:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:just had a HUGE season. big markets like LA and NY have been re energized. would be idiotic

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A lockout now after the season they just had would crush them worse than 04 did.

I've heard they're even disagreeing about NHL players in the Winter Olympics?
Bettman going for that hattrick lockout! Looks like I'll be following the Jokerit this season or something. Maybe some AHL/ECHL teams :frown:
not looking good as far as a lockout is concerned... knew this was gonna happen once Don Fehr got involved with the NHLPA a few years ago. ******g hate this guy go back to destroying the MLB >:
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I don't fault Fehr here.

The NHLPA sacrificed enough the last time around, and now, after apparently 7 years of record revenues, the league wants to further degrade the players' share of HRR? Get of here. It also seems like the players genuinely care for the game, and want to negotiate. On the other hand, give two ***** about hockey? Maybe Pegula, Snider, Leonsis, Chipman and Mario. The rest are either conglomerates, filthy rich or delinquents-- mostly the latter.

It doesn't help that Bettman is by far the most incompetent and unlikable commissioner in sports. He has literally done everything in his power to destroy this league. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't been assassinated by some lunatic Canadian hockey fan yet. A related anecdote: When I attended the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference this year, Bettman was on the opening panel with Michael Wilbon, Adam Silver, Rob Manfred, Steve Tisch, and Scott Boras. When they weren't ignoring Bettman, they were laughing at him. Silver openly made a joke about how poorly he negotiated the NBA's television deal in the 1980s.

****. If the NHL is locked out this year, I'm done. What a way to treat a fanbase.
could be brutal freinds...

Bettmans a joke but i dont think its alll his fault, seems like theyre not even close too...

feels bad man.
the possibility of an NHL lockout was mentioned ONCE on ESPN the whole day. only the SVP show talked about it, albeit very very briefly

this sucks :smh:

in the meantime, any NHL brethren wanna do an NFL fantasy league? ill create a league if we can get at least 8 to commit
the possibility of an NHL lockout was mentioned ONCE on ESPN the whole day. only the SVP show talked about it, albeit very very briefly
this sucks

in the meantime, any NHL brethren wanna do an NFL fantasy league? ill create a league if we can get at least 8 to commit
This *&%*ing sucks :smh: back in the league for one year and already a lockout. I really don't know who to blame at this point, both sides have problems I'm almost positive we're going to miss games which is absurd considering there was one about 7 years ago

And this was pointed out to me today, 1 year ago today Rick Rypien died :frown: in the year and a bit that we have had NHL back in Winnipeg I can honestly say there's only been one negative day related to hockey and that was this day one year ago RIP Rick Rypien

I would also be down for fantasy football so if a league is created count me in
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k, you guys prefer ESPN or Yahoo!? i did one on recently and it was actually kind of cool but i def prefer the other two

anyways, you guys see what these trolls in Edmonton did to TSN's Best Under-25 list?





for the record as a massive homer, had i voted at all it would of been for a Crosby-Toews and Stamkos-Giroux semifinals. not that this poll means anything but :lol:
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i went ahead and made a Yahoo! league, 12-teams max w/ standard (non-ppr) scoring. 1QB 2RB 2WR 1TE 1RB/WR/TE 1K 1DST

draft is tentatively set for Mon, Sept 3 at 10:30 EST. if you want it earlier or later, lemme know

ID# 565374
PW niketalk

im open to changing the draft time, roster (ex. 2QB) and the scoring type
i've got another draft at that if we could do earlier that'd be cool. if not, no worries, i got two comps and can handle a double :lol:
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