Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The only things I actually enjoyed in the episode was Sansa interrupting Edmure’s long winded speech and that shot of Dany with Drogon’s wings behing her, that was beautiful.

Everything else was just ehh, not the worst i’ve ever seen but certainly not memorable. Entire season was just average, the directors did their job but the writing failed us all.
The size of dany’s troops that went to get Missandei and the their size at king’s landing this ep were a little different.

I mean.. we saw the dorthraki get slaughtered in that stupid battle plan.. we see the unsullied become human shields for everyone in the retreat AND we see dudes on the ships that got destroyed

AND then we see however many were left when ole girl got killed

Both seemed to be struggle status AT BEST, but then we get here
Sansa really got salty bran was getting the nod and took her ball home under the guise of tradition and “the old way”

Loved this show. Going to replace my memory of the back half with the book endings I swear :rofl:
The only things I actually enjoyed in the episode was Sansa interrupting Edmure’s long winded speech and that shot of Dany with Drogon’s wings behing her, that was beautiful.

Everything else was just ehh, not the worst i’ve ever seen but certainly not memorable. Entire season was just average, the directors did their job but the writing failed us all.

That was dope

and Arya threatening Yara.
I think if you look at it from this perspective, it’ll make more or better sense.

Jon never wanted the throne or the realm. Although he was good at ruling it wasn’t anything he wanted. He seemed to identify more with the feeefolk. Although he has the name, he’ll always be Jon Snow. While it may seem like a bad ending for him, he’ll finally be at peace. No more war, no more politics.

For the Stark’s it was a win, they ended up with the realm. For all they lost they wound up with it all. Complete win for team Stark
yikes, i'm trying to be positive, but that was a bit underwhelming
GRRM better come with some heat in his books
The only things I actually enjoyed in the episode was Sansa interrupting Edmure’s long winded speech and that shot of Dany with Drogon’s wings behing her, that was beautiful.

Everything else was just ehh, not the worst i’ve ever seen but certainly not memorable. Entire season was just average, the directors did their job but the writing failed us all.

Tyrion finding Jamie and Cersei under the rubble i didn’t expect and was a good scene.
I’m reading all these complaints but no one is saying what they would’ve changed.

Jon went north with the wildlings, what the issue? Clearly the nights watch was just to get him north when they got Turmon and the gang waiting on him.
Arya doing her own thing like she has from day 1.

Sansa is the lady/queen of the north, what’s wrong with that?

Jon is Targaryen, that easily explains why Drogon ain’t **** with him.
I didn't come in here to complain about the writing, air my grievances about this final season, but instead to say that I am sad that it's over. I am sad that Dany & Jon's story ended this way. Like many of you here; I am a huge fan of this series and to see it come to an ending, no matter the outcome has me bummed out. We have known for years that this show wasn't going to have a happy ending and boy did tonight really put an exclamation on that.
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