Jerry West on Jordan

“He’s a young, active player, probably coming into his own. Those are the kinds of players that people are willing to take chances on in terms of paying a lot of money for. At the end of the day you have to find out what’s in store for anyone. I’m just really not sure about him.
Makes no sense to amnesty Bell just for the CHANCE to sign Jordan to an offer sheet. Unless they have some other moves in place if the Clippers match, what a horrible move
Originally Posted by WILLd540

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

why in the world would Jordan and Beans play at the same time? those two are a liability on offense especially Beans. and how would those two equal one of the dominant front courts in the NBA? Beans is as soft as Charmin. and Beans having "all the tools to do it"? you can't be serious, dude has one move down low and can't shoot FTs to save his life or anyone's for that matter.

I know it's your opinion and everything but please have some common sense and act like you've watched a basketball game before.
 deep breath brutha/ I think you're underestimating Biedrins. If he can tap into the where he was three years ago, I think he could be a 14 & 8 & 1.8 guy for us. He has the tools. Not many dudes are that big and mobile.
I honestly have no idea what Jordan and Biedrins would look like on the floor together, but hell, i'm curious. Biedrins is not a bad shot blocker himself and Jordan could guard the quicker PFs. Defensively, that front court intrigues me. 
i agree, beans has some potential to break out of his funk. nelson wrecked this dude emotionally and spiritually (resembling of what MJ did to Kwame) but i think beans could be a factor again.  i don't see the 14 and 8 happening anytime in the near future, but maybe more along to the tune of 10 and 7 and 2 blocks(wishful thinking).
What the ***+ are they doing?

would be a good one

But really..

Why charlie bell and not save amnesty for later ( Lee, beidrins )
Still in the cp3 running?
Any other FA's they are targeting other than DJ?
When are Tyler and Klay signing?
How's Mark looked thus far? Curry? Ellis?
Couldn't offer Jordan the money if they didn't take Bell's contract off the books.

Rookies sign when the Jordan ordeal is over.

You should just troll Biedrins and sarcastically ask how he improved his game. How come he wasn't playing in any charity/pick up games? Whatever he answers, under your breath mumble, "we should have amnestied your *+%....."
Originally Posted by What up

Couldn't offer Jordan the money if they didn't take Bell's contract off the books.

Rookies sign when the Jordan ordeal is over.

You should just troll Biedrins and sarcastically ask how he improved his game. How come he wasn't playing in any charity/pick up games? Whatever he answers, under your breath mumble, "we should have amnestied your *+%....."
at Biedrins making that one jumpshot and raising his arm in victory

some one teach me how to embed lol

Originally Posted by What up

You should just troll Biedrins and sarcastically ask how he improved his game. How come he wasn't playing in any charity/pick up games? Whatever he answers, under your breath mumble, "we should have amnestied your *+%....."
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

You guys are trying to get me thrown out of the building. Word to Jazzy Jeff. 
ask if Monta Ellis is on Team Jordan or if he's still And1
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

You guys are trying to get me thrown out of the building. Word to Jazzy Jeff. 
Mr Jackson, will "Hand Down, Man Down" be used during practice?

JK, you bettah dan dat.
If this new Chris Paul trade to the Clippers goes through the Clips have to match Jordan's offer. They don't have another center.

Bledsoe, Aminu, Kaman combine to make around $16 million .... Paul makes $16 million ..... I hope they match.
If so, we may be looking at having our big free agent acquisition as Kwame Brown

I don't see how they don't match though. With CP3 aboard they have to.
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