
Twitter sources just said that Parise needs another day to decide lol

He's gonna comeback here to Minny and go over it with his fam.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Twitter sources just said that Parise needs another day to decide lol


In other words, "buying time", "making GM's sweat", "making Suter wait" 
BUF trades Derek Roy to DAL for Steve Ott and Adam Pardy

Hard to believe that is all Roy is worth.
Anyways.. a article from Russo... 


Twitter nearly imploded after word out of Toronto came out that Zach Parise would be talking to reporters.

Zach Parise's coming home, but it'll only be to make a decision if that doesn't happen late tonight after he talks everything over with his fiancee.

Via text, Parise tells me, "All I can say is that we made a lot of progress and we are closer today than yesterday."

But the highly-sought free agent is close to a decision, I'm told, but he does want to discuss everything with his family before coming home to Minnesota tomorrow.

"We have thoroughly deliberated every option with Zach," agent Wade Arnott emailed me. "He wishes to take some time to step back and review all with his fiance and his family. We could be drawing closer to a decision."

Parise's fiancee is actually in Toronto, so who knows when the decision will come down, but he is definitely returning to Minnesota tomorrow. If the decision happens tonight, is there such a thing anymore as, "STOP THE PRESSES!"

Parise has been overwhelmed with multi-million dollar offers from several teams. He wouldn't say which teams he's narrowed it down to, but he did say New Jersey is still in the mix. The Wild remains one team on his list, I'm ensured, and the others appear to be Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit.

I know everybody's impatient and there's incredible suspense, but he's been a free agent since 11 yesterday, is being thrown $100 million offers and has to make a decision where he is basically going to spend the rest of his career. That's not an easy one?

'It's such a long-term, important decision, you have to make sure you look at everything," Parise is quoted as saying on TSN's Mark Masters' Twitter account.

Does he want to come home, play in front of family and friends and put the Wild on the map? Does he want to go to teams already on the map and play with Sid and Geno, Toews and Hossa, Datsyuk and Zetterberg? Or does he want to return to the place he feels so comfortable and captains in Jersey?

Not a simple decision.

As of 10 minutes ago, Ryan Suter's agent, Neil Sheehy, said there's nothing to report on his end.

More later -- maybe
No way Zach goes to Chicago. I think it's between Minnesota & NJ. I just don't see Pittsburgh or Detroit being teams he would play for.
Originally Posted by Physicx

BUF trades Derek Roy to DAL for Steve Ott and Adam Pardy

Hard to believe that is all Roy is worth.

Thank goodness I don't have to see this dude in the Pacific Division anymore.  I highly dislike Ott.  
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by Physicx

BUF trades Derek Roy to DAL for Steve Ott and Adam Pardy

Hard to believe that is all Roy is worth.

Thank goodness I don't have to see this dude in the Pacific Division anymore.  I highly dislike Ott.  
buffalo games will be fun this year. thornton, mcquaid, and lucic are ready
yeah i def think Parise is Minny/NJ bound w/ Suter Detroit. They said if it was the money they would both be Flyers
 (9 mil cap hit i read) seriously hope they don't sign here if that's the case.
but yeah he better move. everything is in a stand still.
Word.. Thats what i dont like about ,,, the money that can potentially/is being thrown at Parise will be higher than what a Sidney crosby earns.. and Zach as good of a player he is.. Is in no way better than a Sid...
Its going to be a Mortgage for any team that threw out a hfty contract offer out like the Wild have..

But then again.. MN cant pass up on the home town kid who became a star in the league.. going into his prime and the potential to bring a cup home on his shoulders...  hope we land him but if we dont.. It'll suck badly but the silver lining would be the money we save...

Anyways.. another signing...

Winnipeg Jets agree to 2 year deal, worth $9mil with Olli Jokinen $4.5/yr

Darren Dreger
Alright.... Maybe today is the day we find out where Parise and Suter are going... Wings seem like they want 1 of Semin, Nash or Ryan if they miss on Parise which looks likely at this point
I'm ok of Parise skips Pitt (especially of he goes to Min), Penguins simply need to beef up and get better on D. Scoring will be fine with a few tweaks
This looks

although not totally accurate....toward the end of the clip, they showed MAF making a save.
I don't see how anyone could really be mad at Parise either. Kid has gotta choose between the team that drafted him and has treated him well, his hometown team and a team with an extremely storied history. I'd take my time as well.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I don't see how anyone could really be mad at Parise either. Kid has gotta choose between the team that drafted him and has treated him well, his hometown team and a team with an extremely storied history. I'd take my time as well.

Only reason GM's are upset is because they're waiting as well for their plan B.  

It's a big decision not to be made under pressure.  Glad he's taking his time, in the end, I think he chooses to stay in NJ personally. 
My only beef with the FA period is actually with the contracts... These 12 - 15 year deals are so ridiculous... Make it 5 or something simple.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

The Dallas Stars sign Jaromir Jagr to a 1yr deal worth 4.5M

Dallas on the up and up with very sold Top 6 forwards now... Good off season for them so far...

What the hell?  Two 40 year old's getting 4.5M per year   (Jagr, Whitney)  
Is Mike Modano willing to come out of retirement??  They can have an all 90's era line 

Red Wings offer is 13yrs 90M for Suter 
that's nuts. what's even crazier is the rumored,13 yr. 100+ million deal the Wild is offering Parise for a whopping 10 mil cap hit.  unless that was debunked? read that earlier before i went to work
Does Minnesota even have that type of money? I don't know the details of some of these teams revenues, but it sounds like the way they throw offers out is like going for broke. These smaller market teams are putting themselves in a bind.
Nah, I heard about that Minny offer as well.

They have a big one out to Suter as well.

I know my dude December's is gonna bust out a screen shot of me not believing Zach would go home if he does sign in Minny
Nah... No screencaps. But i had some gifs up my sleeve if he did sign with us 

We'll see.. Im not extremely confident but im glad the Wild are in his shortlist and there is strong possibility of him playin for the Wild but then again... 

He has a chance to team up with other superstar players in Pitt/Chi/Det/or Phi... Tough..

Anyways.. there will be no decision today and most likely wont be one tmw since its July 4th.. So the earliest a decision is made is on thrusday/friday..
Cant knock guys that want a huge pay day in a sport where it is hard to come by... If they choose Minny, best of luck and Detroit will prob sit and wait on Weber next off season if he doesn't re-up with Nashville sooner.
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