall would have to come down before the army of the dead can pass. It felt like they were hinting that the whole wall is going to crumble..

What if Jon Snow goes north of the wall? Since he died and got brought back, would he be able to come back to the south side or would he be stuck?
I could be completely wrong but I think magic brought Jon back and that's it. He's being kept alive by his own will. The army of the dead is being kept alive by magic which is why they cannot pass.
Best scene is Jon pulling his sword while Boltons Calvary is charging you can't get more boss than that
and that part was real, not CGI. He really had tons of horses charging at Kit. 
So, why couldn't Uncle Benjen go to the Wall? He's basically half-White Walker, so the magic at the Wall would effect him? Something like that?
He's part wight. The Wall was built with magic that helps keep out the White Walkers and wights. That's also why the wights and White Walkers couldn't originally enter Bloodraven's cave. It wasn't until Night King branded Bran that could enter the cave. Theoretically if Bran goes south of the Wall, Night King and his forces could go south as well.
How are the wights and white walkers going to cross the wall? A podcast said that maybe when the night's king touched bran that it disabled all magic barriers for them. I dunno, that would've been answered if benjen tried to go with bran and meera to the wall.
Benjen is basically a wight who isn't controlled by Night King. So he can't cross the Wall. He's basically in limbo.
Agree best scene was definitely Jon pulling out da piece and staring down the Bolton calvary.

Saddest scene was hold the door :frown: joint gets me in da feels every time.

Too many dope quotes to quote as well. Good season.. 7 bout to be liiittt
Kinda hard for me to pick one best scene this season. There were so many good ones.

1. Jon getting trampled and suffocating.

2. Lady Mormont vouches for the King of the North

3. Melisandre's true form is revealed

4. Hold the Door flashback

5. Tower of Joy part 2 (I loved the transition from baby Jon to adult Jon's face)

Honorable mentions:

1.Hannibal Lecter kills Argus Filch and sons

2. Lady Olenna destroys Sandsnakes with diss track titled "OG TYRELL: A HIGHGARDEN EITHER"
This season was awesome and had lots of compelling scenes/shots, Jon facing off the Calvary right now for me is the best shot of the whole series, the practical effects, the acting by Kit, the amount of boss **** that Jon demonstrated by standing there and drawing his sword and how his men gave their life for him it's no questions asked in that collision followed by Jon just taking names on that battlefield....yeah that scene is my favorite of the entire series.

Honorable mentions would be

The wall climb
Danny's rebirth with the dragons
Arya killing off Walder
Jon beating the NK's commander or whatever he was
Baby Jon panning to adult Jon
Cersei's coronation, specially because of the score, my GOD.
Mountain crushing Oberyns head
Bron shooting that arrow at blackwater
And yes LADY MORMONT deficating on all the northern lords and consigning Jon almost brought tears to my eyes, that little girl is AMAZING
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If the wall is meant to keep WW and wights out, how did that one that tried to kill Jeor Mormont get in back in season one? You could say he was probably just a dead ranger at the time he was brought through and he hadn't been turned yet, but then why when he did actually come back to life didn't he explode like the ones in Bloodraven's cave?
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If the wall is meant to keep WW and wights out, how did that one that tried to kill Jeor Mormont get in back in season one? You could say he was probably just a dead ranger at the time he was brought through and he hadn't been turned yet, but then why when he did actually come back to life didn't he explode like the ones in Bloodraven's cave?
They were skeletons that were running full speed into a magical barrier hence them breaking into pieces. The dude at Castle Black was just a corpse when they brought him through the wall. I guess the magic in the wall stops the WW from passing, but doesn't prevent them from using magic on the other side of the wall. 

the fact that he went to put his crown away first was hilarious.
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