**Official Heat Games Thread: 2010-2011 REG. SEASON ENDING (58-24)**Heat fam, check-in 1 last time!!

Originally Posted by RoOk

Wow...I bet you Lebron misses those Cleveland fans man. Srsly though

This crowd sucks man. I remember watching the Cav's and the crowd was ALWAYS packed and loud
i was sayin when heat were down with a min or 2 left, if this was back here the place would be goin nuts no matter who they play.  ahmad gets on the mic and gets the crowd pumped, thats why he was at the all star game last year.  we do have a good crowd.  that was a hell of a game.  bosh gettin that rebound at the end stripped from him then him falling to the ground was classic.  then proceeds to get scored on for the next play.  lolol
hope these players are ready for the abuse they will get when they are one and done in the playoffs.
hope these players are ready for the abuse they will get when they are one and done in the playoffs.
That was a great game and even BETTER for my fantasy team.  AK and Millsap BEASTED for me!!!!

Let's be real though, that was straight luck.  Ain't no way Millsap will ever hit 3 3's in a game ever in his life.  Matter of fact, i'm not sure he'll hit another 3 all season. 

However, the Heat blowing that 20 point lead was pathetic.  There's no way they're anything near a championship contending team right now. 

Also, I think one of the major reasons Eddie House got that last play called for him was because it was only .04 left and he has the quickest release maybe in the L.
That was a great game and even BETTER for my fantasy team.  AK and Millsap BEASTED for me!!!!

Let's be real though, that was straight luck.  Ain't no way Millsap will ever hit 3 3's in a game ever in his life.  Matter of fact, i'm not sure he'll hit another 3 all season. 

However, the Heat blowing that 20 point lead was pathetic.  There's no way they're anything near a championship contending team right now. 

Also, I think one of the major reasons Eddie House got that last play called for him was because it was only .04 left and he has the quickest release maybe in the L.
Heat fans bout to jump ship...Hornets about to become NT's favorite team by next week
Heat fans bout to jump ship...Hornets about to become NT's favorite team by next week
WOW.... and stupid nba tv rigged the voting so this game was shown on nba tv thus no replays
WOW.... and stupid nba tv rigged the voting so this game was shown on nba tv thus no replays
Originally Posted by NobleKane

WOW.... and stupid nba tv rigged the voting so this game was shown on nba tv thus no replays
It comes on again at 9am tommorow morning

Originally Posted by NobleKane

WOW.... and stupid nba tv rigged the voting so this game was shown on nba tv thus no replays
It comes on again at 9am tommorow morning

Originally Posted by RoOk

Heat fans bout to jump ship...Hornets about to become NT's favorite team by next week
they can jump if they want.. i will still be here same with a couple of others.... this aint even that bad compared to that 15 win season....
i still that was a !%*##!$$ call with .4 left on the clock....

Originally Posted by RoOk

Heat fans bout to jump ship...Hornets about to become NT's favorite team by next week
they can jump if they want.. i will still be here same with a couple of others.... this aint even that bad compared to that 15 win season....
i still that was a !%*##!$$ call with .4 left on the clock....

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by NobleKane

WOW.... and stupid nba tv rigged the voting so this game was shown on nba tv thus no replays
It comes on again at 9am tommorow morning


but i work
if it was a league pass game it would be shown all night and day.

so what exactly caused the collapse by the heat? werent they up by 20? Spolstra better get it together before riley cans him.
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