Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by TiZzlexiPhone

I just found an iphone, anyway around the passcode?

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by ps2child

ight im strongly thinking about taking my tp2 back and getting a cliq.
anyone think this is a good move or not?
Nah homie, that's downgrading. What don't u like about the phone?
I cant get used to the version of windows on it. for some reason i was thinking this phone would be like a G1 with android on it.
turns out i didnt do my research well enough and now knowing that android is not for this phone. if i can find some cool free apps or find a
way to make using the phones GUI/rom better i may consider keeping but right now this phone is boring me and i want to get something else.

any advice??
First u gotta hardspl the phone and flash it to a ROM that u like. As u can see they are workin on an Android port for the TP2 and u have so many different ROMS to choose froom as well as apps, u have to dibble and dabble w/ em
It's still going to look the same though. It seems like he's interested in a widget based UI. He'd have to use PointUI or downloadSPB's Mobile Shell (see my earlier post for a 50% off coupon).

The "Stick Together" logo is a T-mobile US advert. The phone is (unofficially) confirmed for the North American Market. Far as Sprint goes, the HD2 runs on a GSM network, so sorry not coming to Sprint.
Yeah, I've read all that too. I just thought it was funny that the dude using that ROM was in Italy.

As far as the network goes, remember that HTC almost always introduces the GSM version first. That didn't keep Sprint and Verizon from getting thosephones (Touch, Touch Diamond and Pro, Touch Diamond and Pro 2). That's not to say I expect to see it on Sprint or Verzion, just that we can't rule itout.

On a different note, I saw that my TP2 has 80-90+ megabytes of free memory (after reset) when using Titanium (Windows Default), 70-80+ Mbs when using SPB'sMobile Shell, and 50+ Mbs when using Sense UI (2.1). I think I'll stick with Mobile Shell if I can find alternate images to use as icons.
T-Mobile is really gonna start off 2010 pretty good. I really want to say that the HD2 and Nexus One will be their best phones for sometime. But with all thisnew technology and this smartphone competition, it's hard to say. We still have yet to see what HTC has to release for the later half of 2010, it'sspeculated that those phones will be compatible with WM7, given that it is set to be release around that time.

Seeing how my sister has T-Mobile, I would try to use her account and upgrade and get the HD2 if the price isn't too much, hopefully. I would unlock it andput it on AT&T, I wouldn't mind just being on the Edge network, plus a lot of times I'm an area where there is wifi. I'm really looking forwardto WM7, maybe this time Microsoft can pull through.

[h1]Windows Mobile 7 Discussed At SF Dev Camp[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 30-Dec-09 | 0 Comments


There's nothing that we already didn't know or had not speculated about before, but Microsoft did shed some light on Windows Mobile 7, including the main cause of delay being that Microsoft is changing its mobile strategy to have a revised, updated user experience when the forthcoming OS leaves the gates. WMExperts caught glimpse of the Dev Camp video and posted a transcript, which is below:

For example, at the 2hr mark, we get this exchange:

Q: (roughly translated): "So Steve Ballmer went out and recently said "Windows Mobile 6.1 wasn't what we wanted it to be, neither was 6.5", so with that in mind, when is 7 coming out?"
(The WM7 developer added to what the others from the WM team had to say about the question)
A: "I can give you a little inside information there Mike. I'm not gonna give you anymore than Loke gave you, but I can give you some context. My day job, is working on Windows Mobile 7. I own the calendar feature in fact. I had to try really really hard to convince my manager to let me come down here in San Fransisco and take a day off. All day long, working on 7, staying focused. Its on track (Ed. cough, cough)

The reason its been delayed and you haven't heard much about it is cause we had to go back to the drawing board with our strategy. Change things a little bit to be more competitive when we come out the door, so were not laughed at. We wanna make the same kind of impact the Zune HD made, if you look at Engadget and the blogosphere, people were very impressed with the Zune HD in many ways except for the lack of an app store.

We wanna put out something that we're all proud of, which is competitive on day one, we don't wanna wait any longer."

But there's more.

-There won't be an OTA update feature in WM6.5 (which should be obvious at this point) but they are serious about it for WM7
-Definitely no Zune phone, but they are most certainly aware of trying to emulate that success with their new OS
-Better graphics support in the OS and for developers too
[h1]HTC Confirms that HD2 Gets Windows Mobile 7 on Twitter[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 30-Dec-09 | 10 Comments


We just got an interesting news tip pointing to the HTC Twitter account from Russia. The tweet mentions that the only HTC device currently on the market to receive a Windows Mobile 7 upgrade will be the HD2. And we've suspected this for a while, considering that the HD2 meets Microsoft's hardware requirements for Windows Mobile 7. Here's what they said:

for Diamond 2 firmware is not planned. Of the existing communicators on the market, only the HD2 firmware to get WM7.

Hopefully what we see here is a true (and considering that this was said by an official HTC rep, it should be), because the HD2 is going to turn out to be one of the most popular smartphones of all time. If it's getting an upgrade to 7, this will make a lot of people happy.

Thanks for the tip, av8612.

(via: HTC Russia Twitter)
Ight... So my TP2 has water damage and the replacement is $150... might as well cop a new phone now. It's still usable, although quite sluggish. Should Ihold off on getting a new phone, or just cop the hero? I'm kinda tired of WM, and the TP2 is like $400 whereas the Hero is $180.
Originally Posted by impalaballa187

Ight... So my TP2 has water damage and the replacement is $150... might as well cop a new phone now. It's still usable, although quite sluggish. Should I hold off on getting a new phone, or just cop the hero? I'm kinda tired of WM, and the TP2 is like $400 whereas the Hero is $180.

[h1]Windows Mobile in 2010: Our Predictions[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 31-Dec-09 | 2 Comments


Brandon gave us a quick summary of what 2009 looked like for Windows Mobile, with the biggest highlights being Windows Mobile 6.5 and the HTC HD2. Now, join me and a few fellow editors in looking at the crystal ball and seeing what's to come in 2010 for Microsoft's mobile operating system , but also the future as it stands for the smartphone competition as well.

Anton: WM7, Office 2010, Tegra based devices but I predict WM losing some ground and Android gaining some more.

Adam: But what will WM7 have? How about a GUI that changes its 3D perspective based on accelerometer input? I'm wishing/hoping for a voice-only interface option... like MSVC on steroids with an API for developers to integrate with. So 3rd party applications could create applications compatible with the voice UI and you could control certain aspects all from one voice interface and one Bluetooth headset button. Some GPS navigation integration with calendar appointments would be extremely useful. Of course we can expect Zune integration.

Brandon: Windows Mobile 7....Capacitive on 6.5.x....HTC producing more Android....The HD2 Pro comes around.

Stephen: Second, Adam's view. Voice integration with 3D graphics would provide some real differentiation. The down side 11 or 12 months is a long time away. Apple and Google aren't sitting around.

Jaime: More AMOLED for better performance. Thinner devices, more capacitive technology. A true windows phone.. Following tendencies.. Something to do with the Zune strategy…Better exchange integration and probably a newer, more powerful office version. Higher resolution screen with easy video out services. More touch, but also some one handed usability mix.

Chuong: Exchange ActiveSync technology will still remain the company's bread and butter as many players will continue to license Microsoft's direct push standard to compete with RIM BlackBerry push email. New paradigms for interacting with the phone and the environment will emerge--Google's already released Google Goggles for Android, an app that allows users to do visual Google searches by snapping pictures and the search engine will analyze the photos and query for results. Voice, visual, and touch will continue to grow. We're probably going to see Microsoft being more integrative in its approach to mobile in 2010, leveraging its divisions (Zune, Office, Xbox, and others) to bring a powerful mobile computer to the market with an easy to use UI. 2010 will be a big year for Microsoft, and hopefully it can begin to woo more developers to Marketplace for Mobile. Perhaps, 2010 will also be the year where Windows Mobile will get OTA updates.

For additional thoughts on Windows Mobile 7, be sure to check out some of our postulations.

Since you, our dear readers, are also a part of the family, we invite you to share your predictions, hopes, and dreams for Windows Mobile--and smartphones in general--with us. What do you want to see? What can be realistically expected in 2010?
Originally Posted by tz85

thats crazy how a hd2 could run on android
Not really. Any phone can run on a different OS considering it has the necessary physical components. The HD2 has a 1ghz Snapdragon processor soit could run any OS if it was ported to it. I would love to see a phone that HTC made in agreement w/ WinMo and Android that allows u to run either one on itw/ out jumpin through loops.

I'm bored at work so might as well go head and flash to a more updated NRG ROM. Still ify on the 2.5 tho I wanna try it
[h1]Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet[/h1]
Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days-ourselves included-so it's not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet.

Smarthouse, an Australian publication, reports that HTC and Google have been collaborating "for the past 18 months" and have produced "several working models of a touch tablet," including one outfitted with Google's Chrome OS. We wrote why a Google Tablet would be a good idea last month, and with the Apple Tablet discussion reaching a fever pitch, it's harder and harder to get excited about a Chrome OS netbook from Google.

Having collaborated on the Nexus One, a smart phone that impressed us with its design as well as its hardware, HTC and Google partnering on a tablet seems like a promising prospect. But will it "compete head on" with Apple's tablet as Smarthouse claims? Probably not.

From what we know, it seems like Apple is putting as much effort into their tablet's content as they are into the gadget itself. We've written extensively on how an Apple tablet could redefine newspapers, textbooks, and magazines. In the last case, we've already salivated, more than once, over concepts for how magazines might evolve in a multi-touch future. Add that to Apple's recent acquisition of Lala, a move that likely points to a cloud-based future for iTunes, and the reports that Apple is trying to secure TV show subscription packages for the iTunes store. Admittedly, not a whole lot is certain about Apple's tablet. But you start looking at all of those pieces and how they might fit together around one device, you can easily envision a gadget that is focused on streaming the stuff you read, the stuff you listen to, and the stuff you watch.

It's hard to foresee a future in which a Google Tablet tries to go head to head with Apple on the content level. That's not to say, however, that there aren't some compelling things that could be offered by a Google tablet. As the launch of Google's Chrome OS made clear, they're looking toward a future with a multitude of devices that can access the Internet quickly, cleanly, and cheaply. A Google Tablet could be just the thing to realize all of those goals. When we tried out the JooJoo tablet, we saw how a well-designed tablet for consuming web content could provide an engaging experience. A Chrome OS tablet by Google would likely work the same way, keeping typing to a minimum and offering a literal hands-on web surfing experience. [Smarthouse via Business Insider]
[h2]Windows Mobile 7 in testing[/h2]
January 6th, 2010 | Author: admin

Its no surprise really, but its nice to see things finally rumbling along for Windows Mobile 7 at Microsoft.

The latest news from Microsoft's Press release as job adverts is asking for a Software Development Engineer for the Windows Mobile 7 International/Content Test Team where developers can apparently make an immediate difference.

Hopefully with the OS going into wider testing it also means it wont be long before we see the first leaks of the OS also.
Software Development Engineer in Test- Windows Mobile Job

Product: Windows Mobile
Accelerate your career while working in a fun, challenging environment! The Windows Mobile 7 International/Content Test Team is a place where you can immediately make a difference, and grow your scope of influence across different groups. We are part of Windows Mobile Division, Microsoft's fastest growing, most cutting edge business. If you are a strong, enthusiastic software design engineer in test looking for a chance to make an impact on a major Microsoft initiative then this is the role for you!
We are rolling out a number of new Test technologies, tools, and processes aimed at the improvement of the UI and Localization Quality of the next Windows Mobile releases, while making a continuous effort to increase the productivity of our Testing, which results in significant costs savings, and improved financial results for the organization. If you enjoy venturing in "uncharted territories" to build brand new Test infrastructures as opposed to just maintaining the existent, we have plenty of interesting challenges to offer you!

Join us and become part of the team which will make Windows phones the most compelling mobile platform on the planet!

See the full advert here.
Sphere: Related Content

[h2]HTC sees full year 2009 revenue of $4.55 billion, 5% down from 2008[/h2]
January 6th, 2010 | Author: admin

Digitimes reports that HTC's full year revenue for 2009 has clocked in at $4.55 billion, 5.03% less than the year previously. Before tax this left HTC with a $800 million profit and a gross margin of 17.5%.

Despite hot handsets like the HTC HD2 and the HTC Hero, HTC's Q4 was still down 13.29% YoY. 2009 saw HTC place a significant focus on their Android handsets, which sell to consumers at a much lower margin than their business-focussed Windows Mobile handsets.

While HTC saw only a slight decline in revenue in a very difficult economic climate, rivals like Apple and RIM were seemingly unaffected by this, suggesting HTC's move to Android has not helped it tap into the high-value zeitgeist like its its other more popular rivals appear to have done.

See the full report at Digitimes here.
From twitter:

A little evening news for you ladies and gents; the HTC HD2 is coming to T-Mobile US this spring!

RDLV says "we'll have HTC devices , AT&T exclusives, that will run Androidplatform."

Chou, HTC CEO, joins Ralph De la Vega on stage - HTC focused on "innovation,quality & design"

If you don't know, CES is going on this week, started today and ends on the 10th, there is a lot of info that's being revealed.
They keep screwing you over at AT&T homie, good looks on the info.
Like i said on the other post i think im becoming addicted to phones.
AT&T is really losing.
But I'm with you, over the past months I have found myself more addicted to phones/technology.
HTC should build devices similar to one another and have one WM and one Android so consumers wouldn't have to compromise on the phone and OS
these names are ridiculous... lol...

but still though...

HD2 IS COMING TO TMOBILE?... somebody please just lemme know somethin good...
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

HTC should build devices similar to one another and have one WM and one Android so consumers wouldn't have to compromise on the phone and OS


I was thinking about this not to long ago. I have a decent idea I would love to pitch to company.

FUUUUUUU Pocketnow, put up the Microsoft CES keynote from last year and I didn't realize until now.
That's whats up. Google is screwing over current Tmobile customers by making them pay full price for the Nexus One instead of that 179.99 fee. Im coppinthe HD2.
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