Not a Marchand fan in the least but man will it be a joke if dude gets suspended after Sid just skated off on doing the same thing + chopping apendages off :rofl:
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Not a Marchand fan in the least but man will it be a joke if dude gets suspended after Sid just skated off on doing the same thing + chopping apendages off :rofl:
Marchand has a history of being dirty for years though
I think he's gonna get 2 games
sidney has a history of it too. just hasn't been suspended for it. but we all know he's a dirty little BA. someone needs to headshot him
sidney has a history of it too. just hasn't been suspended for it. but we all know he's a dirty little BA. someone needs to headshot him
Cindy has sat out games with concussion problems in the past
I would say that's similar to a suspension :lol:
We seriously are going to compare the dirty play of Marchand and Crosby?


Come on. Marchand is a hair below Ulf Samuelsson at this point. 

Crosby is dirty as well, but he isn't even in the same tier.

That all said, the fact that Crosby got away scott-free is a joke. Add it to the millions of other reasons Bettman is an absolute tool (yes I know suspensions don't fall under his jurisdiction, but you're naive if you think he doesn't hold sway on decisions).
:lol: @ defending Crosby

dirty is dirty, man :lol:

spears...they both do it
slew foots...marchy
chopping fingers...sidney

what's the difference?
Like I said,I've got NO love for the Bruins whatsoever, they almost killed my captain but the double standards are a bit much :lol:
What double standard? They are both dirty players, as I stated.

The fact DSA is trying to compare a guy who has 10x the incidents as the other is simply comical to me.  

I get it, you have to defend your guy. But when the first defense is, "Well, CROSBY never got suspended", it's a little disingenuous. 
i'm not defending Marchy. i said he deserves to be suspended. said it right above. i only pointed out that Sidney could get away with the same move with no suspension (or penalty even) and just continue to receive all the praise in the world :lol:
2 games. i'll take it. no playoff misses and he stays healthy at least heading into the post season :lol:
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