Any else going to watch the expansion draft besides me? I’m intrigued lol.
I'm a casual hockey fan and will definitely start following closer once the Kraken start, have some friends who were thinking of going. May end up just watching some of it on TV. Really cool they will be having some Seattle athletes announcing the picks.
Sup guise.

Not to spoil the picks but alot of have leaked already

Don't have a clue who many of these dudes are but ready to dive in and be a regular in this thread
Damn defence looks pretty strong. Saw they took McCann :smh: was kinda hype about that pick up. Eberle is a nice one too.

Saw they not taking Price or Tarasenko. Think thy gonna take Dreidger
GP and Reign Man out there at Gaswork too! I should’ve went, SMFH…
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Someone in the comments of my stream said they shouldve just moved the Sabres there 😂
we got elpablo21 elpablo21 in here...but is 651akathepaul 651akathepaul watching??? :nerd:
Gonna need you to school me on some of these cats
Gonna need you to school me on some of these cats
Spoiler for DSA (not watching, so don’t know if it’s been formally announced yet)
Kind of upset y’all are getting the Big Rig (Oleksiak), but I’m not sure if Dallas would have been able to keep him from free agency. Big, physical defenseman. Won’t really do much to wow you throughout the game other than a big hit or two, but solid 3rd pairing guy with 2nd pairing potential depending on his partner.
welp there goes our goon. Kings reddit saying we need to pick up a new enforcer to replace MacD, dude was a pylon but he could put em up. Tend to agree, gotta have protection out there from the Tom Wilsons of the world.
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