Official Golden State Warriors @ Denver Nuggets 9pm EST

Originally Posted by eternalist34

its all al's fault. juss a bad game from him. we needed him down the stretch. juss 2 points? not gonna cut it.

no. ever since all star break and a little before that i've been *****ing about harrington every game and hoping mickael gets more minutes. and withmickael out, i don't know what the hell don nelson's problem is not using brandan or croshere when harrington *+@!* us over and he doesn't want totake him out. i mean, the ONE switch in the end of the third and playing into the fourth was harrington, and right when he came in what happened? denver makes10 straight SHOTS. not points, shots. then nelson takes him out. are you kidding me? this guy can't guard bigs because they're too big, then hecan't guard smaller guys because they're too small. i mean, %%%? what does he do? spread the floor, spread the floor...that's all i hear but sincehe sucks at making baskets and he doesn't play d then i don't think he's got any positive impact. god i never thought i'd say this this season,but i cannot wait until mickael gets back. i think i'd rather have he (injured or not) and brandan out there instead of harrington. don nelson keepsfeeding harrington crucial, pity minutes and it always goes back to bite us in the %%$. and to make it worse azubuike started and i'd rather have brandantake the start spot because he plays so well in the starting lineup and azubuike has been really solid off the bench as of late.
Denver got really lucky that the Warriors got all the open shots they wanted, but they DIDN'T fall
. Martin will never have another game like that again.
All the Warriors shot like $$%@
. I believe the Warriors are done, if we lose tomorrow, which we will, start looking atthe offseason, let some of the rooks start. Warriors suck
Originally Posted by tupac003

But denver has PHX twice now.. GS should be able to move right back in.

Good luck GS and Denver. Got to love the west.

Go Shaq! Go Amare! Go Steve! Go Raja! Go Grant! Go Suns!
We got beat by Kenyon Martin?

And that huggy/kissy +$$+ that took place after the game pissed me off. Save that +$$+ for after the season during charity events of strip club excursions. Like someone said earlier, we have no killer instinct. That's why we've lost to the Bobcats, Timberwolves, and the Bulls. Ya think we could use oneof these games at the end of the season?

Exchanging jerseys like it's a World Cup match ...
Warriors rely way too much on their shooting to pull off games. They've been spoiled with come from behind victories this season. When it comes to crunchtime, this **** happens.
Blah. Tough loss, Warriors. Shooting was off for most of the players.

We might be on the outside looking in, but it's not over. We just have to cut this loss and look forward.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Denver got really lucky that the Warriors got all the open shots they wanted, but they DIDN'T fall
. Martin will never have another game like that again.
All the Warriors shot like $$%@
. I believe the Warriors are done, if we lose tomorrow, which we will, start looking at the offseason, let some of the rooks start. Warriors suck

Very tough loss.....our shots just didn't fall but we could have had this game. I don't understand why Biedrins was taken out the game even if it wasfor a breather, didn't Denver just go on that run after he went to the bench in the 3rd/4th?

But we can't look back and regret losses, but tomorrow is an absolute MUST WIN. If we lose, our chances go down significantly.
Originally Posted by Ras Clot 89

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Denver got really lucky that the Warriors got all the open shots they wanted, but they DIDN'T fall
. Martin will never have another game like that again.
All the Warriors shot like $$%@
. I believe the Warriors are done, if we lose tomorrow, which we will, start looking at the offseason, let some of the rooks start. Warriors suck


Yea i'm salty, but it's true, Warriors missed a *@++ load of shots they usually hit ESPECIALLY Azubuike, and i'm also right about the Martinpart, he probably aint going to have another game like that this season.
Solid game by the Nuggz. The D could've been better but the win is great.
Denver Fans: who would you rather see lose?

We've got the tie-breaker with Dallas already.
They're only a 1/2 game ahead of us.
If GS wins, then all 3 teams would be tied, record-wise.

This is kinda nuts.

edit: Denver did get some good breaks. Luckily while Iverson struggled, K-Mart flourished. That's the making of a deep team. We know J.R. and Kleiza canfill it up, but Kenyon needs to feel like this every game.
Originally Posted by Ras Clot 89

Denver Fans: who would you rather see lose?

We've got the tie-breaker with Dallas already.
They're only a 1/2 game ahead of us.
If GS wins, then all 3 teams would be tied, record-wise.

This is kinda nuts.

We want GSW to win, that way Denver and Warriors could make it
sorry for that rant, but i missed another point. harrington started as center, but he didn't even have to guard camby. everyone looking at martin'snumbers, but nobody cares who was guarding him in the beginning. harrington always lets some player just happen to break out on him. kmart, then he kept itrolling the whole game and killed us. then he comes back in and denver gets 10 straight buckets. who was he guarding? najera who also jacked us up that run.then harrington goes out and all of a sudden the warriors start cutting into the lead, but five minutes is cutting is really close because they'd have tobe perfect to win. stopping a red hot denver team at home and making buckets with a 10 or 11 point deficit is probable, but with the way denver's has beenplaying why risk it? nelson and harrington screw us over again. i'm not even mad at azubuike missing so many shots because he was working hard on bothends; playing d, grabbing boards, and hustling on the other end getting a lot of in and out shots.
Originally Posted by Ras Clot 89

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Denver got really lucky that the Warriors got all the open shots they wanted, but they DIDN'T fall
. Martin will never have another game like that again.
All the Warriors shot like $$%@
. I believe the Warriors are done, if we lose tomorrow, which we will, start looking at the offseason, let some of the rooks start. Warriors suck


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I can't even begin to describe how annoying I find this kid sometimes.
Kind of ironic when a lot of people find you annoying

Alright about the game, we held Ivo in check but in doing that Martin some #** goes off for 30. That new zone Warriors were using confused Denver for a whileand we could use more in future games. Melo got his like he always is. Smith and Eddie gave them a huge boost of the bench. Warriors shot very bad. Missingopen shots left and right. Azubuike with one of the worst games i've seen him have. Beidrins was the only player who actually played well. Al harringtonplayed horrible again. Monta is in some kind of slump right now. Jackson played decent, as did Baron. Nellie should have put Wright in there to guard Martin,it would have bothered him alot IMO. Props to the Nuggs, they out scored us.

That's fine.

I rather share my opinions and have people disagree with them than run around and post obvious statements and bring nothing new to the conversation.
As a Nuggets fan I want both the Warriors and the Nuggz in the playoffs.
Azubuike's basket made it 86-83, and the Warriors looked in complete control, but they started taking silly shots from all over and they wouldn't score again for 6 minutes.
wow....ap recap deadon...
Sometimes the shots just don't go down. They just got outplayed...have to give Denver credit. Gotta get them in Oakland.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Azubuike's basket made it 86-83, and the Warriors looked in complete control, but they started taking silly shots from all over and they wouldn't score again for 6 minutes.
wow....ap recap deadon...

that was when harrington subbed in for andris in the end of the third and by the time he came out denver had already rolled off 10 straight buckets. then atimeout comes and don nelson finally takes out harrington and baron hit a jump shot off and andris screen to end that damn drought. it's because harringtonisn't a presence. his "spreading the floor" doesn't help if he can't hit a basket and can't rebound. and to make it worse he holdshis screen past the three point line waiting for his man to double team the ball handler and then harrington runs out calling for the ball waiting to jack upan idiotic three.
I rather share my opinions and have people disagree with them than run around and post obvious statements and bring nothing new to the conversation.
you really don't do any of the latter. you just get under a lot of ppl's skin because you fail to say anything useful while taking jabsat the other person.
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