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If you come back as a White Walker do you have a recollection of who you were when you were living?
I'm SICK of waiting week to week!!!!! JUST GIVE US ALL THE EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word, man. That Netflix style has me all impatient right now. Ain't nobody got time to be waiting 10 weeks and ****. :smh:

I really dk if I'd appreciate Thrones as much as I do if we were able to binge it like Netflix. Not that I'm taking anything away from the series' I've watched and loved on Netflix, but GoT cliffhangers are apart of the ride of the series.
I'm SICK of waiting week to week!!!!! JUST GIVE US ALL THE EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word, man. That Netflix style has me all impatient right now. Ain't nobody got time to be waiting 10 weeks and ****.
I really dk if I'd appreciate Thrones as much as I do if we were able to binge it like Netflix. Not that I'm taking anything away from the series' I've watched and loved on Netflix, but GoT cliffhangers are apart of the ride of the series.
And the discussion around it every week.

I love coming in on Mondays and discussing with my coworkers and watching/listening to recaps.

Running through a whole season in two days and not really having anyone to discuss with because everyone is moving at their own pace kinda sucks.
And the discussion around it every week.

I love coming in on Mondays and discussing with my coworkers and watching/listening to recaps.

Running through a whole season in two days and not really having anyone to discuss with because everyone is moving at their own pace kinda sucks.

All of this. Imagine S6 came out all in one shot? We'd literally need separate threads for a series this big.
Netflix style has gotten me spoiled lol.

It's convenient to have the entire season release. But at the same time, I like how GOT and other series are week by week. 

The discussion, speculation, and rumors that pop up help me understand the episodes a lot deeper.

For sure if Daredevil was week to week, I'd feel impatient too.

I kept re-watching the Hardhome episode all week because of hit ended. THAT SILENCE!
And the discussion around it every week.

I love coming in on Mondays and discussing with my coworkers and watching/listening to recaps.

Running through a whole season in two days and not really having anyone to discuss with because everyone is moving at their own pace kinda sucks.

This is the only thread that I don't get mad on Monday's if It's 500 posts to catch up on

I legit get sad when this thread dies out after episode 10 :lol:
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I don't mind having to wait a week for the new episodes. In addition to the other reasons stated, its like having a mini-event to look forward to every Sunday night.
Some of the nitpicking here and Reddit as far as "plot holes" go is laughable. I get it might not make sense timeline-wise but some of y'all want this show to be realistic as **** when it's about dragons and blood magic and zombies [emoji]128514[/emoji]

QFT :lol:

I think that it's also his way out of the watch.

The only way out is death, so he did that and the crew don't want him there either.

Great point.

I don't mind having to wait a week for the new episodes. In addition to the other reasons stated, its like having a mini-event to look forward to every Sunday night.

No, because he wouldn't come back as a WW.

He'd be a wight AKA a mindless zombie.

How do we know that though? We know that White Walkers can turn living human babies into more WWs, and not wights. Maybe that power could extend to dead, adult humans?
Maybe corrupting the babies plays a role in the control the sith lords have

Bringing Jon Snow byke this late with those zombie powers could back fire on the Night's King

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If you come back as a White Walker do you have a recollection of who you were when you were living?
White Walkers are the icy creatures that resurrect the dead. Wights are zombies who were killed and resurrected by White Walkers (or killed by wights and resurrected by White Walkers). Jon Snow was killed by humans so he can't come back as a wight. On the show, we've already seen a human who was resurrected by another human (Beric from Season 3). Assuming that Jon is resurrected in a similar manner, he'll probably retain a lot of his memory. Although, in the books, Beric loses a bit of his memory every time he's resurrected (I believe he was resurrected 6 times). Also in the books, another character is resurrected and this character retains a lot of memory but is only concerned with getting vengeance. There is the belief that wights retain some memory. That's mostly based on the wight that attacked the Old Bear Lord Commander. Supposedly, in life, that person didn't like Old Bear. 
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So Pod about to get them Salsa yambs, huh.

Calling it now, Pod, the future warden of the North.
Pod is Ilyn Payne's cousin. Ilyn is the royal executioner, the man who executed Ned using Ice, the Stark Valyrian steel greatsword. I guess anything's possible but I get the feeling Sansa's not going to be too thrilled to be around Pod if and when she realizes who he's related to.
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and why on Earth would the Night Watch leave Jon Snow's body there overnight, at breakfast admit you killed him, and then demand Davos gives them the body? Couldn't you have just did all that **** right after you killed him in the first place?

poor writing there
It seems like they wanted people to see his body. They posted the "traitor" sign up. They wanted him to be on display. And by leaving his corpse there, they probably figured people would either get in line, get out or get dropped. It was a power move. Not the smartest one but a power move nonetheless.
Listening to the Bald podcast and they brought up a dope *** point I forgot about.

when Brienne offers her services to Sansa with her sword, the sword was the melted down valyrian sword Ice that belong to Ned
Listening to the Bald podcast and they brought up a dope *** point I forgot about.
when Brienne offers her services to Sansa with her sword, the sword was the melted down valyrian sword Ice that belong to Ned
Melted down from the same sword that Pod's cousin used to execute Ned.
Listening to the Bald podcast and they brought up a dope *** point I forgot about.
when Brienne offers her services to Sansa with her sword, the sword was the melted down valyrian sword Ice that belong to Ned
Melted down from the same sword that Pod's cousin used to execute Ned.

Wait... So Ned Stark was executed with his own sword?... I thought/assumed it was just a generic sword or Pain's own...
Wait... So Ned Stark was executed with his own sword?... I thought/assumed it was just a generic sword or Pain's own...

Ned believed in the Old Way, which means that if you sentence somebody to die, you have to carry out the execution yourself. So, being King's Hand, he might have to sentence somebody to die. And if that's the case, he probably traveled to King's Landing with Ice, which he used for executions (most notably in the first episode of GoT when he executed the AWOL Night's Watch brother). When Ned was arrested in King's Landing, the crown took possession of Ice.
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Ned stark's sword was so awesome....

It's amazing that only two people have them. Jon and the stud knight protecting his sister.

this theory is decent. Interesting at least.,,

btw for a second there I thought Sansa and Reke were caught. I was like here we go again :smh:
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