Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Robb turned down a 1 on 1 challenge vs Jamie but we know Jamie was 1 of the best in Westeros at that time and he admitted himself there'd only be 3 men in Westeros that would give him problems which didn't include any Starks. Robb was looking like the next coming of Alexander The Great winning battle after battle as field general

Here's my rebuttal:

You're a "bastard" in a noble family such as House Stark. Ned Stark has been reveled as one of the greatest swordsman there is. Sibling rivalry will always occur but remember, Jon never was truly accepted but his siblings of similar or older age (Sansa and Robb). Although they "tolerated" Jon, they took after Catelyn's view of Jon and never fully accepted him. So as someone as outcast as Jon, would it be wise to show up your brother, the true born and namesake of the house?

Jon being the peace loving humble guy didn't want conflict. Yes Robb was definitely a great war strategist but i say that is probably due to the fact that he was more privy to attend meetings with Ned as opposed to Jon. How many times did we see Robb wash anybody in actual combat? None that i can remember.

Jon was legend before he died.

#TeamSnow all day right here.
My biggest complaint this whole season is Jamie not being cooked. If that happened that would have been the best episode of TV ever.
I don't even get how he's a fan favorite. His story hasn't been interesting since he helped Tyrion escape. At that point, I thought "Ok, maybe he's finally going to complete his transformation" but he just went back to being Cersei's @#$@$. You'd think that Cersei's wildfire nuke would make him turn away from her for good, but he treated it like a minor annoyance that was forgotten after 5 minutes :lol: His reaction made no sense, since that was the exact reason he killed King Aerys for. At least show some massive internal conflict!
I thought Tormund brought up a good point last episode about Mance, and how he refused to bend the knee, which led to the death of many of his people

What's more important, your pride or the well-being of the peoples you're responsible for
When did it become either/or those options?
I seriously hope this next episode redeems how I feel about this season as a whole. There have been some amazing moments, but something feels off.. like something is missing.

Bodies must drop. Like others have said, hopefully this Arya/Sansa/Little-Finger side story is done with. And I'd like to move forward with some knowledge on Bran and the NK's backstory.
Here's my rebuttal:

You're a "bastard" in a noble family such as House Stark. Ned Stark has been reveled as one of the greatest swordsman there is. Sibling rivalry will always occur but remember, Jon never was truly accepted but his siblings of similar or older age (Sansa and Robb). Although they "tolerated" Jon, they took after Catelyn's view of Jon and never fully accepted him. So as someone as outcast as Jon, would it be wise to show up your brother, the true born and namesake of the house?

Jon being the peace loving humble guy didn't want conflict. Yes Robb was definitely a great war strategist but i say that is probably due to the fact that he was more privy to attend meetings with Ned as opposed to Jon. How many times did we see Robb wash anybody in actual combat? None that i can remember.

Jon was legend before he died.

#TeamSnow all day right here.


Jon is a Snow, a true bastard no matter what these new writers want to just through in there.

Abandons his home and noble family in Winterfell to go take the black to be forever cold and yambless around a bunch of murders and rapist.

Then abandons his new family at the Wall to save some savages.

Then fleeces the savages to be stuck in the cold doing his job.

And he might be nice with the sword but he's just a soldier, he's a terrible leader.

Went to war out maned for pride, got hundreds killed and thousands more would of died if it wasn't for Sansa who seems to be smarter then him.

She told him not to abandon "his" people for like the 5th time but what does he do, go chasing dragon yambs.

And for the second time he was saved by a female after he ran off on THE dumbest of dummie missions.

Robb was a leader of men.

He didn't need a little girl to vouch for him in order for men to bend the knee.

Robb was truely chosen by the north and had the greatest army of it's time on it's heels and the greatest general at it's time shacking in his boots.

If it weren't for traitors and his mom he's be the king of the seven kingdoms now.


Robb turned down a 1 on 1 challenge vs Jamie but we know Jamie was 1 of the best in Westeros at that time and he admitted himself there'd only be 3 men in Westeros that would give him problems which didn't include any Starks. Robb was looking like the next coming of Alexander The Great winning battle after battle as field general
A lot of dudes are just ignoring facts for their man crush on Snow.

I don't get it. Making up all sorts of rationalizations and excuses to explain away why Robb appeared better at something when the truth is he was just plain better.
He was known as the King who Knelt and a bunch of people disagreed and revolted.
Facts though.
Here's my rebuttal:

You're a "bastard" in a noble family such as House Stark. Ned Stark has been reveled as one of the greatest swordsman there is. Sibling rivalry will always occur but remember, Jon never was truly accepted but his siblings of similar or older age (Sansa and Robb). Although they "tolerated" Jon, they took after Catelyn's view of Jon and never fully accepted him. So as someone as outcast as Jon, would it be wise to show up your brother, the true born and namesake of the house?

Jon being the peace loving humble guy didn't want conflict. Yes Robb was definitely a great war strategist but i say that is probably due to the fact that he was more privy to attend meetings with Ned as opposed to Jon. How many times did we see Robb wash anybody in actual combat? None that i can remember.

Jon was legend before he died.

#TeamSnow all day right here.
Robb always thought of Jon as his brother, he even named him his heir. Hell, he even called Theon his brother


No one told Jon Snow about rapists and murderers before he took the black. Jon Snow looked shocked and felt betrayed when he found out the dark truth. The reason why he wanted to take black badly is that he wanted respect. You can blame it on Catelyn. She was the main reason why Jon wanted to take the Night's Watch. If Ned turned down the idea of letting Jon to take it, Catelyn won't let Jon to stay at Winterfell anyways

Jon was ready to betray Night's Watch to help Robb out where he hadn't taken the oath yet. When Night's Watch brothers betrayed Jon Snow, he basically disowned them. He wanted to go to the south before Sansa found him. She allowed Jon to make a choice. Help her out to take Winterfell back or go to the south without her. You know the answer. The same girl who never showed some love for Jon. So technically, he didn't really abandon his family at all

Yeah, Jon was stupid to get his army nearly killed at the Battle of the Bastards but hey he wanted to save his baby brother Rickon. Jon probably knew himself that Rickon'd get killed no matter what but it didn't stop Jon from trying to do something for it. Sansa didn't even bother to make a move to save Rickon even though it was the reasonable move by her. The same girl Robb didn't choose for heir or even make moves to save sisters

Tyrion was the one who made a call about the kidnap a wight mission. Not Jon. He decided to go with it because it was his only chance to get the help from Dany and her dragons for facing the dead army

Jon even betrayed Ygritte because he was a man of his word when he pledged his life and honor to Night's Watch where Robb failed to honor the vow his mother made with Walder Frey. At the cost? Robb was known The King Who Lost the North. After meeting Dany, Jon didn't kneel at first. He decided to bend because Dany has earned his respect. Dany willing to risk her life and her children for the same guy who refused to kneel to her. Jon still hasn't lost the North

I find it interesting. Jon Snow lives up to Stark and Tully mottos more than Robb did

I admire Robb as well. A heck of a war strategist, fearless leader and king at 15-16 years old. It's mind blown tho
The way he lit his sword.:wow:

Jon>>>Robb. The marriage Robb agreed to was >D.
Which led to his demise, IIRC.
to be fair, Lady Cat made that marriage arrangement and Robb didn't want to at first but ultimately agreed because it helped him defeat the Lannister army.

Also part of the reason Jon took the black was for Uncle Benjen no? The other half was because he felt like he'll never be a Stark and fit in with the family, especially with Lady Cat despising him.
to be fair, Lady Cat made that marriage arrangement and Robb didn't want to at first but ultimately agreed because it helped him defeat the Lannister army.

Also part of the reason Jon took the black was for Uncle Benjen no? The other half was because he felt like he'll never be a Stark and fit in with the family, especially with Lady Cat despising him.
I'm talking about the marriage with the nurse, which disrespected The greyjoy dude Arya killed no?
I'm rewatching GoT, I don't recall all the details.
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