Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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What if the nk isn’t permanently dead and will always exist as long as the 3er lives kinda like a yingyang ghing

What if the nk isn’t permanently dead and will always exist as long as the 3er lives kinda like a yingyang ghing
Greenseers were around before whitewalkers and will be around after them. Also, the three-eyed raven came to be AFTER the white walkers, not simultaneously. I don't think they're inherently connected.
Question for the squad:

The more I look back at the firepower that Jon and Dany had with Rhaegal and Drogon, the more I think they could have outright won the fight or at least force the WWs to move themselves.

If they could have broken up the momentum built by the initial wight wave with their B52 bomber style flame runs, that could have helped the Unsullied and other front lines entrench themselves a bit more. Wights aren't skilled fighters and can be massacred by mid-tier individual fighters if they don't come in an overwhelming flood. The dragon riders could have launched successive bombing runs to keep wight momentum at the low, allowing for the ground forces to fight manageable amounts. Hell, if you combine the strategy with a flanking Dothraki force they could have actually built some semblance of momentum on the defending side.

Am I high right now or could some aspect of this plan have worked?

yeah this could have been done better...
Not sure exactly who ends up on the throne, but at least Sam and Gilly survive. Here's what I saw.

Sam and Gilly have survived whatever chaos ensued in the interim. Sam is writing the history of the great wars in their modest home in The Citadel. He gets into bed, kisses Gilly and goes to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Sam gasps and sits up. He is now old, and is played by GRRM himself. We see the white hair of Gilly or whoever Sam's (GRRM's) wife is now, in the bed next to him.

Sam gets out of bed, puts on a robe and slippers and leaves the room. He flips on a light switch and we see we are now in modern times. He looks awed and excited by whatever he was dreaming, which we assume was the entire GoT series.

Sam goes into a room filled with beautiful model castles and toy knights displayed on shelves. We recognize models similar to many places and characters from the show. He picks up a toy dragon and looks at it, then sits down in front of a typewriter and starts writing. We zoom in on the page he is typing and see the words "A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin".
Also, it needs to be said, but Lyanna's last stand was stupid and pure fan fiction. Her head would have been bitten off if Martin wrote that scene. Getting crushed like a squeeze toy but managed to stick her tiny arm out? **** out of here.
Of course it was. Ever since they ran out of book material, everything has been fan fiction lol
I'm not upset that the show is ending, just annoyed by HOW after it spent 4-5 seasons setting up "rules" and character traits that are ignored in the last 2-3. Just feels like my time has been wasted, but since I've already watched so much of it, I feel obligated to watch how it ends. If the first 4 seasons were anything like the last 3, I would never have watched GOT

read our gripes...they are very far from nitpicking
people aren't mad it's ending. they are mad at how it's ending.

lazy af writing

I hear this, I do. But we didn't have this with Breaking Bad, that writing was still tight.

I'm totally cool with the dead, Giants, witches, handicapped ravens, all that. I can suspend that disbelief.

But the last......15-20-25? episodes have started to turn. The stakes that they raised, they then went and burned to ash.

The first scene, THE FIRST SCENE of the series, is 3 dudes goin North of the wall and discovering the dead. Then they hide that storyline for quite a while. Then in S2 we get a glimpse of a dead wight. Then late S2 early S3 we see the dead army. Babies turned. A White killed by Sam with dragonglass. Then Hardhome. They built and built and built this storyline over time.
In a single episode, they wiped it all out and ended the entire series with the NK killing ONE person. Theon. Not just this episode, the entire 8 seasons, he's killed ONE person. The dude that sprinted to him for 8-10 seconds. This menacing, evil, deadly character, killed one dickless dude in 73 episodes.

The White Walkers did jack ****.

ONE single Giant. (even tho we saw several just 2 episodes ago)

People getting mauled/overwhelmed, and living.

I haven't even mentioned the time traveling they started doing S5-6-7 etc.

Is that nitpicking, or GLARING weaknesses in the writing now? Honest question.

Such a dumb argument. People are upset because the episode played out in a way that goes against the precedents the show had set throughout its run.

We've seen a woman literally give birth to a shadow assassination demon before. It has been very clear from the beginning that this world is built on a fantasy foundation. Sparkles out of peoples' hands aren't the issue.

The issue is that we've seen this show sacrifice crowd favorites for the sake of ruthless realism within this fantasy world. Key characters could be outsmarted and offed because THAT is what made the most sense given the pieces on that part of the board at that moment. We saw notable exceptions for what became the show's core characters - those who are being manipulated by the wheels of fate, namely Jon Snow (his core character status acknowledged by the show in that he was resurrected by the Lord of Light - a device whose precedent was somewhat set by Beric Dondarrion dying and revived 7 times for some unknown "purpose"). So while I'm not surprised Jon survived the battle in what one might consider a machination by a powerful spiritual entity, I'm very surprised that characters we like but that are likely not CORE characters somehow miraculously survived the battle. This isn't internally consistent with how deaths have been handled in the show and I think that's disappointing for long time viewers.
I don’t disagree with anything that any of you are saying, I’m just not sure why people actually gave the credit to the TV writers for the first 4 seasons. Everything was simply translated to the screen, and whatever big changes that the writers took it upon themselves to make usually didn’t go over too well.

As soon as they ran out of books, we saw a dip in the writing and how the show shifted pretty heavily to fan service. Perhaps I’ve just prepared myself for these moments considering the TV writers clearly want to please fans of the show the way George never really cared to pay attention to.

These writers have always been these writers, they were just using a template handed to them by one of the best fantasy writers of our generation. I’m trying to appreciate it for what it is now, a bunch of TV writers trying to close out a HUGE story that the original writer couldn’t even close in in two 1000 page books in a quick SIX episodes.

You have to know it isn’t going to be what we got from George and the books, because George, as a long form novel writer has completely different goals in the story he tells and how he decides to tell it. I’ve hated the idea of a happy ending for this story, but I’ve prepared myself for it since that trash Sand Snakes storyline.
You can argue the McU to be a similar journey, that came to an end, at least the phase we knew, and it was handled beautifully

Part of the journey, is the end.
Mcu (iw etc) had one baddie. Completely different dynamic imo

But i would also argue that this mcu phase def had plot holes and glazed over characters. It is what it is I recognize the difficulty of ending such a story
Am I crazy to think episode was shot more than once with alternate scenarios depending on the audience reactions?...
Also, it needs to be said, but Lyanna's last stand was stupid and pure fan fiction. Her head would have been bitten off if Martin wrote that scene. Getting crushed like a squeeze toy but managed to stick her tiny arm out? **** out of here.

I think that was one of the better moments of the episode. If it was real fan fiction, she would have survived like the main characters. Unfortunately for her she was a bench player so she had to go. At least she had a moment. I think GRRM would have been smarter with respect to house lineage. He might not have had her out in the open like that.
Am I crazy to think episode was shot more than once with alternate scenarios depending on the audience reactions?...

I was thinking this for a bit also. Brienne died like 10 different times. Sam died 20 times. Jon, Jaime, all the main characters had a moment where they were piled under wights and getting munched on, only to have the camera do a quick cut and then they are somewhere else when the camera pans back to them. It’s like they killed ever character then did a screen test and left the ones alive that tested well. Then they accidentally left 90% of the footage of the peeps getting killed off still in the episode.

They had over a year to get this right. Someone goofed big time with the editing and the lighting and everything. I feel like this was Fyre fest man. Like they had all these ideas planned and someone prolly said “no, that’s not possible. We need more time and money and most of this doesn’t even make sense.” And the show runners were prolly riding jet skis everyday talking about living like movie stars, partying like rockstars, and ******* like pornstars and just said naww it will Work don’t worry. And they just kept going regardless of actually having a plan.

Then the normal editing guy prolly backed out last minute. Then they couldn’t wire enough money to the CGI department in time to get ghost any screen time. Investors started backing out. Blink 182 appearance cancled so they got Chris Stapleton?

The logic used in this episode= FEMA tents marketed as luxury suites. Bragging about how much money was spent and how long it took to film= The supermodel yacht promo vid. Da proof is in da pudding B
Not sure exactly who ends up on the throne, but at least Sam and Gilly survive. Here's what I saw.

Sam and Gilly have survived whatever chaos ensued in the interim. Sam is writing the history of the great wars in their modest home in The Citadel. He gets into bed, kisses Gilly and goes to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Sam gasps and sits up. He is now old, and is played by GRRM himself. We see the white hair of Gilly or whoever Sam's (GRRM's) wife is now, in the bed next to him.

Sam gets out of bed, puts on a robe and slippers and leaves the room. He flips on a light switch and we see we are now in modern times. He looks awed and excited by whatever he was dreaming, which we assume was the entire GoT series.

Sam goes into a room filled with beautiful model castles and toy knights displayed on shelves. We recognize models similar to many places and characters from the show. He picks up a toy dragon and looks at it, then sits down in front of a typewriter and starts writing. We zoom in on the page he is typing and see the words "A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin".

man if GoT get the “Newhart” ending I’m gonna lose my mind
so if they're not trying to please fans who exactly should they please? I'm legit confused

it's like going into a marvel movie and being mad they do comic book things, it's not real life. People say they want realism, they get rid of the main magical element of the show and people are still pissed. It's an unwinnable spot the producers are in it seems, I'm sure they're gonna be face deep in the finest of Dornish wine the second this show is over because they get ripped apart for every route they go with the script.
Making way too many excuses for them. Its definitely not a catch-22 for them.
Watched the first 5 mins and this is a spot on critique. :lol:

The guy doing this really annoyed me at first and I'm getting tired of everyone criticizing everything so I skipped ahead to the second half and watched that....

And he kind of convinced me... Episode on its own was ok, but they really missed an opportunity to capitalize on all these things they've been setting up for 8 seasons.

The great war could have instead been incorporated into the entire season, with scuffles and other events leading up to the full-scale invasion.
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