Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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All I want to see is Littlefinger/Varry's playing their manipulation games, Brianne and Pod going on badass adventures, Bronn and Jaime going on badass adventures, Arya getting her Assassins Creed on with the faceless men, and Tyrion getting drunk and out-witting people.

I want to see what the Mountain has turned into, I want to know what happened to Aryas water dancing teacher, I want to know what happened to Brandon stark, I wanna know what happened to Gendry, and also I want to know more about the dude that keeps getting killed and brought back to life. Oh and I wanna see more prostitutes.

This episode had none of that, so I didn't like it all much.

PS, Stannis is the one true king of Westeros by all laws of man. Why is there even a debate in the kingdom?

Ps, ps Jon Snow making real soft decisions. Even that crossbow kid called him out. How many starks have to get their heads cut off before they learn how to play the game??!!

How is he the one true king of Westeros by law? Even if everyone knew the truth about Joffrey and Timon's real father, Robert got the throne because he rebelled against the mad king and won. If I remember correctly Lord Eddard turned it down, or let Robert take the seat because he didn't want it. Truthfully, Stannis doesn't have a claim to the iron throne anymore than you or I because it doesn't belong to his family. It is for Dany as a Targaryen. THis is why I don't understand why Ned was so adamant about Stannis being the King when he and Robert literally took the throne. They didn't follow the law then. So whoever has the strongest army and kills the current king, they can call themselves king.

Dany just lost one of her trusted advisors, now she needs Tyrion to teach her how to rule.
Tyrion is a smart mothereffer and he can teach her the ways of Westeros.

Tyrion advising Dany would be good to see. His intelligence and her love for humanity would be a good thing for Westeros.

Most of them, especially Grey Worm, are too frail to be taken seriously.

I've been saying this since they were first introduced. They should have made Grey Worm and the rest of them bulk up because I can't take them seriously marching around looking like bean poles. Who have the unsullied proven themselves against? When Dany first met them all the master talked about was how disciplined and heartless they are trained to be. Nothing about battles fought and won. Just that they will kill a baby on command, and won't move until they are told. Does this make for a good soldier?

Dude is gonna come back as a 40 yr. old man the way these kids grow. :lol:

Bran's character will have to be recast, that kid grew a foot in two seasons :lol:. Hordor can't continue to carry his *** around anymore.

But he knows that Bran is live right? Didn't Sam tell him?

Yeah Sam told him, that is how he figured they would go to Kraster's keep. That was the only place they could be. Sucks they never met up though.

Jon Snow knows nothing.

He knows how to eat them yambs :smokin...................................His scenes with Ygritte were the funniest . She cut him no slack :rofl:.
"That thing with your tongue"
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Definitely need Robert's Rebellion. So much history that they could go into. Aegon's Conquest, Blackfyre Rebellions, the first Dance of Dragons.
Did Sansa have much interaction with Jon in the first season? They've always seemed the most distant of the siblings. I assumed she disliked him because her mother did but when I looked it up the information said they did think about each other sometimes since they've left Winterfell. I forgot all about that stuff.

They weren't super close like Jon and Arya but they didn't dislike each other. Plus, everyone else is dead as far as Sansa knows.

All I want to see is Littlefinger/Varry's playing their manipulation games, Brianne and Pod going on badass adventures, Bronn and Jaime going on badass adventures, Arya getting her Assassins Creed on with the faceless men, and Tyrion getting drunk and out-witting people.

I want to see what the Mountain has turned into, I want to know what happened to Aryas water dancing teacher, I want to know what happened to Brandon stark, I wanna know what happened to Gendry, and also I want to know more about the dude that keeps getting killed and brought back to life. Oh and I wanna see more prostitutes.

This episode had none of that, so I didn't like it all much.

PS, Stannis is the one true king of Westeros by all laws of man. Why is there even a debate in the kingdom?

Ps, ps Jon Snow making real soft decisions. Even that crossbow kid called him out. How many starks have to get their heads cut off before they learn how to play the game??!!

How is he the one true king of Westeros by law? Even if everyone knew the truth about Joffrey and Timon's real father, Robert got the throne because he rebelled against the mad king and won. If I remember correctly Lord Eddard turned it down, or let Robert take the seat because he didn't want it. Truthfully, Stannis doesn't have a claim to the iron throne anymore than you or I because it doesn't belong to his family. It is for Dany as a Targaryen. THis is why I don't understand why Ned was so adamant about Stannis being the King when he and Robert literally took the throne. They didn't follow the law then. So whoever has the strongest army and kills the current king, they can call themselves king.

Robert won it by conquest but he was also legitimized because the Baratheons have some Targaryen heritage. Ned could have sat the throne by conquest as well (there is some Stark and Targ intermingling). Joffrey and Tommen got the throne because of their supposed Baratheon lineage, but if they are bastards born of incest, they have no claim, as they are not Robert's heirs. Since he bore no sons, next in line would be the next oldest brother, Stannis.
I was thinking Dany couldn't rule because she was a woman but you're right, "Inheritance only falls on a woman if there are no males in her family ahead of her in line of succession." Makes sense why Robert wanted her dead so bad in the beginning.
Can someone expand on Ned turning down the throne. I remember when it was mentioned in the show, what's the story behind that.
Grey worm is cool but ain't no way he's beating any of the main characters one on one...dude looks like he's 120 lbs.
he looks like he carries a spear because he's too damn frail to carry a sword. Not believable at all. Imagine him vs the hound or Jaime or anyone.
Sansa is legit bigger than him.
Arya would give him work.
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Basically Robert was injured, so he sent Ned to sack King's Landing, but by the time he got there Tywins forces was already putting in work. Ned walked into the throne room and saw Jamie sitting there and Aery's dead.

For some reason people think that Ned could have sat the Iron Throne then and there and became king which isn't true. Robert let a REBELLION not a revolution which means keeping the current structure in tact and just removing the king from power. Robert had a better claim than Ned because of the family ties to the Targs and Ned obviously knew that.  
Ned could have taken the throne though. Robert didn't necessarily want it either at the beginning. He was more set on revenge.

But yes hed basically have been Roose Bolton.
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Ned could've had the throne bruh..I've read through Book 3 and Jamie basically said as much. He'll Jamie could've claimed it if he had jus stayed seated.

Ned was to honorable for his own good smh
I'm not saying Ned couldn't have physically taken it, I'm saying it would make no sense if he did. 

If it were as simple as sitting on the throne then Tywin could have taken it as well since he was in KL. Robert had to be the King. He lead the rebellion and he has Targ blood. They were fighting against Mad King Aerys, not the system. 
Ned could've had the throne bruh..I've read through Book 3 and Jamie basically said as much. He'll Jamie could've claimed it if he had jus stayed seated.

Ned was to honorable for his own good smh
No he couldn't. He is Kings Guard. 
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Right because a King's Guard can kill the king, sit on the Iron Throne and everyone in the realm will just shrug it off and bend the knee.......come on man. 

It doesn't work like that.
Right because a King's Guard can kill the king, sit on the Iron Throne and everyone in the realm will just shrug it off and bend the knee.......come on man. 
It doesn't work like that.

You never know in Westeros. The king he just killed was burning people alive and about to burn down the whole city. If people found out Jaime da Gawd had saved the city then people might have been calling him Jaime The Savior. It still irks me when people on he show insult him by calling him kingslayer.
Ya I kinda felt for him after he told his story, but then I remember he still pushed Bran out of the window...and killed his own cousin, so he's still kind of a scumbag. 

They might have called him "Savior", but not King. 
Robert is a usurper and they still called him king. What the people call you doesn't matter much though.
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 I'm saying that some might have called him a savior and loved him if he told the truth, but no way could he have taken the iron throne and became king. Jamie is Kingsguard.... I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
I'm not saying Ned couldn't have physically taken it, I'm saying it would make no sense if he did. 

If it were as simple as sitting on the throne then Tywin could have taken it as well since he was in KL. Robert had to be the King. He lead the rebellion and he has Targ blood. They were fighting against Mad King Aerys, not the system. 

No he couldn't. He is Kings Guard. 
Can someone break down Robs Targ ancestry
in a nutshell the first Baratheon is the bastard brother of Aegon The Conqueror, but check out cb19's video EPIC HISTORY: House Baratheon 
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Wow so after the mad king died I though the tagaryen reign was over. So now no matter what the real true heir the throne was and will always be a tagaryen. I'm just mind blown right now.

So now my theories of stannis is developing hmmm.
Well technically no. Westeros use to be free...well not united and everyone was kings of their rightful region.

Targs with their dragons pretty much wiped out most rebellions against them. Then they just had rulers good and bad and people just followed suit.
Dorne is the only place targs couldnt win
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