give me times in the game where you guys thought the Rangers should have been penalized ?

I'm open for blaming the refs, if you can point out instances...

**I'll wait**
give me times in the game where you guys thought the Rangers should have been penalized ?

I'm open for blaming the refs, if you can point out instances...

**I'll wait**

It's not that the Rangers should be penalized, but there have been some insanely soft calls going against the Caps. Having close to 2x the penalties called against your team shouldn't happen.

Refs usually get the retalliation, but they missed Callahan's elbow and also the slew foot by Dorsett. Also, if they're gonna call one on Ward for a x-check, they they should have penalized MDZ for roughing on Perrault.

it is what it is tho...

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Gunna dropped the "I'll wait" like **** was a done deal and the Rangers couldn't have possibly committed a penalty that game lol. What a damn joke of a game in all aspects from Callahan diving like a little ***** every period to missed calls and refs guessing out there.

There isn't a single team in the NHL disciplined enough to have a 2x power play advantage. You can think whatever you'd like but when you spend 12 minutes killing penalties and the other team spends 0, yes, that is being given the game on a silver platter.
Not surprised to see Brad Watson and Marc Joannette were ****** again today in the Caps game. They were the same guys who refused to call a single penalty on Detroit in Game Six. :smh:
The physicality of playoff hockey is what makes it so great. Refs have left their mark on this series and it's evident byway in the discrepancy of calls between the two teams. I'll give all the credit in the world to Lundqvist because he has single-handedly kept the Rangers in this series. Dude has stood on his head. That being said, the Refs haven't made things exactly fair. If they're going to call the series, it needs to be one of two ways...tight for both teams, or just let the boys play. They haven't done either and it's been an embarrassment. I hope going into tomorrow night the refs are a little better....that's all I ask.
there is SO much wrong with our game right now, i don't even know where to begin :lol:

wonder how much pepcid AC i can run through between now and tomorrow night. hangover Tuesday either way, can't wait :\
Statement from Bruins General Manager Peter Chiarelli:

"Late during tonight's game we were made aware that there was a malfunction with our airplane. As a result we are staying in Toronto on Sunday night and the team will travel to Boston on Monday morning."

Jagr isn't a good fit. Much rather have Iginla in hindsight.

Seguin is harder to find than Waldo right now.

they have to sit Shawn Thornton...he serves very little purpose in the playoffs (nevermind a game 7) outside of being a locker room leader.

not sure about mass line changes, but you have to play Soderberg and sit Thornton as a minimum

that would be a good time to propose trades...i'll be pissed off and drunk. would likely have no issue blowing up a fantasy baseball team :lol:
wait until you're a couple years short of 30 and then let me know how the hangovers feel :lol:
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So a Leafs fan got hammered and tampered with our team plane. Great.
trust me, it's been 9 years. The guy wasn't drunk. He's just desperate - just like the rest of the city. 

My guy Reimer. 

Finally Kadri creates an offensive opportunity with that first goal. Been quiet this whole series.

What an eventful series so far. 
Reimer's wife though.

she's pretty damn fine. i'd normally take her over looch's girl and a blond....but cuthbert is one of the few blond chicks i absolutely love.

i'd like to drive my car into britney lucic...annoying *** chick and she tamed the beast :lol:
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I'd gladly breakup that marriage if it means Looch will play better and I get to stuff Brittany like a Thanksgiving turkey.
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