Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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That's hella not true and there were plenty of ppl saying the breadcrumbs were there all along etc etc

Ppl play what if all the time look at the NBA thread right now but because you don't agree with what I'm saying its all castigation from u

I'm saying even given what the writers gave us STILL I'm not convinced of the TYRANT due to her actions AFTER burning KL like not immediately killing tyrion

Its not consistent from the writers or your defenses of the show and it shows

The setting never changed and killing children never became a death sentence "for the good of the realm" until dany

Joff ordered the execution of children guided by Cersei, Joff was the most hated character in this show and people still celebrate his death, hell even seein Tyrion slap him up brings joy, Cersei’s character was being developed into the villain she became, so for seasons people been calling for her head but we all know with no end in sight she was a nessesary evil for the story, so we just hoped that when the time came it was as satisfying as Joffrey, which it wasn’t and a lot of people were up in arms about that...Stannis after he burnt his daughter wasn’t condemned? Bro we still talk about his character and spit on the floor....your whole take on how we have no consistency for accountability to obvious heinous acts on this show is straight up BS...all characters were always held accountable under the circumstances, Danny’s acts in the second to last episode DWARFED anything that any other character in the how had done up until that point and we only were given one more episode for a resolution, so what exactly did you expect?
Those people arguing the breadcrumbs were there, present more logic than you do, but they still wrong, they at least bring show facts to the table and interpret them their own way to make the argument, like saying a quote from season two where she said “we will burn down cities” was foreshadow of what she did the second to last episode. You continuesly make ***** up to paint your own narrative, so it’s impossible to have a worthwhile discussion with you, because nothing can come from it.

Is like me being delusional and arguing with someone that the sky is green, I’m delusional so that’s my reality, but is not a fact....who’s gonna convince me otherwise? People would just write me off as crazy, stupid or ******ed....that’s pretty much what you’ve done for the last 40 pages.

Show facts of Dany in the last 2 episodes
-she became a tyrant
-she committed genocide
-she needed to die.

oh she said something back in s2 so now we care about following thru on threads

nevermind her ACTIONS still dont display any MADNESS or TYRANNY like how she didnt execute tyrion and still up to the moment she died she STILL wanted to rule WITH jon

those "facts" are your OPINION

Joff ordered the execution of children guided by Cersei, Joff was the most hated character in this show and people still celebrate his death, hell even seein Tyrion slap him up brings joy, Cersei’s character was being developed into the villain she became, so for seasons people been calling for her head but we all know with no end in sight she was a nessesary evil for the story, so we just hoped that when the time came it was as satisfying as Joffrey, which it wasn’t and a lot of people were up in arms about that...Stannis after he burnt his daughter wasn’t condemned? Bro we still talk about his character and spit on the floor....your whole take on how we have no consistency for accountability to obvious heinous acts on this show is straight up BS...all characters were always held accountable under the circumstances, Danny’s acts in the second to last episode DWARFED anything that any other character in the how had done up until that point and we only were given one more episode for a resolution, so what exactly did you expect?

oh so now cersei is "necessary evil" but dany cant be a "necessary good"

the only reason dany actions DWARFED (in your opinion) everyone else is because she had the POWER to do so

but because she was so powerful she just HAD to be a tyrant because thats what power does right?

except in bran case oh wait im deflecting again

and its not consistent because ppl even in here are celebrating BRONN for example the most unscrupulous person in the show
You dudes should just agree to disagree. Sh*t is going on a few days now. Doubt there will be ANY type of agreement here.

Thread is becoming as bad as the show.

oh she said something back in s2 so now we care about following thru on threads

nevermind her ACTIONS still dont display any MADNESS or TYRANNY like how she didnt execute tyrion and still up to the moment she died she STILL wanted to rule WITH jon

those "facts" are your OPINION

oh so now cersei is "necessary evil" but dany cant be a "necessary good"

the only reason dany actions DWARFED (in your opinion) everyone else is because she had the POWER to do so

but because she was so powerful she just HAD to be a tyrant because thats what power does right?

except in bran case oh wait im deflecting again

and its not consistent because ppl even in here are celebrating BRONN for example the most unscrupulous person in the show

Her not executing Tyrion where he stood is just as bad and inconsistent as her going mad...once again, you steady punching air looking dumb....her wanting to rule with Jon only spared Jons life as she was clearly ready to murder any lord or lady that didn’t bend the knee...aka Sansa and Arya, his sisters, so that whole final exchange was nothing more than to reassure Jon of what he was about to do, in that instance it was her or his sisters.
were the breadcrumbs there or not @tdogg2k and ksteezy ksteezy

yall cant even agree but wanna hug up to criticize me

Once again some argue there were breadcrumbs, some say they weren’t, that’s were me and TDogg don’t agree, but neither one of us is making up hypotheticals like you are...we based our opinions based on what’s been presented to us, not something like the idea that Cersei could have waved a white flag at Dany from the Red Keep...lmao
oh she said something back in s2 so now we care about following thru on threads

nevermind her ACTIONS still dont display any MADNESS or TYRANNY like how she didnt execute tyrion and still up to the moment she died she STILL wanted to rule WITH jon

those "facts" are your OPINION

oh so now cersei is "necessary evil" but dany cant be a "necessary good"

the only reason dany actions DWARFED (in your opinion) everyone else is because she had the POWER to do so

but because she was so powerful she just HAD to be a tyrant because thats what power does right?

except in bran case oh wait im deflecting again

and its not consistent because ppl even in here are celebrating BRONN for example the most unscrupulous person in the show

He could have flexed the same exact power and wouldn’t have been viewed as a tyrant had she gone straight for Cersei and executed her publically....but...second to last episode, **** had to be wrapped up and she had to be turned to a tyrant in the end...once again, go take your bull**** up with D&D
Logical viewers of this chat form opinions from FACTS presented to us in the series...may agree or disagree, but is a coherent argument on both ends

H2H steady makes up nonsensical scenarios to promote his ridiculous POV and opinions further, making it impossible to actually have a discussion with him.
Her not executing Tyrion where he stood is just as bad and inconsistent as her going mad...once again, you steady punching air looking dumb....her wanting to rule with Jon only spared Jons life as she was clearly ready to murder any lord or lady that didn’t bend the knee...aka Sansa and Arya, his sisters, so that whole final exchange was nothing more than to reassure Jon of what he was about to do, in that instance it was her or his sisters.

but he "was in love" right?

so he shoulda picked dany over his sisters oh wait thats a hypothetical again

you dont know for a fact dany would have killed anybody cuz the show didnt show us that and we can only go by what they showed us

Once again some argue there were breadcrumbs, some say they weren’t, that’s were me and TDogg don’t agree, but neither one of us is making up hypotheticals like you are...we based our opinions based on what’s been presented to us, not something like the idea that Cersei could have waved a white flag at Dany from the Red Keep...lmao

you making up your opinion based on what you want to and you how you interpret the show as how you feel

now earlier you said dany was always annoying, thats not anyhting the show or writers or anybody but you can say as its strictly your opinion

there is no objective way of verifying that but you said it like a fact i have to accept

so you say i make up hypotheticals well so do you
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He could have flexed the same exact power and wouldn’t have been viewed as a tyrant had she gone straight for Cersei and executed her publically....but...second to last episode, **** had to be wrapped up and she had to be turned to a tyrant in the end...once again, go take your bull**** up with D&D

she should have gone for cersei i agree but thats a hypothetical now so you cant say that you can only go with what the show presented

she HAD to be turned into tyrant? again i disagree

Logical viewers of this chat form opinions from FACTS presented to us in the series...may agree or disagree, but is a coherent argument on both ends

H2H steady makes up nonsensical scenarios to promote his ridiculous POV and opinions further, making it impossible to actually have a discussion with him.

stop trying to campaign for other ppl to back you up its pathetic

who are you even talking to with this post?
but he "was in love" right?

so he shoulda picked dany over his sisters oh wait thats a hypothetical again

you dont know for a fact dany would have killed anybody cuz the show didnt show us that and we can only go by what they showed us

you maing up your opinion based on what you want to and you how you interpret the show as how you feel

now earlier you said dany was always annoying, thats not anyhting the show or writers or anybody but you can say as its strictly your opinion

there is no objective way of verifying that but you said it like a fact i have to accept

so you say i make up hypotheticals well so do you

And he also loved his sisters, in the end he had to make a choice, a hard one, although I never bought the romance between them two, but is what the show gave me, based on that he loved her and he loved them...we all can see which love was stronger based on his choice....and once again, based on show facts, Jon literally asks her “what if they don’t like the way you do things” and she responds with “they don’t get to chose” once again this was in the script of the show and we are left to interpret that, based on her burning all of KL down and it’s people, safe to assume she has no restrain any longer and Jon knows if she lives, his sisters die.
How did they even know Jon killed her though.... no one saw it and then the dragon dipped off with her body. He must have been on that first 48 ****
she should have gone for cersei i agree but thats a hypothetical now so you cant say that you can only go with what the show presented

she HAD to be turned into tyrant? again i disagree

stop trying to campaign for other ppl to back you up its pathetic

who are you even talking to with this post?

Exactly!!!! See how stupid arguing hypotheticals is!! The only way she couldn’t have been turned into a tyrant and the righteous ruler we been presented is if they gone the route of her killing Cersei and sparing KL! But that wasn’t in the show, what we got in the show was a tyrant Dany...STOP PUNCHING THE AIR YOU DUMMY.

And I dont need a campaign, you make yourself look stupid all on your own fam.
Interpreting Dany as annoying is an opinion, whoever said otherwise? Is widely popular opinion because the show did write her out to do annoying things like, introducing herself with a million titles, asking people to bend the knee when larger things are at stake, only worrying about her claim to the throne when Jon tells her the truth eventhough they are seconds from imminent death....I can go on and on.

Sansa was also annoying, I dont see you putting on your feminist cape for her and how much she gets ****** on.
Daenerys Targaryen Should **** **** Up in King’s Landing
The dragon has awoken.


Daenerys Targaryen hasn’t played the game of thrones for eight seasons just to be dismissed for being “a foreign woman.”

For many seasons there’s been a lot of talk amongst Game of Thronesfans about Daenerys Targaryen’s sanity. As the daughter of the Mad King, there’s always been speculation that she’d turn out like her father. It’s not just a viewer mentality either. Daenerys herself has fought hard to not follow in Aerys Targaryen’s footsteps.

She’s fought hard to temper the madness that runs through her blood. Unfortunately for Daenerys, the Targaryen bloodline is tainted with chaotic energy, and an eventual outburst is unavoidable. With that in mind, Dany has done well to direct that ‘fire and blood’ rage toward dangerous people, immoral people, people who have unjustifiably wronged others.

Despite her propensity for good, Daenerys’ actions and motives are constantly questioned by the people in the North. They’ve deemed her untrustworthy, an opinion based on nothing other than the fact that she isn’t from the North. They assume she’ll become a ‘Mad Queen’ like her father. At this point, the only reason she will be is because she’s been pushed too far. Try as she has to prevent herself from becoming that way, the circumstances and the people around her aren’t giving her much choice. By not extending an olive branch, they’ll awaken the dragon that’s been tempered for all these years.

Though Daenerys has made questionable decisions over the seasons, most of which include her propensity to ‘take what is hers with fire and blood,’ that doesn’t automatically make her a tyrant, or psychotic, or incapable of rational thought. In fact, after everything Daenerys has gone through, after how far her innate madness has been pushed, it shouldn’t be a surprise if Dany lights up King’s Landing, with nary a thought to whatever consequences will befall afterwards.

Daenerys is Young

It’s easy to forget how young Daenerys actually is, when the actress who plays her is currently 32 years old. You don’t look at Daenerys and think of a young 20-something, but in season 8, she’s only 23 years old. Not only is she probably not fully matured (how many of you would say you were mature at 23?), but her formative teenaged years were hardly average.

Daenerys is only 17 years old when Game of Thrones begins, a mere teenager. Imagine being forced to marry a stranger, at 17, who doesn’t even speak the same language as you, and subsequently being raped on your wedding night.

Her rapist ends up becoming her lover, only for him to die before the season’s over. She also gets pregnant, but ultimately loses her baby. Somewhere along the lines, she also loses her brother (though an argument can be made she was better off without Viserys). Of course, we can’t forget that after all this, she also walks into a raging fire, only to emerge unscathed, clutching three baby dragons. That’s all in one season. No 17-year-old can endure all of that and remain ‘sane.’


Despite it all, Daenerys never lost sight of the ambition she’s been fed for who knows how long: that the Iron Throne is her family’s by right, and she deserves to rule from it. It’s likely Viserys had pumped Dany with dreams of ruling Westeros all her life, telling her stories of how the evil Robert Baratheon stole the throne from their father, killing their entire family.

If a young person has been told their entire life that they’re special, that they deserve to rule a kingdom, why wouldn’t they believe it? Moreover, if that same child ‘birthed’ dragons after not dying in a blaze that should have incinerated her, isn’t it justifiable to truly believe you’re something special? Every young person thinks they’re invincible, and as far as Daenerys Targaryen is concerned, she is.

Acting impulsively and destructively is what most young, immature, people do. Add that to the fact that Daenerys has been empowered by dragons, armies of people following her, and surviving near-death experiences, and it’s not hard to imagine why she feels her own quick solution is often the best one.

Daenerys’ Life Mission is Over Because She Doesn’t Have a Penis

As stated above, Daenerys Targaryen has spent her whole life being told she’s worthy and entitled to the Iron Throne. As such, the most formative years of her life have been spent trying to reach that goal. Everything she’s done and endured has been to further her mission to rule Westeros, like her birthright dictates.

Imagine working your life to achieve something, only for it to be snatched away by someone who doesn’t even want it simply because they have a cock. Game of Thrones even fully admits it, when Varys bluntly states, “Cocks are important, I’m afraid.” Yet Daenerys is criticized for being angry about it, angry that what she’s worked so hard for, that which she’s prepared for, will be taken away by someone less qualified just because he’s a man.

It’s true Jon Snow is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but Jon doesn’t want it. It’s presumed Jon will have the throne over Daenerys simply because the people like him more, even though they’ve made no attempts to get to know her. Daenerys has not survived all that she has just to be sidelined by a man who didn’t even know who he was until a few days ago. Few people on Game of Thrones have been through as much as Daenerys has, and none of them have come close to ruling cities and people the way Daenerys has. If Daenerys has truly reached her breaking point after being shafted by the people in the West so harshly, it’d be hard to blame her.

Daenerys Has Been Left With Few Allies or Friends

As someone as young as she is, as someone who has experienced high highs and low lows like she has, it’s hard to imagine how she could have done it without support. Over the seasons, Daenerys has had many foes, but she’s also had trusted friends and allies. Unfortunately, they’ve almost all ended up dead, or they were foes posed as friends who also ended up dead.

Drogo, Barristan Selmy, Jorah Mormont, both human and dragon babies, just to name a few, have all died during the eight seasons of Game of Thrones. Now Missandei, her most trusted advisor, and best friend, has been executed right before her eyes. After losing so many people close to you, is it really unjustified for Daenerys to have lost all sensibility at this point?

Aside from having lost almost all of her trusted companions, Daenerys has been having difficulty gaining new allies since moving west. Apparently the Northerners don’t and won’t trust Daenerys because she’s from the east. She’s an outsider who’s killed people. Somehow it doesn’t seem to matter that she’s freed slaves, and killed terrible people. No, the Northerners will continue not trusting Daenerys alongside the Wildings, the people they used to hate, the outsiders who killed their own, Northern, people.

The hypocrisy couldn’t be more apparent than in Jon’s conversation with Arya. Arya states that they did in fact need Daenerys’ allegiance to win the war against the White Walkers, but she still doesn’t trust Daenerys. Jon counters that Arya doesn’t really know her yet, to which Arya replies, “I’ll never know her. She’s not one of us.” This is the same girl who ended the episode riding off with the Hound, the man who killed her best friend. The Hound was not ‘one of them,’ yet after getting to know him, she befriended him.

This conversation between Jon and Arya continues, where Jon says, “If you only trust the people you grew up with, you won’t make many allies.” Arya retorts that she doesn’t need many allies. Not five sentences ago Arya was saying they needed Dany as an ally to defeat the Night King. The hypocrisy in the North is infuriating, the refusal to attempt to get to know Daenerys just because of where she’s from, or rather, not from.


The North’s mistrust of Daenerys is even more nonsensical when you consider all that Daenerys has done for them. She abandoned her mission of winning the Iron Throne to help the North defeat the White Walkers, willing to risk her own army, greatly diminishing her chances of defeating Cersei. All she got in return was continued ostracizing, and zero appreciation for her contribution to their victory.

Daenerys is alone. She has little to nothing left to lose, having lost most of her companions, and being surrounded by hateful hypocrites who refuse to try and understand her goals and rationale. If Daenerys wants to attack guns blazing, you can’t blame her. She’s done wonders to quell the madness that runs through her blood, only ever directing it to those who deserve it. But with few left to help her, moreover, with many left to instigate her, it’s hardly her fault at this point for choosing violence.
Exactly!!!! See how stupid arguing hypotheticals is!! The only way she couldn’t have been turned into a tyrant and the righteous ruler we been presented is if they gone the route of her killing Cersei and sparing KL! But that wasn’t in the show, what we got in the show was a tyrant Dany...STOP PUNCHING THE AIR YOU DUMMY.

And I dont need a campaign, you make yourself look stupid all on your own fam.

id rather argue hypotheticals that would have made the show better then try to pretend what they gave was justified in any way

and you didnt present "dany is annoying" as opinion, you said it like it was objective fact

she said a lot of titles? hell she earned them and was proud of herself you gonna get mad at MJ for calling himself GOAT too?

and you "dont need a campaign" but you still begging for ppl to agree with u

if that were true you wouldnt have made that post TALKING TO THE AIR you accuse me of punching

Interpreting Dany as annoying is an opinion, whoever said otherwise? Is widely popular opinion because the show did write her out to do annoying things like, introducing herself with a million titles, asking people to bend the knee when larger things are at stake, only worrying about her claim to the throne when Jon tells her the truth eventhough they are seconds from imminent death....I can go on and on.

Sansa was also annoying, I dont see you putting on your feminist cape for her and how much she gets ****** on.

sansa was entitled and wanted to marry joffrey s1 and betrayed ned thats why i dont cape for her

dany was the one true leader westeros needed but didnt deserve and thats why i cape for her
id rather argue hypotheticals that would have made the show better

Say no more, that horse Arya rose off in, should have been pegasus and her and dany should have battled it out in the air....EPIC ****.

Since is better to argue hypotheticals based on absolute NOTHING.
Say no more, that horse Arya rose off in, should have been pegasus and her and dany should have battled it out in the air....EPIC ****.

Since is better to argue hypotheticals based on absolute NOTHING.

did you read the article i just posted or nah?
:rofl: @ begging when you bringing together dudes that never agree, through means of your sheer stupidity...I’m sorry bro, but I dont need any help, when your arguments sole backbone is “i can argue whatever, simply because I ****** can and no one can tell me otherwise”
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