Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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This is how I looked the other day at work lol

You can absolutely deny the resemblance. They don't look alike at all. :lol:

They both have that ferret face (plus he is a faceless man too)...they may not resemble each other to you, but they kinda do to me...especially with 20+ years of aging. I'm really more curious as to where the theory came from, and how it was debunked. Any info or just jokes? Im pushing 40yo & I dont do the reddit, or any type of social media so message boards is where I get my info from. Anyone else with productive info would be appreciated.
Also consider robert caved his chest in and probably made sure he was dead.

Ya I know we've been told that, and I pretty much believe that, but if it was a faceless man anything is possible. I mean Arya did pull off Walder Frey so.... I'm by no means advocating this theory I'm just looking for info on how this theory started, and how it was debunked. A simple answer would do.
Ya I know we've been told that, and I pretty much believe that, but if it was a faceless man anything is possible. I mean Arya did pull off Walder Frey so.... I'm by no means advocating this theory I'm just looking for info on how this theory started, and how it was debunked. A simple answer would do.
Real talk, i haven't looked up the theory but just going off of the info I know from the show.
1. The faceless men are assassins. Putting on Rhaegar's face to marry Lyanna doesn't make sense and doesn't add to the story.
2. Robert killed Rhaegar.

As far as where the theory came from it doesn't really matter. Some people come up with theories just to make them. Like Roose Bolton being a skin changing Vampire or Varys being a mermaid.
jon and meera reed being twins made me laugh because people said they have similar hair. It’d be like star wars where luke and leia were separated.
Real talk, i haven't looked up the theory but just going off of the info I know from the show.
1. The faceless men are assassins. Putting on Rhaegar's face to marry Lyanna doesn't make sense and doesn't add to the story.
2. Robert killed Rhaegar.

As far as where the theory came from it doesn't really matter. Some people come up with theories just to make them. Like Roose Bolton being a skin changing Vampire or Varys being a mermaid.

The theory I heard about, was that Rhaegar became a faceless man after the Lyanna thing, when the Targaraians were defeated. Rhaegar actually fled into hiding, and became a faceless man to exact his revenge for killing his family. You're right the theory really doesn't matter especially since it's not likely. I guess I've just got a bad case of GOT withdrawals right now.

LMAO @ Roose a vampire & Varys a mermaid... never heard those.
Roose being a skin/face stealing vampire is truly insane :lol:

When I came across that one I was like wow I'm the farthest thing away from a hardcore fan. Took one of the mildly important characters and crafted a vast theory around him.
Roose being a skin/face stealing vampire is truly insane :lol:

When I came across that one I was like wow I'm the farthest thing away from a hardcore fan. Took one of the mildly important characters and crafted a vast theory around him.

Roose always reminded me of a poor man's Tywin. Always plotting and scheming, just never got close to Tywins level (or even Littlefinger for that matter) ironic both their sons killed them too. I try my best to stay away from the theories/spoilers, but with a show like GOT it's so damn hard. I know for sure I ain't going to Reddit or social media (don't even have an account).
i can't take any of the GOT characters outside their realm .. super odd to me as they will always be who they are in GOT no matter what..
i can't take any of the GOT characters outside their realm .. super odd to me as they will always be who they are in GOT no matter what..

Real talk I see Aquaman completely different now. I just watched the show recently so I had no idea who he was. Now he's only Khal Drogo
Ever seen pride and prejudice.
Charles dance & Lena Hedley are both in it. Was just kinda weird
Lena is the only one that can pull it off, only cause I've seen her in other things before GoT.

But when I see Emilia in other things I can't help but think she's the mother of dragons. Or when I see Sophie Turner as Jean Grey/Phoenix, I'm like naaaah that's Sansa :lol:

Sean Bean is still Ned to me tho, even tho I've seen him in other things pre and post GoT.
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