And Monta wearing those Flint 13's. Nice

Might be the French blue cw from last year but 13's either way
Nice to see D Wright as well
I don't care if the refs blew that call, Monta has blown at least 3 last possessions this year. Not one has been executed correctly. He goes too late every time, and he never creates separation.

Let someone else handle the ball at the end of the game. If you want Monta to take the shot, set him up off a screen like Rip used to run in Detroit.
Originally Posted by Smokey1212

I don't care if the refs blew that call, Monta has blown at least 3 last possessions this year. Not one has been executed correctly. He goes too late every time, and he never creates separation.

Let someone else handle the ball at the end of the game. If you want Monta to take the shot, set him up off a screen like Rip used to run in Detroit.

matt steimentz been going hard on the dubs lately, lol
hill knew what month was gonna do
Bad call at the end but it wasn't the reason we lost.

at Fitzgerald overreacting at the end when they didn't call a shot clock violation on the Pacers in the last minute.
Bad call at the end, I had great seats in the lower level, and the crowd that night was pretty on point. Kinda sad on how it ended, went to the House of Chicken and Waffles in Jack London Square after the game to make me feel better 
How does Klay Thompson at 6'7" only grab 1.5 rebounds a game?

And at what point will the refs say they blew that call last night? Do you have to be the Lakers/Celtics to have the NBA issue an official statement that a mistake was made?
Isn't whomever Klay guarding usually out in the permiter? He runs out on transition to the arc or corner least that's what I see.

He's also so skinny, he isn't going to go crash
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