Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

Originally Posted by sladewilson


I don't know why the Heat overloaded the right side of the floor unless Wade's intentions were to go left and use LeBron as an option if needed (never looked like it though). And then Amar'e forced him right and right into Fields since Bosh had nowhere to go.

Since LeBron is best going left, it makes even more sense to swap he and Wade in that particular play, but whatever. I'm not complaining. Thanks for keeping Battier on Melo, too.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

There are instances when it's right to criticize LeBron for not asserting himself as the best basketball player on Earth. This was not one of them.

Eric drew the play up and LBJ wasn't the first option. That's it. None of this other %*$# matters.

He hit a 3 to tie the game with about 1 minute left and got an And 1 the next possession IIRC. Save the "scared of the moment" thoughts for another time.
That @#!% was stupid.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

There are instances when it's right to criticize LeBron for not asserting himself as the best basketball player on Earth. This was not one of them.

Eric drew the play up and LBJ wasn't the first option. That's it. None of this other %*$# matters.

He hit a 3 to tie the game with about 1 minute left and got an And 1 the next possession IIRC. Save the "scared of the moment" thoughts for another time.
That @#!% was stupid.
I was under the basket and still have no idea how he got that up on the glass. 
Spoiler [+]

Was not pleased. 
i was hoping knicks get swept so J.Lin wouldn't rush back to the court. I have a feeling he's going to play really bad if he plays game 5. I mean he must be rusty as hell and this is going to be his first playoff game.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

There are instances when it's right to criticize LeBron for not asserting himself as the best basketball player on Earth. This was not one of them.

Eric drew the play up and LBJ wasn't the first option. That's it. None of this other %*$# matters.

He hit a 3 to tie the game with about 1 minute left and got an And 1 the next possession IIRC. Save the "scared of the moment" thoughts for another time.
That @#!% was stupid.
I was under the basket and still have no idea how he got that up on the glass. 
Spoiler [+]

Was not pleased. 


Definitely gonna watch replays of the play now to see your real time reaction if possible
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

There are instances when it's right to criticize LeBron for not asserting himself as the best basketball player on Earth. This was not one of them.

Eric drew the play up and LBJ wasn't the first option. That's it. None of this other %*$# matters.

He hit a 3 to tie the game with about 1 minute left and got an And 1 the next possession IIRC. Save the "scared of the moment" thoughts for another time.
That @#!% was stupid.
I was under the basket and still have no idea how he got that up on the glass. 
Spoiler [+]

Was not pleased. 

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by dreClark

That @#!% was stupid.
I was under the basket and still have no idea how he got that up on the glass. 
Spoiler [+]

Was not pleased. 


Definitely gonna watch replays of the play now to see your real time reaction if possible
I just watched it... he had the same expression same stance like he knew it was coming.
A slight rock after the play like "!*** I Knew It!!!" but that's it 

but this is what the knicks wanted. they wanted Miami first. they thought Melos team would beat Brons.
I don't care if the whole Knick team was healthy they still had no chance vs the Heat. yet they wanted the Heat first rnd....SMH!
All that talk about how playing in Miami's arena would be home court advantage thru out the whole series....lmaoooooo
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

All that talk about how playing in Miami's arena would be home court advantage thru out the whole series....lmaoooooo
Real classy, bro. Real classy. 
Good series. Y'all just outclassed us and the injuries didn't help.

I feel like we defended Miami well, but Miami's defense just wouldn't allow any flow to the offense. Miami bodies up on everyone. Great defensive team.

Good luck in the second round, although y'all might not need it.
Originally Posted by h3at23

Why throw salt on wounds though? 

because they talked so much crap before the series started. all this, Melo is going to shut down Lebron, novak and Jr will have a field day with 3 pointers, Amari will out class Bosh, this this and that...
And now they are on hush hush.....smh
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by h3at23

Why throw salt on wounds though? 
because they talked so much crap before the series started. all this, Melo is going to shut down Lebron, novak and Jr will have a field day with 3 pointers, Amari will out class Bosh, this this and that...
And now they are on hush hush.....smh
Exactly. Biggest troll fanbase of know it alls in the world. Talk so much beforehand then when it goes the other way they're all of a sudden classy and honorable. !@+@#. Look at the first few pages before the first game even started. "Shock the world."

Same time next year, same results. 
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by h3at23

Why throw salt on wounds though? 
because they talked so much crap before the series started. all this, Melo is going to shut down Lebron, novak and Jr will have a field day with 3 pointers, Amari will out class Bosh, this this and that...
And now they are on hush hush.....smh
Exactly. Biggest troll fanbase of know it alls in the world. Talk so much beforehand then when it goes the other way they're all of a sudden classy and honorable. !@+@#. Look at the first few pages before the first game even started. "Shock the world."

Same time next year, same results. 

You hear me!
 I kept it classy when we found out we would play them first rnd, but with all the bad talking they did, and the way they didn't want to tank games to avoid miami made me FURIOUS. i couldn't believe they actually thought that Knicks team was competition for the heat...smh.

Its obvious Melo wanted the Heat also, smh, he thought he could beat them with that team.. should have stayed in denver.

How anyone could ever say Melo>>> Bron is beyond me, Bron has been to the finals twice, 2 mvps with another one coming, a couple All Star game MVP's and what has melo done....NOTHING.
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