Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

I still cannot believe Capt. Jack is back in Oakland.
i'm more upset about this than trading Monta.
Agreed, I knew that was Ellis was going to traded eventually. Just disappointed by the fact Jackson is back in Oakland. Supposedly, the Warriors have been hearing offers for Jackson, so things may change by the deadline tomorrow.
Also, does anyone know if his current contract is the same contract Rowell gave him?
Who's gonna want Jackson and that ludicrous contract? It's almost as bad as Biedrins crap contract.

Only way we move him is to package him up with someone like Klay. Which I wouldn't mind cuz I'm pretty sure he's gonna be awful.
Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Who's gonna want Jackson and that ludicrous contract? It's almost as bad as Biedrins crap contract.

Only way we move him is to package him up with someone like Klay. Which I wouldn't mind cuz I'm pretty sure he's gonna be awful.
His contract expires next season. 
Originally Posted by mikedamz
Big Warrior fan? Kwame Jackson?...Son...

On FB: Duncan Godfrey: Monta got the biggest D in the league, its OKAY

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Originally Posted by mikedamz

Looking like an East Oakland postal carrier.

The buildup to the cursing was great.

epke udoh and uhh...monte ellis
kwame jackson

only way to top it is if we wnet philly fan and was like man f high blood pressure
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I stopped being a Warrior fan after they traded Richardson.

then you werent a warrior fan just a jrich fan...
No, getting rid of J Rich was the last straw among other stupid moves they made around that time.
Come on, Warriors fans need to stop acting like the team is trading away superstars. This team was a playoff team one year, and it yes, these guys were a part of it, but they weren't the main pieces why the team made it. The team didn't trade Kobe, nothing close to him. They're not a playoff team with these "great" players, and they weren't going to be. The team needed to make a move, and this was a move that could make them a good team for a long time.
This team hasnt had a legit superstar in FOREVER. Thinking maybe chris webber was the last legit superstar but nelly messed that up quick. Webber was a rookie though and not a superstar.

This team needs to draft right. it never does...
It also screws themselves out of having a better shot. If you're team sucks, and they continue to suck for over decade, and get 1 pick in the top 3.. your team is just stupid.
No one is disputing change is needed and the trade(s) had to happen...

However, it's the:

1) Type of trade
2) Cost of the trade
3) Risk/reward

So, Lacob, who is starting to really, really annoy me is now touting (in typical Warrior fashion, mind you) that Bogus is a top 3 center? Then why in God's name were you trying to sign Tyson Chandler and DeAndre Jordan, of which you had to blow your wad on amnestying Charlie Bell instead of Biedrins?! If you wanted Bogut so bad, you should have made the deal initially and not waste more time/money.

As time went on, Milwaukee for all intents and purposes had more leverage because the Stephen Jackson experiment was not going to work there. So now we're forced to take him back all the while giving up on Udoh. I'm not saying Udoh was a superstar, but for a team who lacks interior defense, he was a refreshing change. The best part, as I mentioned earlier is, we're in this position because we drafted Udoh instead of Monroe....Monroe could have been the center and we wouldn't have to trade Monta for Bogut and take on salary and give up our youth...again.

So now we're re-building (again) with paper ankles and glass arms....awesome. We can't blow things up properly, I swear....
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I stopped being a Warrior fan after they traded Richardson.

Real fans stick by their team. Through the good and the bad.

I love this philosophy.
If they hire Hitler to coach the team will you still support them??
Last night I got really 
and tried to figure this all out, and I'm not that angry anymore. In a couple years, the team will have a boatload of expiring contracts, presumably 2 top 7 draft picks, and will still have Steph and Lee and a couple smaller pieces to build around.

It ends up being a complete rebuild, exactly what this team really needs to be successful long term; I've come to peace with it.
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Last night I got really 
and tried to figure this all out, and I'm not that angry anymore. In a couple years, the team will have a boatload of expiring contracts, presumably 2 top 7 draft picks, and will still have Steph and Lee and a couple smaller pieces to build around.

It ends up being a complete rebuild, exactly what this team really needs to be successful long term; I've come to peace with it.

Nice way to look at it. This is exactly what my Cavs done since the Lebron departure. Even though I would consider Golden State a big market team; it really has been stuck in a small market phase for quite some time - and I believe that will change eventually - and sooner or later, you guys will have a superstar or two and a great team.

Just ride with it for now, in 2-3 years - the Warriors should suffice in the Western Conference and will soon be a competitive team to watch.

I loved watching Monta in Oakland. I'm sure he will be missed..
Originally Posted by DMan14

watched him grow from a shy southern kid to a man
seems like yesterday when baron blinded him on Jim Rome
it was fun, hope he blows up and gets his shine

ivory towers
Damn, I remember that.  That segment was funny as hell though.  Monta's reaction to that was priceless.
w's cant even tank right. how are you gonna beat the kings. mess around and end up with a late lottery as usual
The problem with the way what WT45 an AT just said, is that this whole "blow it up and in 2-3 years all these contracts will expire" way of thinking is that the writing was on the wall for this to be done prior to this season. And it never is done. We are stuck in basketball limbo land and are never bad enough for a top pick or good enough to be a competitor.

I agree with you guys that this needs to be blown up.....been saying it since the offseason. Only problem is, our management wont see it that way. They never do.

(Having a little while to calm down about the trade, I understand the logic of getting rid of Monta....but Udoh was completely unnecessary. I just wish the front office would have view edMonta as a rising star and Curry as an injury prone run of the mill player, not the other way around.)
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I stopped being a Warrior fan after they traded Richardson.

Real fans stick by their team. Through the good and the bad.

I love this philosophy.
If they hire Hitler to coach the team will you still support them??
How are they going to hire Hitler though? 
Yeah you stick with the team through the ups and downs. It sucked with what happened with CWebb(my favorite Warrior of all time) and Nelly, but I still supported them. Even when The Rock(the original) got traded. Over time I just stopped caring as much. Then when you think there is a glimmer of hope we get shot down again. It's comical. The gift and the curse.
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