Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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And this is why they spoon feed us.:rofl:

Someone in this thread really thought Theon was fighting Euron at the beach. HOW??

And remember how someone asked "Wait, when did they show that Jon was actually a Targaryen??" a week back?

Sometimes the writers really have to dumb it down for the generally stupid American audience. That's why shows that refuse to do that (like Hannibal) get canceled, while Walking Dead goes on for eternity
Damn. Seems like the general consensus among watchers is that this season lost it's shock value and got too predictable. Been seeing articles from different sites and comments all day.
Damn. Seems like the general consensus among watchers is that this season lost it's shock value and got too predictable. Been seeing articles from different sites and comments all day.

To be fair, seeing every fan favorite character getting killed off was getting predictable too. "Oh there's a new character that's a bad @#$ and is generally a good person? Dude's going to get brutally murdered by the end of the season."
Damn. Seems like the general consensus among watchers is that this season lost it's shock value and got too predictable. Been seeing articles from different sites and comments all day.

It seems rushed. Like the writers are trying hard to tie up loose ends as neatly as they can in the little time they have left.
if Tormund is dead I wish they would let him get pulled into the water in last weeks episode
Cersei already know her faith , ***** just evil AF . But so you guys think Aegon gonna keep Beating Danny walls in after he find out they're related?
I think Rusty recently also brought it up but I can see that one night leading to a baby, Jon finds out, doesnt smash again, and in the end sacrifices himself to kill the NK and end this.
I just miss characters like Tywin. His death left a void in the series for me. I mean these days we're going :wow: at battle scenes, which is cool and all, but back then I'd have the same reaction whenever dude destroyed people just with his words and facial expression :lol: His interactions with Joffrey >>>> By far the most intimidating character on the entire show.
The flicker in his eyes b! :rofl:

Like hold up, what ma?
Aegon Targaryen Sixth of His Name, formally known as Jon Snow - The Resurrected, The Head Of The Dragon, The White Wolf, Rightful King Of The Andals The Rhoynar And The First Men, The King In The North, The King Beyond The Wall, The 998th Lord Commander Of The Night's Watch, The Savior Of The Free Folk, Slayer Of The Dead, The Great Yamb Slayer, The Son Of Ice And Fire, The Prince That Was Promised, Rightful Lord Of The Seven Kingdoms And Protector Of The Realm. The Knower of Nothing, and Rider Of The Dragon.


Catching up on the thread right now so I'm not sure if was mentioned but theres a behind the scenes look at Ep 1 on HBOgo called "The Game Revealed" if anyones interested, my b if that was already posted

Also, R+L=A?...
Damn. Seems like the general consensus among watchers is that this season lost it's shock value and got too predictable. Been seeing articles from different sites and comments all day.

I slightly agree and disagree with shock value being lost.

If you're just sitting there expecting to get shocked, how are is it really going to shock you? You can argue that it's predictable, but I think we all have theorized endlessly as to what will happen next to the point where out of the 100 shots we've taken 1 hits.

And to add on top of that, this series is coming to a close. It's time to wrap up some of the sub plots (Lady Olenna, LF, Dorne) so they can focus on the main plot.
Was traveling all night last night but finally got to watch the finale.

Episode wasn't bad but the story being rushed is getting annoying. It is what it is though. Was expecting more action as well. First time I actually felt like an episode was dragging until the last 20-30min or so.

Wish they would have stuck with the name Jaehaerys. :ohwell:
I know Theon was tortured but dude got the same training that Jon and Rob got.

Dude should not be this lame if they want us to believe he is coming back to his senses.
Similar to Samson, when Theon lost his cock he lost his power. A couple kicks to where it use to be gave him a boost of energy.

:smh: If thats how he beats Euron.
Dany rolled into the meeting the same way Undertaker rolls into a WWE match in a motorcycle all extra and ****

What got me is she then proceeded to sit to the side all meekly. That convo with Tyrion had her on her best behavior. No swag, no flaunting her beauty, no announcing all of her 300 titles before she sat, nothing.
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re-watching the LF fade scene (lotsa scenes I missed the little nuances)

When Braden Smith tells LF how he held a knife to Ned's throat and told him not to trust anyone, LF looked like he seen a ghost. Then when he asks the Vale to protect him and dude was like nah, LF turned hella ***** made :lol: At least the usurper Stannis still had his balls when his fade came his way.

While many feel the season was rushed, I think it's been one of the better seasons. Again I'm not looking for anything logical from a show with ice zombies and DRAGONS :lol:
If you're just sitting there expecting to get shocked, how are is it really going to shock you? You can argue that it's predictable, but I think we all have theorized endlessly as to what will happen next to the point where out of the 100 shots we've taken 1 hits.

Good point. There's only so many scenarios that can happen. Most of us just pick the most obvious one and when it happens ...."I knew it !" :lol:
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