Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Why do y'all act like when you see people from the shows in movies? They actors man they have had careers before they got on GOT
I still dont understand why ppl call Stringer Bell this weird *** Idris Elbow moniker 

I mean if we wann be formal, it's Russell Bell.
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The only actor I recognized was little finger from the wire. I watched lotr after got so I didn't recognize bean. I mistaken tyrion for that guy in in Bruges.

Oh yeah, I recognized the mountain (original) from Spartacus.
Yea Carcetti I remember

And it took a min but Ramsay Bolton was Simon on Misfits if you ever watched that lol
The red witch is in repo men :wow:

I need y'all to stop referring to my bae as a witch. Red priestess and even sorceress would be appropriate.

This Melisandre cosplay is fire.

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Cuz she really wasn't cool with him like that. She even admits it when they reunite.

I mean yeah they were kids . Still she been looking forward to reuniting with Jon Snow for as long as she left Winterfell .

Because she needs Jon, and he is now the last bit of family she has left.

As children, Sansa was the only Stark child not to have a strong affection for Jon. At best it could be said she pitied Jon for having to be a bastard.

That is what Littlefinger is trying to play off of, the hopes that Sansa still has those Cat Starks type feelings towards Jon.

-Real talk, I think Area will/can forgive Sansa for the whole Joffery situation. But if Sansa does anything to get Jon clipped, Sansa getting dat needle work.
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This **** almost had me in tears

That was can you possibly NOT ride for Jon....dude is the best character in possibly true best tv series ever....homie has all of Ned's good qualities and none of the **** that got him killed.

I don't care how the show ends, just give me an Arya/Jon reunion....tears will be shed
Jon def got Ned's idiotic qualities :lol:

Ned is just way more honorable. Pure honor.

Jon broke his NW oath with a wildling girl just cuz all the other dudes bang prostitutes and he fell in love.

Ned would've been all backed up on the wall never sucumbing to any temptations.

Ned would've gave some speech to convince them or most to let the wildlings through and if those traitorous curs still came at him he would've fought them to the death taking a few with him.
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I don't think Jon would ever set up a meeting with the NK and lay out his plan on how he's going to defeat him...that's what got Ned killed....I don't think Jon will ever trust Littlefinger, that's also what got Ned killed

What got Jon killed, wasn't was traitors, he did the right thing, no way was he supposed to prevent some ****boys from going rogue on him after he saved their ****
Dudes didn't jig the snowgawd up because he laid up with shorty, they jigged his *** up because he tried to bring the wildlings and the NW together to fight a common enemy.....he did the right thing and went about it the right way, there was no talking sense into those
I don't think Jon would ever set up a meeting with the NK and lay out his plan on how he's going to defeat him...that's what got Ned killed....I don't think Jon will ever trust Littlefinger, that's also what got Ned killed

What got Jon killed, wasn't was traitors, he did the right thing, no way was he supposed to prevent some ****boys from going rogue on him after he saved their ****
Jon and Ned are in two different positions with the example your using.

The game of thrones is something Ned is not good at. He doesn't lie in order to gain, use subterfuge, or manipulate. You put him in Jon's situation and he thrives. Mance probably doesn't even die with Ned on the NW even if Stannis showed up.

Jon took his L cuz he simply underestimated what he was doing allying with wildlings. He wasn't on the watch long enough and he got backstabbed.

Ned's mercy and just assuming Littlefinger would do what he said got him killed. Not telling Cersi what he planned to do before he did it. If Ned went with LF's plan the Lannisters have no power. If Ned went with Renly's plan the Lannisters have no power and are disgraced. If Ned just fell back didn't tell either dude what he planned to do and immediately requested Stannis' presence in KL he wins completely.

Ned died cuz he wanted to do the right thing by law. Jon died cuz he wanted to do the right thing for all living ppl and give them a fighting chance.
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For stuff like that I figure they get stand ins and stunt guys. Not actual actors.

His job is to point at stuff, turn his head, etc. The makeup is what makes him look menacing. The cgi makes him a brighter icy blue and keeps him from looking like Ivan Ooze's and FOX-Men Apocalyse's cousin.
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but give ned credit for being smart enough to hide Jon's identity. and he did lie about defeating that guy at the tower of joy, which was probably for the best.

he definitely should've been more careful before confronting cersei and he should've had leverage against littlefinger. but otherwise he was not the complete political idiot this thread treats him as.
There is actually 1 moment when theon was probably glad not to have his twig and berries..

After they escape from Ramsay.. They have to cross a river in that freezing weather
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