Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Dudes is talking height differences makes the show implausible??

There's giants riding mammoths down there!!!!
Now Arya stealing the face of a giant would be a stretch.

You mean besides having one of the best roles for a small person, tons of money, critical acclaim, Emmy's and Golden Globe's?
I get what he's saying even though I dont 100 % agree.

Imagine if instead of a little person Tyrion was openly gay or a black man and he was constantly referred to on the show as f*****or n***** but its suppose to be understandable cuz it fits the period of the show.
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I get what he's saying even though I dont 100 % agree.

Imagine if instead of a little person Tyrion was openly gay or a black man and he was constantly referred to on the show as f----- or n----- but its suppose to be understandable cuz it fits the period of the show.

Yet Tyrion perseveres. Despite the opposition, the hatred, he keeps going. Usually when movies or TV give a little person a role, it's in a silly or ridiculous context (ie Mini Me in Austin Powers, Mr. Parker in Friday). With Tyrion, you have a complicated character who faces a ton of backlash because of his birthright and appearance and yet he's still one of the most likeable, honest and intelligent characters on the show (questionable strategist at times tho). One of his greatest moments was the Trial By Combat speech scene which was probably a standing ovation moment for most little people. Hopefully Dinklage's portrayal of Tyrion has paved the way for little people getting better acting roles in the near future. I think his salary, people's reactions to his character and the complexity of the role, supersedes the way the character is treated in the show. If anything, it shows that no matter what, you can overcome whatever adversity comes your way.
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To me

This is confusing as hell :lol:

Most people perceive time in a linear way (past to present to future). Bran can perceive time in a non linear way (see things in the past and the future). He can also create changes in the past (ie Hodor). But while those changes were created by Bran from the future, they still happened in the past. So time marches along from past to present to future.
I think his Zik's point is very interesting but I'm most surprised that out of all the censored words on NT those aren't autoblocked
I think Meth said that they were a work in progress and they are still adding words.

I don't think Zik used it in a manner that was bad though.
Bran wakes up and finds himself in a hospital bed in Georgia in a police uniform. He walks out the doors and his life is changed forever.
I think Meth said that they were a work in progress and they are still adding words.

I don't think Zik used it in a manner that was bad though.
Maybe the site is slowly learning context.

Does this mean we can say ****'s Sporting Goods now?

EDIT: NT has not become Ex Machina levels of smart yet *sigh*
Incorporating time travel is going to make for a very, very confusing storyline.

Most people perceive time in a linear way (past to present to future). Bran can perceive time in a non linear way (see things in the past and the future). He can also create changes in the past (ie Hodor). But while those changes were created by Bran from the future, they still happened in the past. So time marches along from past to present to future.

While i understand what you're saying, this alone goes against the entire theory/concept of time travel in itself. To think that the only butterfly effect of Bran warging in Hodor was him losing his ability to speak is unfounded. Granted we're talking about a show that has a girl with the ability to cut a face off a dead person and use it as a mask. And dragons, lest not forget the dragons.

I fail to see Bran being the Night King, it's jus not plausible unless they go off the rails and give him almost God like abilities. How can Bran travel back in time and become more than just a metaphysical element watching? What I mean is he's in the present body and mind, but when he time travels he's just a metaphysical being, similar to when Professor X goes into the astral planes. In those moments he's reliving the past, he's merely an observer looking in, he's not beholden to his physical limitations, which is why we saw him standing. I'm not saying his powers don't or can't affect the past, present, and future, but whatever he does has to create some sort of flashpoint where an alternate reality timeline is created.

Unless they are going to have him manifest powers that can actually turn his astral self into a physical self in the past, how do you explain him being the adult male that was turned into the Night King?

Sure the resemblance in the vision is eerily similar. The man tied to a tree grasping his restraints and Bran simultaneously in the same position grasping the tree roots but i think it's a more simpler answer. Don't you grip your knees, or the couch or squeeze your partners hand when you're watching a horror movie or something intense? Bran was witnessing what looked like a sacrifice that was actually a rebirth so that's pretty freaky.

The whole spiral of the 7 crap i don't buy either. I'm not saying it's not related nor important however i don't believe it's as deep as that video makes it seem.

i haven't read the books so i don't know how much more there is that can lend itself to having Bran actually be his own ancestor and the Night King, but i know the answers we seek won't come this season and will be left for the end.
Yet Tyrion perseveres. Despite the opposition, the hatred, he keeps going. Usually when movies or TV give a little person a role, it's in a silly or ridiculous context (ie Mini Me in Austin Powers, Mr. Parker in Friday). With Tyrion, you have a complicated character who faces a ton of backlash because of his birthright and appearance and yet he's still one of the most likeable, honest and intelligent characters on the show (questionable strategist at times tho). One of his greatest moments was the Trial By Combat speech scene which was probably a standing ovation moment for most little people. Hopefully Dinklage's portrayal of Tyrion has paved the way for little people getting better acting roles in the near future. I think his salary, people's reactions to his character and the complexity of the role, supersedes the way the character is treated in the show. If anything, it shows that no matter what, you can overcome whatever adversity comes your way.
No doubt. In right there with you which is why I said I don't 100% agree. I just get the sentiment which is why I gave 2 different but comparable examples.

Same goes for women but this show has already faced that issue in several ways, covered it and been criticized for it.

I definitely believe Dinklage has done a lot for his ppl as far as depictions go and going against type or expectations. Thing is before this role I felt like he was always choosing parts where he wasn't just the ****** with an attitude or a joke. All of his more low-key movies before fame and tv parts never played in to that for the most part and pretty much the same since.

Its just like look at how some viewers and even (black) actors get tired of the latest slave movie or tv show claming they don't want their ppl tonbe depicted that way despite the complex and deep characters being portrayed. Sometimes they ignore that and just see slave.

Dexter's ending was pretty trash too. I just finished that series :angry:
The last couple seasons were subpar and highly questionable.

Scott Buck all over that.
I was thinking it would be been funny if Davos had decided to try making up titles and nicknames omnthe spot :lol:

The white wolf, the resurrected/undead, and lord commander of the NW came to mind.

Jon has titles its just the North don't give a **** about that ****.
They showed who the Night King was as a younger man. Didnt look like Rhaegar

And that was like a hundred years ago right?
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