Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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What Freys are left though? :lol:

She killed his sons and cooked them in a pie before she slit Walder's throat. The last person left with Frey blood is a baby and it's last name is Tully. There's nobody left to hold the Riverlands.

The aftermath most likely is Edmure somehow gets out his prison and joins back with his ppl and pledge his allegiance to the king in the North after getting his son. Might take a while though. Could go down different and he gets help from LF so he'd be indebted to him or maybe Jon helps him out next and it happens that way.

I wish Arya left a message somewhere saying "THE NORTH REMEMBERS" at least hinting at who killed all the Freys so she can later claim credit when she meets back up with her fam.

didn't Edmure get freed for helping Jamie with the siege? Jamie promised him to get back to his family. He could very well be a villain now
Nah. Final ep, Walder was like Edmure is back in his cell :lol:

The only deal he cut with Jamie was that his son would not be killed if he made his men give up.

There's like a million freys. She just killed walder and a couple of his sons. He got like 50 more sons.
They're so unremarkable and forgettable.

Most of them probably bastards. I don't think we've seen his eldest son.

If that's the case and there's more around, Arya will probably stick around to kill the rest.

iwonder how arya killed all of them and even baked them all into that little pie :nerd:

Maybe she was taught how to cook by the chubby kid who made her that bread.
She didn't cook their entire bodies. Probably left the rest for the dogs and vultures.
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Unless the change something completely the Euron and the Greyjoys ate completely useless on land. They aren't built to sustain them selves outside of the sea

Cersei is ******
Judging by the seige they were attempting on Riverrun, the Freys arent **** on the battlefield.

Their power/wealth is in their castle/crossing.
Man I feel like Dany didn't even really need an army with those dragons bruh. Just fly over and light any army they face on fire like wtf an army on land gonna do against fire breathing dragons bruh.

I'm joking but I'm halfway serious :lol:
What Freys are left though?

She killed his sons and cooked them in a pie before she slit Walder's throat. The last person left with Frey blood is a baby and it's last name is Tully. There's nobody left to hold the Riverlands.

The aftermath most likely is Edmure somehow gets out his prison and joins back with his ppl and pledge his allegiance to the king in the North after getting his son. Might take a while though. Could go down different and he gets help from LF so he'd be indebted to him or maybe Jon helps him out next and it happens that way.

I wish Arya left a message somewhere saying "THE NORTH REMEMBERS" at least hinting at who killed all the Freys so she can later claim credit when she meets back up with her fam.
Walder has a ton of sons and daughters. The problem is there are too many of them who want to be at the top. They'll kill each other for it. I don't know how the show will explain it. They'll probably have all die offscreen or in a wildfire explosion. 
Man I feel like Dany didn't even really need an army with those dragons bruh. Just fly over and light any army they face on fire like wtf an army on land gonna do against fire breathing dragons bruh.

I'm joking but I'm halfway serious
Assuming she's trying to be like Aegon The Conqueror, he always gave people the chance to surrender first. If they didn't, then he would unleash the dragons. 
Since nobody saw Arya kill Walder Frey, won't the Freys suspect the Lannisters? That could tear apart their alliance
I believe Dany will try to unite all the house before she takes the throne.

She knows if she attacks straight on, she might just make people resent her and she will have to go around flexing on folk. Also Tyrion would not want her to attack and put Jamie is danger. He'll probably advise her to cut a deal with Jon also.

Tyrion would also want to convince Dany to get Jon Snow on her side. The problem is, with him being the King of the North, he can't/won't bend the knee to her for many reason. First he is not the true heir to the North, the Northerners already said they will only know one King (the dragons might change their mind), and Jon probably could careless about "the great game". He only wants the North United to fight the White Walkers.

Also I think Jon will probably still want to shoot a fair one with Theon, and I think they are foreshadowing the North asking for independence, and Dany refusing it.

Lil Bear might straight up tell Dany to go **** herself :lol:
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Since nobody saw Arya kill Walder Frey, won't the Freys suspect the Lannisters? That could tear apart their alliance
Jamie and that small army were already gone. Aint like they slept over. Seemed like they traveled through the nigh to get to KL.

I bet the Freys will suspect each other if Arya ain't around to kill more of them.

The Freys were pretty worthless with Walder alive. Without him they're in no position to say they're not allies anymore when the North is about to descend upon them.

This was a huge scandal. Like if Jennifer Lawrence released a sex tape with Tom Cruise or something.
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Pic 1 scene you would say was the best of S6, what would it be?

For me, JS revived.

Humbled the warden of salt :lol:
So, why couldn't Uncle Benjen go to the Wall? He's basically half-White Walker, so the magic at the Wall would effect him? Something like that?
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