Official Heat vs Celtics Thread. The Wagon Lives On. Choo Choo!

cRazy dav0:
is this real life ... are the heat really letting a dude that disappeared the entire playoffs / end of reg. season beat them on 1 arm

I saw you quoted me before, and I'm saying, I'm really baffled here. I mean, they're not only letting him run the floor as normal, but they're not even bodying him.

They REALLY need a coach to point out that dude's arm is dangling and it might kinda be a good idea to maybe smother his right side and force him left left, and left some more?

Is there like some kind of unwritten athlete's code or something? Like they don't want to intentionally hurt his arm further because they know they might be in some kind of situation sometime in the series? I really don't get this.
rondo rarely uses his left as it is. this really isnt that impressive miami is just ******ed for not pressuring him and still letting him do whatever he wants
rondo rarely uses his left as it is. this really isnt that impressive miami is just ******ed for not pressuring him and still letting him do whatever he wants
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

cRazy dav0:
is this real life ... are the heat really letting a dude that disappeared the entire playoffs / end of reg. season beat them on 1 arm

I saw you quoted me before, and I'm saying, I'm really baffled here. I mean, they're not only letting him run the floor as normal, but they're not even bodying him.

They REALLY need a coach to point out that dude's arm is dangling and it might kinda be a good idea to maybe smother his right side and force him left left, and left some more?

Is there like some kind of unwritten athlete's code or something? Like they don't want to intentionally hurt his arm further because they know they might be in some kind of situation sometime in the series? I really don't get this.

It's the overall mindset of that team.

To put it in simple terms...they aren't about "that" life.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

fraij da 5 11:
Rondo faking injuries

Yep, looks fake to me.
Everything about his left arm looks perfectly fine.

I know right? These dudes thinking he was really hurt.... Now Paul pierce a few years back.... That was heroic.

glad someone recognized this on NT 
Bosh is just soft, hate the way he plays, I can't point out to one thing specifically, but i just think he gets the quietest 20 and 10 games. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

cRazy dav0:
is this real life ... are the heat really letting a dude that disappeared the entire playoffs / end of reg. season beat them on 1 arm

I saw you quoted me before, and I'm saying, I'm really baffled here. I mean, they're not only letting him run the floor as normal, but they're not even bodying him.

They REALLY need a coach to point out that dude's arm is dangling and it might kinda be a good idea to maybe smother his right side and force him left left, and left some more?

Is there like some kind of unwritten athlete's code or something? Like they don't want to intentionally hurt his arm further because they know they might be in some kind of situation sometime in the series? I really don't get this.

It's the overall mindset of that team.

To put it in simple terms...they aren't about "that" life.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

fraij da 5 11:
Rondo faking injuries

Yep, looks fake to me.
Everything about his left arm looks perfectly fine.

I know right? These dudes thinking he was really hurt.... Now Paul pierce a few years back.... That was heroic.

glad someone recognized this on NT 
Bosh is just soft, hate the way he plays, I can't point out to one thing specifically, but i just think he gets the quietest 20 and 10 games. 
I can't fathom how a beast like LeBron is settling for jumpers while a one-armed Rondo is scoring in the paint. 

DAMN that's a good point.
Dear Lebron, your jumper is @!@. Please stop. Signed, Heat fans.
Wrote the same letter 7 years ago..
No response.


Another good point, though.
I can't fathom how a beast like LeBron is settling for jumpers while a one-armed Rondo is scoring in the paint. 

DAMN that's a good point.
Dear Lebron, your jumper is @!@. Please stop. Signed, Heat fans.
Wrote the same letter 7 years ago..
No response.


Another good point, though.
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