Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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D & B started feeling themselves too much and thought they could get away with their alt right fantasy show and **** would be sweet :lol:
Ever since they ran out of book material to directly adapt I don't have any faith in those dudes.
I didnt even bother replying cuz there's about 5 or 6 main characters that had careers before and will continue to after.

CarcettiFinger being one of them :lol:
^^^ Scumbag through & through :smh:
naw b he was a beast...

LF had to do what he did ... he came from nothing. not strong so he couldn't fight so he had to out smart everyone... honestly i think he fell apart and got out of his lane bec. he started falling for sansa
after the last 2 seasons. if Lena does anything else. and her character is mean and an ***. shes going to be cersi. she needs to do a rom com or something
after the last 2 seasons. if Lena does anything else. and her character is mean and an ***. shes going to be cersi. she needs to do a rom com or something
Lena is more than that as an actor but she's not a movie star either.
So safe to say she's never going to star in anything.
Maybe she can be the ******* boss in the romcom
Doesn't seem like a romcom chick at this point at all.

She'll get those cool roles as a badass or villain (Dredd), posh aristocrat roles (PP&Z), keep being a queen (300 movies).

But overall, very rarely do women her age get to star in anything unless she's multi award winning all time great. Just the sexist ageism in Hollywood at play.
I saw Ramsey or whatever his name was that cut off dude's penis in some movie yesterday. He had blonde hair and I think was trying to catch a white rat/mouse but I didn't really get into the movie like that though.

And I also saw that movie Shot Callers that Jamie was in and it was pretty good and so was he in it, and it was so different than his character from GoT :lol:

Look at Shane from the Walking Dead he got killed off and became a pretty successful movie star... although I'm hearing that Punisher gig is a floppa.

But, I agree for some reason with GoT it's weird seeing them in other roles besides their role on GoT.
to me Loras is the only one that doesn't really bother me being in this show.. i feel hw excelled more on this show than GOT...

I saw Ramsey or whatever his name was that cut off dude's penis in some movie yesterday. He had blonde hair and I think was trying to catch a white rat/mouse but I didn't really get into the movie like that though.

And I also saw that movie Shot Callers that Jamie was in and it was pretty good and so was he in it, and it was so different than his character from GoT :lol:

Look at Shane from the Walking Dead he got killed off and became a pretty successful movie star... although I'm hearing that Punisher gig is a floppa.

But, I agree for some reason with GoT it's weird seeing them in other roles besides their role on GoT.
naw punisher is awesome.. shane nails that and honestly saved daredevil for me bec. that was a snoozefest till shane came on it
Punisher is not a flop. Ser Loras Fist is a flop and quite frankly I hope Punisher kills him even by accident.
Son maybe had a sum total of a dozen lines on GoT.

He definitely is gonna be known more as Iron Fist.
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